Chapter 214 Dancer


The whole scene is silent!

The respectfulness on the faces of the people gradually became dumbfounded, silly looks at Zhao Fang.

Even Nangong Wuji, who is very deep in the city, had a sudden mistake after hearing the words of Zhao Fang.

But soon, Nangong Wuji hided the flaws on his face and restored the complexion.

“What do you call me?”

The snow fell calmly and asked, and there was no mood in the voice.

But the middle-aged man standing beside him, but slightly swept Zhao Fang, my heart secretly sighed, “act recklessly fellow, thirteen is what you can call? This, see how you die!”

He followed the snow for many years and naturally knew the snow.

The name of this thirteenth has always been his name for his Imperial Brother.

Nowadays, it is called out by outsiders. The reason is unintentional, but the anger in the snow will not dissipate. Instead, it will be added to Zhao Fang because of the fall of the Imperial Brothers.

“How do you stand, sit down, don’t you want to open a party? I have been waiting for a long time, so I didn’t even see a dish, the emperor Your Majesty, I didn’t even eat dinner for dinner. “”

Zhao Fang did not answer the snow, but instead looked at Nangong Wuji.

Nangong Wuji was speechless, and Zhao Fang brought the war to him, but it was somewhat unexpected.

Regardless of the face, the other side has not seen the face of the world, but it is not easy to refute it. He smiled slightly and turned to respect the snow: “Prince Your Majesty, please come to the seat.”

He said, he looked at the middle-aged man next to the snow.

The middle-aged man came forward and whispered in the snow, “Prince, it matters!”

The snow fell slightly, and the anger in the heart was pressed, nodded slightly, and there was no coldness with Nangong Wuji, sitting directly in the first position of Zhao Fang.

Nangong Wuji waved everyone down and then the Court Eunuch general manager announced the serving.

The dishes are like running water, and they are placed one by one to show each seat.

However, the atmosphere at the scene, due to Zhao Fang, became extremely 尴尬, extremely quiet.

Zhao Fang has never heard of it.

After the banquet began, it began to eat wildly.

Look at his posture, it seems to be coming for dinner.

See you.

Everyone on the scene looked at Zhao Fang with disdain, like the noble man on the top, like the beggar begging on the side of the road.

For everyone’s attention, Zhao Fang did not see it.

Conversely is Zhao Wanyue next to him, Nan Gongling two women, the skin is very thin, under the gaze of everyone, can not help but feel awkward.

It is snow falling.

After seeing Zhao Fang so “unbearable”, it is also extremely glad, fortunately, there is no general knowledge of this person.

Otherwise, he is not pulled down by this person a few grades.


At the deliberate welcoming of several Great Influences leaders, it became a lot easier, and the smile once again appeared on the snow.

Seeing the situation, the size of the room, each is a sigh of relief.

With the snow falling, I am happy to toast, and express my admiration for Snow Territory Empire and Revere.

Those who have fallen in the snow are not tempted.

After three rounds of wine, the dishes were over five flavors, and the atmosphere on the field became more and more high.

The snow has undoubtedly become the focus of the audience, and almost all of the influences present are interacting with them.

Only one person is excluded.

Zhao Fang !

Because of his previous performance, everyone did not have much enthusiasm for him, compared with the snow that everyone contends, Zhao Fang sitting next to him is more like a foil.

Zhao Fang doesn’t care, and doesn’t want to be involved in these people.

He quietly drank and ate vegetables, as if he was isolated from the entire lively venue, and occasionally talked with Nan Gongling two women.

It seems that it is quite comfortable.

Zhao Fang’s arrogance, especially Nan Gongling’s attitude towards him, made Snow fall very dissatisfied.

His eyes turned and he said to Nangong Wuji: “Nangong patriarch, I am a man of martial arts, this banquet is martial, is it not boring?”

“ha ha, Thirteenth Imperial Prince is saying that I am negligent.”

Nangong Wuji smiles nod, palms caress, there are silky musical instruments ringing, a group of beautiful flowers, figure and graceful women, the money came in.

The dance of these people is extremely soft and sexy, and it is also a kind of rare visual enjoyment.


When they enjoyed this scene, the snow fell in the eyes but flashed a trace sarcasm flavor.

“This is also called dance?”

The snow fell with a chuckle, and the words revealed a trace of contempt.

Nangong Wuji complexion is unchanged, despite the arrogant attitude of the snow, he is very upset.

But he has already reached the level of anger and anger, and it is difficult for someone to see the clues on their expressions.

Nangong Wuji smiled with said with a laugh: “Country dance, difficult to enter the Thirteenth Imperial Prince eye. In fact, I waited for a long time to hear the name of Snow Moon Sword Dance, but no chance to see, today Thirteenth Imperial Prince here, and is Kendo Wizards, I wonder if I can give them?”

Snow Moon Sword Dance.

The snowy moon Flying Sword from Snow Territory Empire.

It is rumored that every movement of this dance has extremely high requirements for the dancers. It is not a sword and a wizard, and it is difficult to dance the charm of this dance.

Wen, the other influence leader, is also a suggestion, please let me know.

Snow fell around the audience, quite a self-satisfied sweep of Nan Gongling, gentle said with a laugh, “You are difficult to face, this Prince will barely display one or two.”

After all, the snow fell and grew up and came to the field.

There is an Ice and Snow long sword in the hand, and the chill in the sword reveals the chill of the singer.

As the sword came out, the temperature of the entire Main Hall followed the plunging.

“Don’t this be heavenly treasure?”

“It should be the case, otherwise, it is difficult to have such a powerful power!”

“Showing Snow Moon Sword Dance with heavenly treasure really makes me look forward to it.”

In the eyes of everyone’s expectations, the snow fell and the sword, as the long sword shook, his whole person seemed to be in the long sword.

He suggested that dance is not without aim.

In order to spread the sword dance, it is to achieve the effect of recovering Nan Gongling and shocking everyone.


This is not just a sword dance alone, but a set of killing Sword Art.

The snow falls softly, the sword dance is extremely beautiful, and the aura of the emits is even more amazing.

Directly pointed to the end of the sword dance, everyone is still immersed in the shock brought by the sword dance, has not been able to return to God for a long time.

“This sword dance book Prince is also the first time to show, if there is a strange and uncoordinated place, please ask for more.”

The sword dance stopped, and the snow fell with a smile and looked at the crowd.

The crowd reacted and did not dare.

The Main Hall is full of praise for the sound of snow falling sword dance.

In this regard, the snow falls with laughter nod, appearing extremely elegant and calm.

“Long time Zhao Fang small brother, talented and unparalleled, not in a weak crown, on the throne of Three Great Clans Zhao Clan Patriarch, so amazing people, must have something extraordinary. Today is so grand, but please Brother Zhao pointing How about one or two?”

The snow falls with laughter nod, but the front is directed to Zhao Fang who has been eating and drinking.

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