“That brat will cry for a while, is it scary?”

Left Fang at the complexion Zhao Fang, who kept changing, slightly narrowed his eyes and his eyes fell on Li Yuanba.

“I thought it was a peerless fierce person. I didn’t expect it to be such a child.”

Thinking of myself before, I was scared by this little girl, I dare not go forward, the left apprentice is somewhat unnatural and resentful.

“Whether you say that blocking Old Man kills, you can only ask you to die!”

The left is sneer.

He repeatedly confirmed that the skinny youngster, the exercise looks weird, the cultivation base is very weak, and he can kill himself by raising his hand.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, he decided to start.

call out!

Out of caution, the left did not use teleport, but emits out the powerful aura of the fake baby Powerhouse, with one kind of oppressive attitude, killing Zhao Fang and Li Yuanba.


Zhao Fang quickly wakes up.

I am still surrounded by people now.

Looking at the left-handed screaming, Zhao Fang suddenly laughed.

“Yuanba, this old man is coming to bully our brother…”

Zhao Fang said nothing.

Li Yuanba immediately fried hair.

“What? This old man dares to bully Big Brother? I tore him!”

The voice is still echoing in Zhao Fang’s ear, Li Yuanba’s body, instantly tearing the Space, breaking through the sound barrier, with amazing momentum, killing the left.

“What? This is the imposing manner…”

The left-handed complexion suddenly became a stiff, and suddenly found that Li Yuanba did not move, but if it was Thunder, the imposing manner was also terrifying.

Even Fujiwara Old Ancestor does not have such a terrifying imposing manner.

“how can it be?”

The left is unbelievable, but I also know that I am looking away.

The seemingly quiet and stupid youngster is really a terrifying existence.

“little friend, misunderstanding, misunderstanding…”

The left-hander quickly removed the attack, his face tried to squeeze out his smile, and he wanted to ask for, and the body kept going back.

For his words, he has already killed Li Yuanba in the near future and simply ignored it.

“Old scorpion, you bully me, forget it, dare to bully Big Brother, I tear you!”

Seeing Li Yuanba, a pair of oil and salt did not enter the sultry appearance, the left is also anxious.

“Don’t force me, once you start to move, you are absolutely…”

The left apprentice wants to learn Li Yuanba, but Li Yuanba speed is too fast.

On the last moment, still a few feet away.

In the next moment, he was already deceived. The two heavy hammers in his hand did not know where to go. His skinny palms were placed on the shoulders of the left.

Not waiting for the left to react.

Tear off!

Like one piece of paper, tearing from the middle, the body of the left apprentice was directly pulled by Li Yuanba.

This scene.

It’s too fast, too bloody, too cruel.

The left apprentice himself is not ready for a snack. He licks at the body that is divided into two. First, it is a glimpse, but soon the consciousness is coming. This is a screaming scream.

Not far from the many City Lords, as well as the silver hair old man Fujiwara Sasuke, look at the dumbstruck.

Zhao Fang is also dumbstruck.

He only thought that Li Yuanba was too fierce. The fake baby was in front of him. It was like a doll. He had no resistance. He said that the tear would be torn.

“damn it, too terrifying!”

Zhao Fang sucked in a breath of cold air, shocked at the same time, gaze at the silver hair old man.

He was keenly aware that in the hands of the silver-haired old man, there were several emits with extraordinary aura charms.

“Want to escape?”

Zhao Fang raised his eyes. “Which is so easy!”

“Yuanba, the old blind man, is not a good bird, they are all a group.”

Zhao Fang shouted at the silver man old man.

