In the heart of the wind, I was shocked.

I feel that Zhao Fang is too crazy.

The fierceness is the famous fierce grandson. The future is far-reaching. I don’t look at the Buddha face when I look at it. Even if the cultivation base is higher than the fierceness, I dare not waver in front of him.

But at the moment, the Lord is not only rude to the fierce, but also so casual, as if he was coming to the house slave.

Let him know, Zhang Fang can not help but sweat.

The fierce temper is not so soft and gentle, but fierce and fierce.

But what surprised him was that Zhao Fang was cold-spoken, the fierce temperament that has always been known for violent temper, and rarely angered.

Instead, a trace of a trace makes a stunned smile, directed at Zhao Fang with said with a laugh: “My family Sir said, if Zhao Young master is too busy to get away, you can not go.”

“That’s good, goodbye!”

Zhao Fang waved and was ready to leave.

The fierce mouth was open, and I didn’t expect to be so unseen: “I’m asking Sir to bring something to the Young master…”

“Things? Where? Show me!”

Zhao Fang suddenly appeared in front of the fierce, and suddenly appeared, and even the fierceness did not respond.

The fierce lips smirked and took out the things that Kun Yuan had given him to Zhao Fang.

It was a big black pot.

Zhao Fang That face, suddenly black is the same as the bottom of the pot.

“The fierceness is playing Zhao Fang?”

There is such an illusion in the wind.

However, Zhao Fang looked at it carefully and suddenly laughed. He grabbed the big black pot and said, “Okay, I accepted it. Thank you for your home Sir! Is there anything else?”

The big black pot is not ugly, but it is faintly emits out of an extremely powerful monster, which is made up of the skeleton of a big demon.

Moreover, it is very likely to be the turtle shell of the mysterious turtle known as Defense Power.

Because he was on the black pot, he saw a moiré!


Looking at a bandit-like Zhao Fang, the fierce corner of the mouth twitched, and wanted to slap a slap in the face of Zhao Fang.

“Tell goodbye!”

This time, the fierceness did not start to talk again.

Something is ready to send out, he has no reason to start to talk again.

I wanted to ask Zhao Fang, the battle of the alley, what means Zhao Fang showed in the end, but now this situation, he wants to ask, it is not necessarily able to ask why.

“Frelow Daoist…”

In the wind, I don’t want to be too fierce, but I don’t know. His existence is the most fierce embarrassment. After all, the scene of eating yourself is all in the air.


The fierceness is slightly a bit of a sense of healing, and the glance is gone.

I was very hurt by the wind.

He obviously became a fierce punching bag.

But he was not an ordinary person, and soon he calmed his mind and looked at the silhouette of Zhao Fang and others. His eyes glanced at a strange color. “It seems that this Zhao Fang not simple.”

“Not only by the wind and rain sword, but even the Sir Wu of Kunwu Mountain seems to be very optimistic about him.”

Suddenly, the wind suddenly found that they were randomly placed in the group Xiufeng, which seemed to be somewhat random.

When he thought of it, he went back to the registration hall and discussed with Elder, who was responsible for arranging accommodation. When Zhao Fang had not arrived at Qun Xiufeng, he personally chased him and took him to a scenic eyebrow, and the fairy aura was pervasive. Cave dwelling.

“Zhao Young master, I will not bother you to practice, and after two days the grand code is activated, I wish you a full harvest!”

After being properly placed and confirmed that there is no problem, he will leave to Zhao Fang.

Lotus Throne Cave!

Zhao Fang looked up and looked at the name of cave dwelling, not to be surprised.

The shape of lotus flower is like a lotus flower in full bloom. Lotus Throne is the foundation of this lotus flower, and it is also a rare hole in the island except for the ‘Lotus’.

“hehe, it seems that the murder is really right!”

Zhao Fang smiled. Although he didn’t have any requirements for where he lived, he preferd to live in this quiet Lotus Throne hole compared to the crowded peaks of other Cultivators.

The Lotus Throne cave is very big, let alone five of them, even ten times more, it is easy.

Enter cave dwelling, activate lotus flower, and the ranks of the caves, this rank is not too powerful, nor mediocre, barely able to cope with the vast majority of infants.

“Is anyone at home?”

Everything is ready, Zhao Fang is about to start practicing, and there is a sound of combing outside the hole.


Zhao Fang heard the sounds familiar, and looked through the fairy tales to find a fallen swordsman riding on the horse.

It is Ren Pingsheng!

“What is he doing?” Zhao Fang is suspicious.

Let the surrounding, the face full of doubts and killing and others, after peace of mind, Zhao Fang activate Xianzhen, out of the Lotus Throne hole.

“You brat Luck is really good. Just come to the lotus flower island and you can mix in this cave dwelling.”

Ren Pingsheng jokingly said.

“You kind of senior Supreme come to me, it will not be just to tease me.” Zhao Fang rolled the eyes.

“ha ha ~ Of course not. I am here to invite you to drink!”

Zhao Fang turned away.

Ren Pingsheng cried: “Okay, let’s talk about business.”

Zhao Fang paused and looked at Ren Pingsheng with a suspicion. The gaze seemed to say, what else can you do?

The meaning of the contain, almost did not discourage Ren Pingsheng nose, said ill-humoredly: “I was worried that you would be under my name, and would be bullied by the other gods of the Great Expert. Now it seems that I am more concerned. ”

When you mention the horse, you have to turn around.

“Hehe, just just joking with senior, there is no humor in the senior.”

Zhao Fang stopped in front of the Qilin horn dragon horse.

Ren Ping is angry and bored. Doesn’t this fellow not hurt himself, can’t say anything?

“Give you, don’t die!”

Throwing Zhao Fang a short sword with a slap in the face, Ren Pingsheng is too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhao Fang, mentioning the horse, Qilin horn dragon horses and clouds, and disappeared.

“Rely, running faster than rabbits, as for?”

Looking at the disappearing, there is no trace of Ren Pingsheng, Zhao Fang swears.

Soon, his eyes fell on the short sword of the palm of the hand given by Ren Pingsheng. There were three lightly woven small characters on the hilt.

Thunder sword!

This is a thunder weapon.

Just holding it, you can feel that its edge and overbearing, like a tyrannosaurus, want to swallow everyone who wants to control it.

“Not bad!”

Zhao Fang eyes shined.

Ren Pingsheng’s take action this time is generous.

This kind of thunder sword’s might is less than a six-equivalent fairy.

Even, it is very likely that the fire tempering failed.

Although and the six fines are only a small level higher than the fairy, but the might is not the same!

“If you integrate the Thunder Sword into Yuan Ying, use it to urge the move to move unhindered to kill the sword. Just by this move, you can stand on the baby’s change!”

Said, he suddenly laughed.

“Kunyuan sent me a turtle black pot, Ren Pingsheng gave me a Thunder sword, a shield and a spear. Did the two people have already discussed it?” Zhao Fang thought about it, didn’t think about it. Translucent, vaguely felt that it should be related to the ancient sword of Zangfeng.

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