Listen to the wind and water.

The fierceness came in from the outside.

“Is there a result?” Kun Yuan’s soft collapse on the pavilion was inconspicuous. “It’s faster than I thought.”

“Sir is a great idea, and everything is not expected by Sir. It is that brat wins.”

The fierce look is complicated, he just now personally went to the alley to look at the eyes, simply can not believe their eyes.

Originally, he said that the Zhao Fang Strength of Kun Yuan exceeded his own judgment, but he did not agree, but now, he has to converge on the heart and start to treat it seriously.

Because, the corpse in the alley, there are some lack of existence for the baby who can not win.

And in such a short Time, this group of Powerhouse killed, the baby can not be changed, unless…

“Sir, Zhao Fang whether Hidden Strength? Can kill so many infants in a moment’s skill, can’t all do it?”

“Hidden Strength is undoubtedly the key, or the treasure on his body, not simple!” Kun Yuan blinked.

Listening to Feng Shui has a fairy squad, which isolates Outer World from the internal Sense, but does not cut off the internal perception of Outer World, although Zhao Fang chooses the place to start, there is still a distance from listening to Feng Shui.

But he is still faintly aware of some.

“hehe, Revolving Core Realm, there is such a Defying the Heavens treasure, even I have some heartbeat, fierce, check his old bottom.”

Kun Yuan squinted and his smile grew stronger.


Pick the moon floor.

Listen to one of the wind industry.

It is the under the foot of Tianzhu Mountain, which is a well-known large-scale guest house.

It cost a million cents, and on the top floor of the moon-drawing building, opened a large suite.

Open the room before, Baihua kill is still complaining, accommodation here is too expensive, a million cents, for an ordinary Yuan Ying, it is a lot of wealth.

After coming to the top floor suite, I casually looked at the environment and lived, and the complaints of Baihua’s killing suddenly became amazement.

There are several areas such as lounges, exercise rooms, and recreation rooms. Not to mention Zhao Fang, even if you are 50, it is easy to live.

Moreover, the suites are surrounded by high-level clusters of fairy tales, and the aura of the genius in the suites is not as rich as the wind.

This environment alone is worth the price.

Not to mention, there are many advantages of hidden benefits in the higher suites.

“Here, no one will ask us for trouble, and practice with peace of mind. Next, there may be hard battles.”

Zhao Fang took out the baby, Dan Xuanzi, and the eyes of Baihua, and they light up.

They are all infants and children, and the desire for the baby is extremely strong.

“One bottle, six Pill Medicine.”

Zhao Fang start to talk, eyes on the Xuan Yin boy, Baihua killing the upper reaches.

In the end, take out a baby, and two infants who have been forced to kill him from the Powerhouse, and hand it to the flowers.

“Get up the Strength upgrade early.”

Among these group of people, if he really believes in who he believes, he will not believe any one, even if he is a hundred flowers, he is more cooperative with him.

The reason why she would give her a baby is not too deep, but she hopes that she can have self-protection in the next Sanshan gather medicinal herbs.

Listening to Zhao Fang, Elder Generation is concerned about the tone of junior, the flower is killing the eyes, the single round cultivation base, she completely crushes Zhao Fang.

If life and death are killed, ten of them are not Zhao Fang opponents.

Therefore, she was a little bit stunned by Zhao Fang’s almost ridiculous remarks.

Li Ying Dan!

Many infants have changed to Late Stage, and Pill Medicine, which they all want to dream, is now given to her by Zhao Fang. This kind of kindness can be said in a few words.


Hundreds of flowers in the eyes of Xuan Yin boy’s eyes, took over Pill Medicine, made up his mind, must help Zhao Fang.

“As for you…”

Zhao Fang looks at the Xuanyin boy.

The Xuanyin boy lowered his head and expressed his loyalty and revere to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang smiled. He didn’t believe in these imaginary, so-called loyalty, but only built on the absolute strength.

If he does not have the power of a killed baby, he wants to press the Xuanyin boy, which is fundamentally possible.

Even if he is really a sneaky, if the strength of Strength is weak, it will only become a stepping stone for the promotion of Xuanyin Boy.

The weak are prey to the strong, the power is respect!

This is the normal state of the cultivation world!

“Xuanyin, if this Sir and Qi Sha Temple are enemies, are you standing on the side?” Zhao Fang was careless.

After going through so many things, he did not believe that the Xuanyin boy did not see any clues.

Xuanyin’s forehead sweated and knew when he was standing in the queue.

“Of course it is to help Young master, even if everyone in Qi Sha does not recognize Young master, Young master is my master!”

Xuanyin boy with the slightest hesitation of kneel down, the voice is powerful!

This is his smartest choice and the only choice.

Zhao Fang expressionless, said: “I am a person who doesn’t like commitment.”

Not waiting for the Xuanyin boy to start to talk, he said: “But, since it is said, I will believe you once.”

“Remember what you said today, I can give you strength, and you can deprive you of everything.”

With a wave of a hand, a bottle of baby changed Dan and Li Ying Dan, appeared in front of the Xuanyin boy.

The Xuanyin boy turned down like a garlic, and kept guaranteeing: “Xuanyin will never betray Master in this life.”

Zhao Fang waved his hand and threw them away.

The room was quiet.

He checked this for the previous slaughter.

Fifth Rank Essence, there are thousands of them, most of them are recovery classes, as well as the enhanced class of Pill Medicine. It is seen that this is the Pill Medicine specially prepared for the Sanshan chicken medicinal herbs.

Six Pinxian Dan, mostly for infants and Dans, are both ordinary quality infants.

Fairy, fairy, and other Auxiliary Category attack treasures, there are also many, watching Zhao Fang dazzled, and ultimately, simply do not look at, and basically sold those things that are basically not used to System.

Coupled with the plundering of the fairy tales, as well as the peddling income, his fairy point, once again approaching the million mark.

Compared with these, what really makes him happy is that in a baby who has become a nine-heavy body, one of the unexpected ones can grow the strange plant of soul.

茯苓 魂 魂 。.

The beauty of this thing is not to strengthen the power of soul, but to help people think about past and present life.

Of course, Zhao Fang’s ‘茯苓醒莲莲’ is not a finished product, just a young plant.


He did not give birth to the means of waking up the soul, not wanting to waste medicine, and must take it in the short term.


Zhao Fang tears open the shirt, and at the chest, there is a beauty, less, and a female pattern, vivid and vivid.

It is inevitable that the original and the sneaky battle, the elf contributed a lot, and eventually was affected, seriously injured and sleep. “The elf, I woke up, I won’t sleep so easily!”

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