銆€銆€ threshold跺彂old man complexion 锛屽€忕劧鍙桦缑闅缑闅湅璧湅璧

銆 銆 銆 浜茬溂鐩澒宸 琚挄钖庯纴浠栧浜庢潕鍏冮 琚挄钖庯纴浠栧浜庢潕鍏冮 琚挄钖庯纴浠栧浜庢潕鍏冮 琚挄钖庯纴浠栧浜庢潕鍏冮 琚挄钖庯纴浠栧浜庢潕鍏冮 琚挄钖庯纴浠栧浜庢潕鍏冮 琚挄钖庯纴浠栧浜庢潕鍏冮 hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi red his Rank cruel 镄勪Han 鐗╋纴浠栨牴 chain琩 not not provoke 銆

銆€銆€镓€浠ワ纴浠栧彇鍑浠ワ纴浠栧彇鍑浠ワ纴浠栧彇鍑】纴鍑嗗阃冨洖Fujiwara Imperial City 銆

銆€銆€浣呜缮涓岖瓑绂诲紑锛屽氨琚玓hao Fang 鎻┛锛岀洿鎺ユ垚涓烘潕鍏冮潕鍏冮镄勪笅涓涓猵涓猵涓猵 銆 銆


銆 銆 銆 銆 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 涓ゅ 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴 竴杈癸纴鎺eleport 锛屽嚭鐜板湪 threshold跺彂old man 韬墠锛屼竴鎺岃惤浜嗕笅鏉ャ€

“Get out!”

銆€銆€ threshold跺彂old man 鍙嶅簲涓嶅彲璋 笉蹇纴鍦ㄦ潕鍏冮 笉蹇纴鍦ㄦ潕鍏冮 笉蹇纴鍦ㄦ潕鍏冮 笉蹇纴鍦ㄦ潕鍏冮 笉蹇纴鍦ㄦ潕鍏冮 Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank锛屼 褰 (2) 垚 a path of 阒 姢 姢 嬫锛屾 嬫锛屾 鍦ㄤ粬镄勮 鍦ㄤ粬镄勮 鍦ㄤ粬镄勮 鍦ㄤ粬镄勮 鍦ㄤ粬镄勮 鍓嶃


銆€銆€浠栨暣涓﹄汉锛岄蹇玸uddenly retreat 锛岃瓒佹杩呴€熼€ power 銆


銆€銆€鍒氶€冨嚭hundred zhang(333m) 锛屼竴阆撹交鍝崭紶鏉ワ纴 threshold跺彂old man 鎶ご锛岄獓鐒跺彂鐜帮纴闾h兘阒婚殧Ordinary鍏冨┐3-Layer 鐗囧埢镄勯槻鎶ゆ 惤涓嬬殑涓h惤涓嬬殑涓€鎺岋纴鐩存帴鎷岖殑鏀镰 inch锛

“how can it be?”

銆€銆€ threshold跺彂old man 蹇 power镫傞渿銆

銆€銆€灏 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鏉庡 鏉庡 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 庝箞涔熸 珶 珶

銆€銆€杩欑杩欑嬫锛屽嚑涔庨兘鑳嬫锛屽嚑涔庨兘鑳笌镊闾笌镊闾綅 Big Brother 姣旇偐浜嗐€

銆 銆 銆 姝 姝 绁 绁 绁 绁 绁 獓鐒 箣闄咃纴鏉庡 箣闄咃纴鏉庡 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗

銆€銆€ threshold跺彂old man complexion 鑻岖槠锛屼綋琛‵ifth Rank 阒 鐢 tea 儎emits rays of light 锛宎t the same time 杩炲 umbrella start to talk 锛气淔淔lowlow Daoist 锛屼竴鍒回兘鏄浼兘鏄浼纴纴夎瘽濂夎瘽濂ソ璇纴 Old Man 鏄疐ujiwara 鍩庘€[€[€

銆 銆 銆 鍒氲鍒 鍒氲鍒 伞 伞 岋纴鏉庡 岋纴鏉庡 暗 暗 瑕佽惤鍦ㄩ摱鍙憃 瑕佽惤鍦ㄩ摱鍙憃 瑕佽惤鍦ㄩ摱鍙憃 瑕佽惤鍦ㄩ摱鍙憃 瑕佽惤鍦ㄩ摱鍙憃 man ╀笂銆 ╀笂銆

銆€銆€ threshold跺彂old man 鎯婃亹鍒 鏋佺偣锛屼粬鍙槸浜茬溂鐪嫔埌锛屽 鏋佺偣锛屼粬鍙槸浜茬溂鐪嫔埌锛屽 寰掑 寰掑 寰掑 寰掑 寰掑垚涓ゅ昆镄勩€

銆€銆€鈥淏ig 锛屾 锛屾 鎴 鎴 鎴


Dīng dīng !

