The second thousand and twenty-six chapters of Taomu praying!

“Dragon Tree Lama is dead?”

Watching the crowd is horrified, and more is unbelievable.

The grand generation of the Great Expert, overlooking a state’s super-existence, actually under their eyelids, was bombarded into scum, Yuan Ying was annihilated?

They even felt that before the death of the Dragon Tree Lama, Yuan Ying’s strong grievances and unwillingness.


They are not in the mood to pay attention to the death of the Dragon Tree Lama.

The Paoarch ‘Zhang Tang’, which was also taken care of by the Tanghe tribe, was also smashed by the Fleshy Body. The Yuan Ying was protected by a small umbrella, and it was suffocating, and when Luo Yuan annihilated the Dragon Tree Lama Yuan Ying, he fled. Go out.

The loud noise stopped.

The majestic Burning Mountain Mountain Gate, all over the ruins!

The body is aging!

These are the most outstanding talents in the states. They come with their own hands and have not revealed the rays of light. They hang up.

“This, this is the result of the bombardment just now?”

Looking at the piled up corpses, watching the crowd’s eyes shrink, breathing stagnation, feeling too unreal, some dreamy.

“The number of people who died in this moment alone is enough to be worth the last year of the Eastern States.”

“Look, you see, the fellow is actually laughing!”

Someone pointed to Zhao Fang and looked horrified.

“After killing so many people, I can still laugh. Is this fellow still a person? Simply is a Demon King!”

The crowd exclaimed, many people looked at Zhao Fang, no more contempt and calm, more than a trace solemn and a faint fear.

The dead, for the Cultivator, is not unusual.

In just a few moments, so many people died, even if some Yuan Ying Old Monster saw it, but also lost, but Zhao Fang, from the beginning to the end are very calm, this indifference, let them feel fear.


Over the ruins, there was an angry, hysterical roar.

“Chu Feng, this Sir wants to make you dying, so that you can’t live like death!”

The black hair flutters, the aura is crazy, and the anger is at its best.

The deadly disciples, most of which were burned Tianzong discipline, destroyed the Mountain Gate, and also burned Tianzong.

In the previous bombardment, the most devastating loss was not the Western Zhou Dynasty, where the Dragon Tree Lama died, but he burned Tianzong!


In response to him, only Zhao Fang is a simple but full of killing voice.

“Tongtian Legion, with the charge will be charged!”

In the forbidden vertical horse, he took the lead and passed through the entire Legion. He went to kill and turned into an invincible steel blade, which was directly inserted into the coalition heart.

“Bei Liang Erlang!”

“Battle Array kills, only my Bei Liang!”

“able to move unhindered, Tigers Leopard!”


The Tigers and the Leopard Army were suddenly angry and roared. The 20,000-strong army immediately divided the 10,000 people. The two commanders, Commander, and the two wings of the Tongtian Legion were killed to cover the Tongtian Legion.

“Destroy this group of dogs Bastard!”

“Kill his mother!”


The melee kicked off!

Strangled fiercely.

Shouting and killing the sky!

The remaining 10,000 Bei Liang Army, by Luo Yuan Commander, sticks to Zhao Fang’s side, protects the master’s at the same time, and is also prepared to deal with Three Great Legion.

“Kill! Kill!”

Those elites who had been baptized by gunfire and survived and survived, had not yet had time to breathe and were forced to commit themselves to killing.

Different from the three Legion, they are also using Legion as the combat unit. They are obviously not good at teamwork. When they meet each other, they are basically fighting each other. The ultimate strength is tyrannical, but it is ultimately the fate of Legion. .



Tukong, Tianleifu, Vientiane Xianyuan, Tuoshe Ancient Clan Lineage and other Powerhouse, like Heavenly God, come out, ignore the Cultivator on the ground and go straight to Zhao Fang!

“Chu Feng!”

“Your death is here!”

Killing the eyes, killing intent is amazing.

He hated Zhao Fang, and he hated it.

Even if the previous big boy was forced to surrender to the Heavenly Gate, even if this Venerable projection was killed, even if Li Tianqi was confused and ruined, he was not as angry as today!

The master is gone, you can train again.

The destruction of Mountain Gate not only affected the burning of Tianzong in the prestige of Dongzhou, but also showed that his Sect Master is incompetent and naturally angry!

“What is the waste, this brat, my Tianlei, killing.”

Youth Powerhouse of Tianleifu, see Magnetic Essence. There is no cannonball filling, and the mind is big and sneer, and the direct kill will come.

This person is extremely powerful, although it is only Yuan Yingwu, can be a Thunder Immortal Technique, concealed overbearing anomaly, even if the ordinary Yuan Ying six heavy, do not dare to smash its edge!


Luo Yuan sneered, flying to face the battle, did not give him the opportunity to approach Zhao Fang.

Other Bei Liang Army is welcoming the other Powerhouses in Tianlei, killing them again.

“Without Luo Yuan, I see what else you have!”

Tukong sneered, and suddenly shot to Zhao Fang.

“Hehe, I am in Vientiane, and I have to make a fun.”

Dean of the Vientiane Fairy, a figure of tall old man, and the killing of the left and right.

The strengths that these two people show are the five-level level of Yuan Ying.

Zhao Fang knows that they have not revealed the real Strength!

“Two Yuan Ying Great Expert?”

Zhao Fang smiled and squinted at the ancient Clan Powerhouse. “Together, this Sir has killed three of you!”

“arrogant !”

“impudent !”

Butcher, Dean of the Vientiane Fairy is furious.

Zhao Fang’s sentence completely ignores the two people.

The ancient Clan Powerhouse eye lift is slightly lifted and there is no take action.


Zhao Fang shook his head, but could not at the same time killing three Yuan Ying regrets.

This scene, watching the Dean of the Wankong Vientiane Fairy, seeing the crack, hate mad, the palm is more terrifying, afraid that it will kill a Half-step Yuan Ying in an instant.

“brat, die!”

Two people roared.

“It’s you who are going to die!”

Zhao Fang Five fingers open, vomiting in the mouth: “Myriad Beasts ……”

The low and depressed beasts sounded on the side of Zhao Fang, including the Fifth Rank Middle Stage and even the Late Stage aura emits.

“what’s going on?”

Tukong and Dean of the Vientiane Fairy looked at each other and instinctively gave birth to uneasiness.


With two words spit out, Zhao Fang’s body is distorted by Void, and a group of cloud beasts will come out.

“damned, it’s actually Fifth Rank Cloud Beast!”

“And damn has hundreds of heads!”

The two Yuan Ying Great Expert instantly changed color and quickly retreated.

But these cloud beasts, like madness, rushed to them, the fierce gesture, the two people watching.

Coupled with the proximity, the two people, although retreating, are still within the scope of the attack.

As soon as the two hands, the two people were trapped in the sea of ​​the beast, and then the screams rang, leaving them Strength all the way, and the eyes were crushed by the beast sea Fleshy Body, only the Yuan Ying Cang escaped.

“Duoshe Fellow Daoist, please take action, destroy this little beast!”

Tu Kong Yuan Ying looked terrified, completely unexpectedly, Zhao Fang still hides this killing move, Myriad Beasts Pentium, even he can not resist a moment, simply terrifying extremely!

The ancient Clan Powerhouse takes out the incense, swaying Void, burning incense and praying.

There is no god in the incense case, just a sword, a peach sword.

“Peachwood praying!”

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