The second thousand and six hundred chapters of Liangzhou! Wolves!

If you are an elf, let Zhao Fang feel a little better.

If because of a bloodline Inheritance, Qin Feihuang is no longer Qin Feihuang, Zhao Fang will feel embarrassed.

“How is the injury of Qin City Lord?”

Zhao Fang frowns, just now I can’t help but check my mind.

Qin Yueshan’s injury is too heavy.

“The cultivation base is exhausted, the guilt is misplaced, the bones are broken, the meridians are broken…”

Any injury here, placed on a Cultivator, is extremely difficult to heal, not to mention that all of them are now superimposed on Qinyue Mountain.

“Do you have a lot of knowledge, should there be a way to save?”

Zhao Fang has not given up hope.

The elf is deep-eyed and confident to say with a laugh : “This is of course.”

“Then he will give it to you!”

Zhao Fang didn’t think much about it. If the elf had a way, let her toss it. Is the worst result worse than it is now?


Zhao Fang plundered Fujiwara, Fujiwara, and the resulting things, naturally can’t compare with sneaky.

But there is a windfall.

He is part of the Fujiwara extension of the ‘memory crystal stone’.

Through this memory crystal stone, Zhao Fang saw a very important news.

“Cold light sword in Liangzhou?”

Cold light sword, one of the four swords.

Today, Tongtian, Qingping, Zhenyue Sanjian Zhao Fang has gathered back, only the last cold sword.

“I used a lot of manpower and resources to search, and I found nothing. I didn’t expect it to know its whereabouts in this coincidence.”

Zhao Fang expression is weird.

Fujiwara has seen the light sword, because he once played with the Master of the Cold Light Sword and was almost killed by him. He was impressed.

“It seems that I am going to go to Liangzhou.”

Two days later.

The battle of the Shuize City was completely calmed down, and Clan in the war was completely suppressed by Qin Feihuang by means of iron and blood, and the entire Shuize City was restored to tranquility.

But it has not changed quietly.

Because, in the Outer Circle of the Water City, there are dozens of city coalition guards, and this land is used as a new base.

In fact is also true.

Qin Feihuang is preparing, not going south, stepping out of Imperial City, unified Wuzhou!

For all this.

Zhao Fang doesn’t care much.

After the situation in the city of Shuizawa was stable, he went alone and went to Liangzhou.

The elf arrived at the crucial moment of the rescue of Qinyue Mountain. There was no way to go away. Bai Qingbaihua killed two women, and he stayed in Shuizawa City, letting him assist Qin Feihuang, and he did his best!

In a vast mountain range, after catching a fourth grade Late Stage flying cloud beasts, after half a month, came to the Liangzhou boundary.

Liangzhou lives in the north of Continent, also known as Bei Liang.

Bei Liang has a bad climate, and the snow is not getting through the years. It is extremely cold and not suitable for the Cultivator. Therefore, the population of Bei Liang is much less than that of Wuzhou.

But because it is located in the frontier, the environment is bad, the Cultivator living here is more tenacious and more adept at fighting. It is the most probable state in the Continent.

Snowy, Zhao Fang’s fourth grade Middle Stage, just surrendered, the snow-capped leopard, drifting away in the snow.

As I crossed the border of the border and gradually entered the core of Bei Liang, I finally saw the cultivation of the people living in the land of Bei Liang.


A group of people dressed in silver Armour, wearing a bright silver helmet, imposing manner, fierce soldiers, patrolling in the snow, found Zhao Fang, directly surrounded.

“This Sir is the old man of your prince, take this Sir to see him!”

Zhao Fang said calmly and calmly.

The prince in his mouth is the exclusiveence that ruled the entire Bei Liang Supreme, Bei Liang Wang Luo Yuan.

Cold light sword, in this person’s hands.

“On your own? Trivial False Core, there are qualifications to see our prince?”

One of the suspects was Captain’s Revolving Core, a master to start talk.

“Captain, what nonsense is said with this brat? As I see it, this fellow 80% is a spy, first take it down.”

An eight-footer, called Roaaar, is obviously not a patient person.

Captain stared at Zhao Fang, not eager to do it, Zhao Fang himself cultivated base although ordinary, can sit down the snow cloud leopard, but even more powerful than himself.

Moreover, Snow Cloud Leopard is best at speed. In this snow and ice, even the existence of a Revolving Core Middle Stage does not necessarily catch up with the Snow Cloud Leopard on the Revolving Core Initial Stage.

Compared to human, Snow Cloud Leopard is the Ruler in the snowfield.

Based on this, Captain was not in a hurry because it was not clear what Zhao Fang really was.

Zhao Fang is about to start to talk. There is a sudden beast of a beast, and the sound is transparent. It can be passed to the group of judges, but let their complexion change dramatically.

“Snowfield giant wolf!”

“damned, how did this group of animals come here?”

The eight-footed man was discolored, his face was full of wariness and even fear.

Other soldiers are not much better.

The snowfield giant wolf, like the snow cloud leopard, is a cloud beast living in the snowfield.

But unlike the solitary snow cloud leopard, the snowfield giant wolf is generally a group hunting.

When you see a snowfield giant wolf, it means that a group of snowfield giant wolf is surrounded.

Although most of the snowfield giant wolf is the third grade Late Stage, the Tigers can’t stand the wolves, let alone the snowfields, which are their home games.


“quickly go !”

Captain also did not care about Zhao Fang’s origins, and mentioned the horses and quickly evacuated.

Others are not in the ink, and they are keeping up.

After a while, the eight-footed man turned back and his eyes were thrown out.

At the back of the team, I don’t know when, I have to ride one more person.

“Do you dare to keep up?”

Eight feet big man blinked.

Others turned back and saw that the white-faced brat who had been questioned by them and suspected to be a spy had escaped with the team and could not help but feel surprised.

Zhao Fang spread his hand and shrugged his shoulders: “You brought the wolf, and you can’t always give me a wolf!”

“Go to fuck you, you brought the wolf.” Eight-footer angered.

“Attention to the road ahead, the wolves, the already surrounded.”

Zhao Fang doesn’t care, faint said with a laugh.

as predicted.

In his voice, the horse team all around has a path of wolverines, the voice cruel, the scared soldiers and their mounts are tight.

“Rely, you are a crow mouth!”

The eight-footer was a big man, but he didn’t bother to talk with Zhao Fang and he was on his way.

Can be very fast.

Captain at the forefront, suddenly slowed down slowly and stopped.

Others startedled first, and soon they stopped like Sense, but the complexity was extremely ugly.

In front of everyone, a snow-capped mountain towering, a mountain cliff, a giant body with a hairy, shiny hair, a wool wolf, is indifferent to a group of people under the mountain.

“damn it, blood Wolf King, we have been under it!”

Captain complexion gloomy.

嗷~The blood of the mountain, Wolf King, leads the neck, and the snow wolf, which is hidden on both sides of the road, is directly smashed out. The booth eyes are faint, with a bloodthirsty green glow, and staring at the eyes of the soldiers. Looking at a pile of meat.

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