Chapter 223, the royal family Treasure-House!

The palace abyss, a front of the Main Hall that is not eye-catching.

Nangong Wuji looked back at all around and determined that the surroundings had ‘deep’ existence, and after no one followed, they stepped in.

“This Old Man first took Nan Gongling out of the Main Hall and then opened it. What did he want to do?”

Hanging not far from Nangong Wuji behind, the tall cypress tree crown, Zhao Fang stares at the silhouette of Nangong Wuji, vision flickered.

“Xin loss, you carry the broken arm Elder, he has Sword Qi left by your father, as long as the distance is not too far, you can Sense. Otherwise, I want to find this old fox in this palace wall, I am afraid that it is not an easy thing!”

In the sneer, Zhao Fang body is moving, just about to keep up.

Suddenly, he felt his heart, stopped and looked at all around several places, in the eyes revealing a slap.

“Nan Gong Clan really has an amazing background. There are four or five 3-Star Martial Venerable auras near this ruined Palace. Using them to fortify, Nangong Clan is indeed a big deal, but for Young Master, it’s totally useless!”

When thinking about this, Zhao Fang’s lips and corners are more and more intense.

The sound of ‘唰’, his silhouette, disappeared directly in place.

After a while.

There are two figures, appearing in this cypress tree above.

“Weird, I have just felt a trace of aura here? How can it disappear without blinking?”

Said by a Martial Venerable.

“Here, the five nets of our True Force are scattered, even if it is 7-Star Martial Venerable, it will be discovered immediately by me. So, no one in the entire Raging Flames Country, When you come in, you can win us.”

Another Martial Venerable.

“Is it really my Sense is wrong?”

Some people who spoke at first, muttered to themselves with no confidence.

“Be careful, there is no big mistake, we are careful about Sense.”


The two people searched carefully in the vicinity and determined that no one left, they left.


Cloud Rising Immortal Step Fully opened Zhao Fang, who has followed Nangong Wuji and entered the Main Hall.

The furnishings in Main Hall are very ordinary, and can even be said to be stale.

I changed to an average person. After seeing this temple, even if I didn’t go straight, I wouldn’t have the idea of ​​staying here.


Such a broken Main Hall, outside its door, there are five 3-Star Martial Venerable guards.

How can you see this, you can see that the out of the ordinary, must contain some unknown secrets.

Nangong Wuji came to the study room of the Main Hall.

The study room is not big, except for one piece of desk with an ancient charm, the only furniture is the bookshelf behind the desk.

There are some books on the bookshelf, but there is a layer of light dust on the books.

Look out.

These books, already, have not been flipped for a long time.

Nangong Wuji came to the shelf and explored it.

The ‘hula’ sound, the bookshelf is divided into two halves, followed by a deep bottomless passage.

Nangong Wuji looks at the channel, takes a deep breath and walks in.


The channel large gate is slowly closed, and the bookshelf is close together to restore the look of before.

Zhao Fang walked out of the corner and came to the bookshelf. “There is a secret passage. I don’t know, there is something hidden in this secret passage.”

With a smile, Zhao Fang came to the position where Nangong Wuji before stayed, palms in and touched a button that was like a switch, and pressed hard.

The bookshelf was opened again, and the scene of before was clearly reflected in Zhao Fang’s eyes.

Looking at the passage that was a little deep and could not see the bottom, Zhao Fang smiled and walked straight in.

He is not worried about how big is it.

Even if the Nangong Clan background is deeper, wouldn’t the Martial Emperor Powerhouse be made?

If there is such an extension of Rank, Nangong Clan is not Raging Flames Country Three Great Clans, but dominates Raging Flames Country.

The passage is deep and narrow, and there is no light and light, and the whole reveals a sense of ecstasy.

But this is not difficult for Zhao Fang.

After the cultivation base reaches the 8-Star Martial Venerable, the night is not a big one for him, and his eyes are scattered, even in the dark, it can be seen far away.

After about six 700 meters, the front of the black paint finally reveals a trace of light.

“Is it coming soon?”

Zhao Fang quickly stepped up.

However, when he came to the end of the dark passage, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Presented in the eye, it is extremely luxurious.

At the entrance, gold and silver jewels are everywhere, sparkling, and extremely amazing.

Even if you reach the Realm like Zhao Fang, the yellow and white things are difficult to get into their eyes.

But the gold and silver jewels of this scale still made him quite shocked.

“damn, there are thirty-six Jinshan mountains here, which is twice as many as Zhao Clan!”

Zhao Fang is slightly stunned.

When I took over Zhao Clan, I checked the things in Zhao Clan Treasure-House, which accounted for most of the gold and silver jewelry.

As for the materials used for cultivation, it is rare.

Even so, for Zhao Fang, who saw such a lot of treasures for the first time, the experience at the time was like a dream.

But after seeing Jinshan in Nangong Clan.

He found that the wealth accumulated by Zhao Clan is nothing compared to simply.

Nothing compares!

Crossing Jinshan, Zhao Fang went straight in.

“There are so many gold and silver jewels this time, it should be the Treasure-House of Nangong Clan.”

Zhao Fang picked up his eyes and flashed a touch of excitement in the eyes.

His purpose for this time is for the Nangong Clan Treasure-House.

I did not expect that it was actually discovered by him.

This Nangong Clan Treasure-House area is divided into two layers, Internal and External.

among them.

The area where the gold and silver jewels are located is the outer layer.

The inner layer is the heap of the cultivation resource.

Regarding these, Zhao Fang is only guessing with the example of Zhao Clan.

After all, he could not confirm without seeing it with his own eyes.

This area is beyond imagination, like the entire palace underground, like being hollowed out.

There are few steps ahead.

Zhao Fang smells the scent of medicine and the fluxtuation of powerful weapon emits.

There is also a faint conversation from the front.

“It’s the royal family Treasure-House! The person who speaks is Nangong Wuji!”

A little bit of ear to listen for a moment, Zhao Fang in the eyes of the light of the flash.


He quickly rushed to the location where the sound was.

As he progressed, the real treasure in Treasure-House was also fully presented in front of Zhao Fang.

Looking at the Treasure Mountain, which was piled up with treasures of Heaven and Earth, Zhao Fang was shocked at the same time, in the eyes, and it was also full of fiery heat.

“If you take away all the treasures of this place, Exchange gives System, I don’t know how many supreme coins can be exchanged! I really look forward to Ah!”

Zhao Fang vision flickered, full of excitement rays of light.

Nan Palace Clan’s treasure is mostly Eon Level, Universe Level is second, and Yellow Grade is again.

In short, the higher the Level Level treasure, the less rare it is.

“damn, be sure to take all these things away!”

The Treasure Mountain, Noble Young Master Zhao will not return empty-handed.

When Zhao Fang is ready to take action, there is a coldly shouted in Treasure-House:


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