The embroidered knife is also out of the ordinary, emits with Fifth Rank and other fairy power, can be played on Li Yuanba, in addition to a little spark of spark, it does not work at all.


銆€銆€ threshold跺彂old man 旋村姞楠囩劧锛宐ody 鍒欐槸瓒佺潃杩欎 鍒欐槸瓒佺潃杩欎 绌 锛岀洿鎺ュ睍寮 t€teleport 銆

銆€銆€鍙 ammonia 鍦ㄤ粬figure 阆佸叆Void 锛岀溂鐪嫔 ammonia identification

銆€銆€鏉庡鏉庡暗稿彧彧彧嬫帰鍏 锛岀洿鎺ュ皢浠栨姄浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴涓 鎶婃墧钖戦珮绌€鎶婃墧钖戦珮绌恒€

“What is he going to do?”

銆€銆€Zhao Fang Chain 変簺涓嶈В銆


銆€銆€鈥沧棤鈥沧棤诲尮澶纴灞呯劧杩樻暍plot against sneak attack 锛屾垜瑕佹挄浜嗕綘銆傗€

銆 銆 銆 鏉庡 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 暗 man man man man man man man man炴儏涓纴鐚涚殑涓€


銆€銆€ threshold跺彂old man 韬 锛岀珛镞 锛岀珛镞 鎾曟垚涓ゅ 鎾曟垚涓ゅ 鎾曟垚涓ゅ

銆 銆 銆 浼撮殢镌 ㄥ ㄥ 磼锛岃缮 磼锛岃缮 磼锛岃缮 磼锛岃缮 磼锛岃缮 夐摱鍙憃 man 夐摱鍙憃 棝鑻 棝鑻 棝鑻 棝鑻 棝鑻 棝鑻 棝鑻 棝鑻 棝鑻 棝鑻鐗囧绌 笅锲炶崱銆

that moment.

銆€銆€灏辫繛Zhao Fang 锛屼篃鐪嬬殑澶寸毊鍙戦夯銆

銆€銆€杩欑鏉€浜浜娈碉纴瀹炲湪澶猚娈碉纴瀹炲湪澶猚ruel 锛屽おterrifying 浜嗭紒



銆€銆€涓嶈翻澶勭殑Void 锛岀獊鐒朵紶鏉ヤ竴阒祌 umbled 澹like €

Followed by.

銆€銆€Space 涔嫔姏娴佽 锛屼竴搴 紶阃侀棬鎴 紶阃侀棬鎴 紶阃侀棬鎴 紶阃侀棬鎴 纴鍑┖鍑 纴鍑┖鍑 纴鍑┖鍑 纴鍑┖鍑

銆€銆€锲涢死sil 锛屼粠浼犻€侀棬鎴峰唴璧板嚭銆

銆€銆€涓洪涔嬩汉锛屾槸涓€钖峜omplexion 寮效鑻岖槠镄剏鑻岖槠镄剏outh 锛寉outh 姘旇川evil looking 锛宔mits 镌€阒甸樀阒村瘨aura 銆

銆€銆€youth behind 锛岃窡镌€绾(五)粍钃濅笁阆撹韩绌跨敳鑳勭殑楂桦ぇ silhouette 銆

銆€銆€evil looking youth 涓€鍑虹幇锛屾牴幇锛屾牴病娉ㄦ剰鍦笂镄勬皵姘涳纴鐩厜鐩笂镄勬皵姘涳纴鐩厜鐩 hao Fang 锛屽钖岀湅鍒皃rey 鑸纴鍜у槾绗戜简璧锋潵锛气渂渂 锛冤e meet again 锛佲€

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