The 2,188th chapter of the Diamond Queen, Wei Family, who has seen the Wei Family Old Ancestor style, complexion greatly changed.

Even in his eyes, the deep and unmeasurable Wei Family Old Ancestor is not as good as the veil after the women imposing manner tyrannical.

The kind of aura, already surpass the limit of the hundred-collar collar!

“Is the baby getting eight?”

Zhao Fang looked at the camera and was equally surprised.

“Is Shi Guo treating the guests like this?”

He stood up with his hands and looked indifferent, as if he did not feel the terrifying aura from the gauze.


After the gauze, revealing a trace of subtle surprise, apparently did not expect that his own imposing manner would be invalid for a Revolving Core Cultivator.

“Some meanings!”

The queen dissipated the impering manner, and the terrifying in the Main Hall disappeared.

The mountains that were pressed against everyone’s heart were gone. Everyone was relieved. When they passed back to God, they felt the back was soaked. The whole person was like a ghost door.

“What are you going to see this King?”

Queen Sir recovered cold and asked indifferently.

Zhao Fang 搀 body body body body body body body body body body body body body body body body body body body body

“Nature is cooperation.”

“Cooperation? Just by you?”

“My entire cultivation base is low, but it is better than you who are in a thousand seals and unable to get out of it!”

As soon as this statement came out, the meaning of chilling in the Main Hall was revived.

However, emits such aura is no longer Queen Sir, but the thirty infants become a heavy guard, and the red people.

“How did you know?”

The Queen’s voice was indifferent, as if Zhao Fang’s answer could not satisfy her, she would shoot it directly.

“If you haven’t been sealed, with your cultivation base, you will let the Beishan people occupy the mine. Is the stone country clansman stuck?”

Zhao Fang calmly said.

Main Hall is quiet and silent.

Luo Chun in the eyes, also revealed a touch of color.

Knowing that Zhao Fang was entrusted by King Bei Liang, when he came to save him from leaving, he was still curious, why the father would entrust himself to a youngster.

And to see him show unmatched strength, he thought he understood the key.

Now it seems that he is underestimating the other side.

This Rank keen observation and wisdom, even if some infants change Powerhouse, are not necessarily available, but now, Strength tyrannical and wisdom are outstanding, these two extraordinary advantages are concentrated on a Revolving Core Cultivator, how to not surprise.

“You are really a talent in observation and analysis.”

The queen started to talk, it seems to be praising Zhao Fang, the next moment, the words sharply turn, “However, these alone, but still no qualification cooperation with this King.”

“If you count my behind this group?”

Zhao Fang expression As usual.

“Small and sloppy.”

“If I promise, I can kill the North Mountain Clan, killed the North Mountain Thunder knife, and even help you get out of the seal?”

In front, the female Royal Capital is very indifferent.

Can hear the back, she can no longer calm, breathing a lot of weight.

“what did you say?”

The yarn is moving, like a gust of wind coming from behind, to pick up the gauze.

“Do you know what you are saying, and you can let this King get out of the seal?”

The Queen’s voice was slightly sharp, and Zhao Fang’s words clearly stabbed her weakness, making her nervous, even, looking forward to it!

People like drowning, struggling to survive, seeing someone passing by on the shore, expecting the other party to take action.

“If you don’t try, you won’t even have the last chance!”

Zhao Fang didn’t seem to feel it, it was like a terrifying aura from the mountain, and it looked as usual.

“it is good!”

“This King will trust you once. If it succeeds, this King will be your first Princess, and you can accept this King at any time.”

The Queen acted decisively and wanted to break out of the cage and open up a valuable chip that she thought was valuable.

Zhao Fang complexion is black.

Especially when he saw the gaze of the flowers, he even wanted to hit the wall.

I am a grand seven-foot man, want to be a women’s Princess? What a joke!

“Princess is fine.”

Zhao Fang refused directly.

I know, these words say that the stone country clansman looked at him, and he showed a trace of pity.

It seems that Zhao Fang missed the day of Great Destiny.

“you sure?”


“In this case, this King does not force!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang took a sigh of relief, he was really afraid of the Queen’s temperament, and wanted to make himself the first Princess.

Listening to her giving up, I can’t help but laugh at myself, thinking that I am not as important in my mind as I think.

“After helping you get out of trouble, I need you to promise me one thing. This matter is within the limits of your ability.”

Zhao Fang is not a big good person who has no desire and no desire. Helping the Queen to get out of trouble is naturally the power of the clansman.

“it is good!”

Queen Sir without the slightest hesitation promised.

Not afraid of Zhao Fang’s lack of desire, he is afraid that he has no desire.

“Since it’s cooperation, don’t you know who the collaborators are? Queen Sir can tell me what is your presence?”

This is the doubt in the heart of Zhao Fang, despite the speculation that the stone country clansman is a heterogeneous creature, but this is only a guess, not confirmed.

“In order to show friendship, let me introduce it first. My name is Zhao Fang. I am from Bailu, and I have some small complaints with the Beishan people.”

Zhao Fang did not hide this time.

Green phosphorus looked at him and rushed the queen to nodded slightly.

This scene makes Zhao Fang a little surprised.

This green phosphorus can not only hear the sound, can you tell me whether my words are true or not?

“This King name diamond, you can call me the diamond queen, we come from the colorful stone family, in a strict sense, it belongs to a heterogeneous creature, not a bloody soul.” Queen said.

“Colorful stone family?”

Zhao Fang is still the first time to hear this Race.

“In the big world, it belongs to a very large and tyrannical race, and its inner branch is countless. The most famous ones are the killing stone people, the gods stone group, the Tianshi family, the swallow stone family, the stone family…”

Kill the stone.

Beat the stone.

Make up the stone.

What the hell.

Zhao Fang blinks, this is all known as the great treasure of the fairy.

He hasn’t seen it all, but in the System Shop, he occasionally saw it once or twice, and the price, simply breakthrough to the sky.

Even if he is struggling for a year or two, he is not necessarily able to get together.

Although the already very high estimate of the Void stone family, he discovered at the moment that he still underestimated the other party.

“you have heard?”

The Queen saw Zhao Fang reacting like this, and could not help but reveal the color of curiosity.

In her memory, the Bailu collar is just a small place with a remote to the extreme. There is no communication with the real big World outside. I should never have heard the colorful stone family.

She looks at the green phosphorus.

The green phosphorus was frowning, and did not know any information.

Zhao Fang knows that System-related information is automatically masked by System.

At the beginning, even the peacock Daming Royal Capital couldn’t even see it.

Not to mention green phosphorus.

However, his face was unhappy: “Is the Queen Sir testing the collaborators like this? Is it too much?”

The Queen smiled and promised that it would not be the case again.

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