Chapter 209 Invitation

Bloodline Body Refining is not an easy task. Latest fastest update

The pain that it has to bear in the meantime is hard to imagine.


This is not a problem for Zhao Fang.


“Discover Divine Beast ‘tyrant ‘bloodline ball of light , may you say fuse to fuse ?”

When Zhao Fang grabbed the bloodline ball of light, his mind sent System’s notification sound.


Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation nod.


An indescribable Tyrannical Aura, straight to the mind.

In an instant.

Zhao Fang feels that his whole person seems to have become a Divine Beast tyrant, full of powerful aura.

But at at the same time.

The tearing pain of the bloodline after entering the body seems to tear the Zhao Fang into countless pieces.

Zhao Fang’s eyes are red, her lips are close, and her mouth is bursting like a wild beast.

A few days later, Zhao Fang body had an extremely amazing change.

Accompanied by this change, there is also the inexplicable buzz that he sends from time to time.

That sound, like dragon roar Tiger’s Roar, is extremely dignity.

If you have a Martial God level Powerhouse, you will be shocked.

Because, this snoring is no different from the snoring of Divine Beast in the legendary.



Zhao Clan will live in the living room.

Nangong Guoqing is an embroidered robe, the national character face is not angry, the expressionless is leaning against the seat, but the gaze can’t help but look around.

The more he looks, the more he is scared.

Sitting along the Zhao Clan Elder, Strong is significantly stronger than Clan Gathering.

If it is one person, it is not enough to scare him.

Nine Great Elder, except for the Great Elder who did not meet, and the Second Elder who fled, the remaining seven, the cultivation base were upgraded.

Especially Zhao Clan Third Elder.

At the time of Zhao Clan Clan Gathering, his cultivation base was only 6-Star Martial Ancestor, which was short enough for one month, and the ready to reach 8-Star Martial Ancestor peak, and he would break into 9-Star Martial Ancestor at any time.

“Can make Zhao Clan a large scale of Upgrade Strength, that fellow, really not simple Ah!”

Nangong Guoqing takes a deep breath, and it is a shock from the heart.

“Qing Wang Your Majesty.”

Third Elder Just started to talk, then see Nangong Guoqing hehe said with a laugh, “Old Third, we have many years old friends, why should such a birth, let our country celebrate.”

Third Elder smiled a little, and couldn’t help but think of Nangong Guoqing’s previous treatment of himself, that disdain, arrogant and full of arrogant domineering attitude.

In the then Nangong Guoqing in the eyes, Zhao Clan’s nine Great Elder, he was in the eye, only one person.

That is Great Elder Zhao Changfeng.

Even if Second Elder is not in his eyes, he will put his Old Third in his heart.

But this time, he is uncharacteristic, and he is arrogant and arrogant, and he is friendly and friendly.

This is not a major change in Nangong Guoqing.

Instead, he acknowledged his identity and regarded himself as a peer.

This is something that is fundamentally possible in the past.

but now.

But after Zhao Fang became Patriarch, it was realized!

Think of Zhao Fang becoming Zhao Clan Patriarch, the change that brought to Zhao Clan, especially his own changes, Third Elder feels excited.


In the face of Nangong Guoqing, in front of this in the Nangong royal family, Zhao Changfeng’s position is not inferior to the front of the fellow, but also straight up the waist.


Behind your own, standing on the 6-Star Martial Venerable, you can kill the 7-Star Martial Venerable and grab the super fierce person, one of the Heavenly River School Seven Swords, Zhao Fang!

“Then I will hold the big, call you a brother. Qing brother, your intention, I already know. However, after my family Patriarch succeeded, he began the seclusion breakthrough, so there is still no sign of breaking, so this feast I am afraid that I will wait until next time.”

Third Elder said with a smile.

The words of Third Elder made Nangong Guoqing slightly unhappy.

Raging Flames Country Three Great Clans, his Nan Gong Clan is recognized as the first, is the Boss in the three Great Influences.

Now Boss speaks, Old Second dare to refuse?

However, when he heard Zhao Fang’s seclusion breakthrough, his disappointment was quickly replaced by a shock.

“How long has the fellow entered 6-Star Martial Venerable, and actually thought about breakingthrough.”

Nangong Guoqing was shocked. He came here, in addition to inviting Zhao Fang to a feast, another point is to spy on Zhao Clan’s reality.

Zhao Fang was killed Zhao Guangming in front of Zhao Clan. This scene was seen by Royal Capital and Influence.

They thought that even if Zhao Fang wanted to integrate into Zhao Clan, it would inevitably conflict with the clansman, which would trigger the split of Zhao Clan.

Nangong Guoqing used to think so, but after this observation, the conclusions reached, but made him dumbfounded!

Zhao Clan’s overall strength has not slipped and there are no signs of division.

Not only that.

Zhao Clan’s overall Strength is better than Zhao Guangming’s reign!

There is only one reason for this.

Zhao Fang !

However, for Third Elder, he did not believe in it.

After all, 6-Star Martial Venerable wants to break through 7-Star, which can be solved without seclusion.

“Third Elder, the banquet, nominally celebrates Raging Flames Country’s escape. In fact, it is to plan at the banquet, how to divide the countries that have been destroyed by giant devil destruction.”

Nangong Guoqing said solemnly.

Third Elder brows a pick, said with a laugh: “Qing brother is dishonest, even if those countries are destroyed, how to deal with it, afraid that we will not be able to turn our Raging Flames Country, this banquet is above, is it above? Someone comes?”

Nangong Guoqing startled, looking at the eyes of Third Elder, a little more serious flavor.

He has never placed Third Elder in the eyes.

But now it seems that the other side can rank third in the nine Great Elders, but it is not a general.

“ha ha, Worthy is Third Elder, at a glance, see the crux.”

Nangong Guoqing ha ha smiled, uncovering his own concealed at the same time, and also holding a Third Elder.

Third Elder’s eyes are condensed, and the heart of Nangong Guoqing can call the rain in the Wang family. It is not unreasonable.

“This time, Snow Territory Empire someone comes!”

Nangong Guoqing leaned in front of Third Elder and pointed his finger.

“Snow Territory !”

Third Elder figure A shock, a shock on the face.

Upon seeing it, Nangong Guoqing smiled and did not ridicule the meaning of Third Elder.

In fact.

When he heard the news, his reaction was not much worse than Third Elder.

“Many thanks, I will inform Patriarch! But you also know the temperament of Patriarch. If he doesn’t want to go, we can’t help it!” Third Elder smiled.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as Third Elder mentions one person to Zhao Clan, Zhao Clan will definitely go.”

Nangong Guoqing has a confident face.


Third Elder is curious to look at Nangong Guoqing.

Nangong Guoqing smiled and said a name in the ear of Third Elder, the expression of Third Elder, suddenly became strange.

“This King has been brought, hope to see the future at the banquet, see Third Elder and Noble Patriarch.”

Nangong Guoqing got up and bowed his hand.

However, as he turned around, an extremely powerful dignity suddenly filled the audience.

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