Chapter 203 Demon

After the birth of the giant devil, the vibration.

Instead of becoming a place of Taboo, the Mo Yun Mountain Range is even more popular. Every day, countless adventurers come here to explore the Mo Yun Mountain Range.

Since the giant devil was broken from the Mo Yun Mountain Range, there was a variety of legendary Mo Yun Mountain Range.

In this regard.

But no one is going to refute.

After all, the scene of the giant devil was born, but it was witnessed by countless people.

Together with the birth of the giant devil, most of the Spirit beast of the Mo Yun Mountain Range Outer Circle was scared away.

Leading Outer Circle to become an undefended Earth domain.

Some Martial King, Martial Ancestor Martial Artist silhouette can be seen everywhere.

If this is for the giant devil before they are born, they enter the Mo Yun Mountain Range, and they are not timid, like a thin ice.

It’s like this now, no wariness.

This day.

A rainbow light descends on the Mo Yun Mountain Range Outer Circle.

The rainbow light disperses, revealing the young silhouette of it.

As soon as the young silhouette appeared, it caused a peep of other members of the team.

The silhouette is too young and only one person.

In the face of all around, the young man did not have any panic, just sneer and sneak a team that wanted to rob him, and lifted his hands to kill.

Quietly quiet on the field.

Everyone looked at the young man’s gaze, and quickly added a bit of intense shock and revere.

If it is from a young age.

They are unable to believe, and the youngster, which is less than twenty in front, has such a powerful strength.

But then.

They are relieved.

If there is no powerful strength, who would dare to come to Mo Yun Mountain Range alone.

After the younger killed, the young man did not rush to leave, his eyes swept through the audience, and fell on the earth-filled, once sullen land, and sighed in his heart.

“Giant devil was born on the day, shake Heaven and Earth, I dare to watch it from a distance, but I did not expect that this Mo Yun Mountain Range was destroyed to this point!”

The young man is not someone else. It is the Zhao Yun who entered the Mo Yun Mountain Range and came to find the colorful lotus heart.

After a slight sigh, Zhao Fang did not stop, rushing to the place where the giant devil was born.

The quiet on the field, after Zhao Fang left, was instantly broken.

among them.

When someone saw Zhao Fang’s direction, he couldn’t help but change.

“That fellow, don’t you know, the place where the giant devil was born, was occupied by Demon?”

“Those Demon Strengths are exceptionally powerful, especially Fleshy Body, comparable to the Ordinary Universe Level Spirit Artifact, which is hard to kill, and, with its Demon Qi, has a good chance of turning into Demon.”

“With that person, if you can’t beat Demon, you should be able to escape.”

“If it’s an ordinary Demon, he can naturally escape, but don’t forget, Demon, there is also a Demon King ranked existence, the terrifying fellow, but even the Martial Venerable Powerhouse has swallowed it.”

When I heard this, everyone couldn’t help but shrink their heads, and their faces were full of ecstasy.

When looking at the direction of Zhao Fang, in the eyes is full of compassionate flavor.


The place where giant devil was born.

It was the place of Zhao Fang obtain God Slayer Spear.

Zhao Fang is on the way.

There is no encounter with the who class, or Spirit beast.

All around is dyed everywhere by Demon Qi. Even though Demon Qi is dissipating, the vegetation that was once was eroded by Demon Qi and can no longer be retrieved.

The place to revisit the environment of surroundings, but there is no sense of familiarity, and some are just strangers.

call out!

Just as Zhao Fang is approaching the destination.

Sky suddenly heard a sharp sky-splitting sound.

A black light, flashing from the sky, the speed is extremely fast, after a few breaths, it falls not far from Zhao Fang.

Black light turned into a whole body shrouded with Black Qi, and could not see the human face.

This person, there is no a little bit of the orthodox Martial Artist’s aura, emits, are full of Demon Qi, alive is a human being by Demon Transformation.

After Demon appeared, he saw Zhao Fang, the double in the eyes obscured by Black Mist, revealing two bloody glows of scarlet killing.

For a moment, he aura went up, from the beginning of 1-Star Martial Ancestor, climbing promotes to 2-Star Martial Ancestor Realm, a complex and unclear whistle sounded in the mouth, with Demon Qi killed.

Zhao Fang was not in a hurry. At the moment Demon killed, the palm suddenly came out and grabbed Demon’s arm. In the sharply excited Tiger’s Roar, he grabbed it and slammed it on the ground a few feet away.

Vigorously Falling Monument Hand !

This is Zhao Fang The martial skill is given when the System is activated.

But it is rarely used.

Even so, after the introduction of Zhao Fang of peak Martial Venerable, it is the ordinary Martial Venerable, and also wariness three points.


Suddenly, Zhao Fang was surprised.

Looking along his gaze, but seeing Demon who was thrown to the ground and pulled the ground out of a big pit, he did not die, struggling to get up.

“My blow is the ordinary Martial Venerable. It’s also unbearable. You are Martial Ancestor, but you can’t take it, it’s fun!”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth showed a sneer, and he strode forward to Demon.

I don’t know if it hurts too much, or for other reasons. After Zhao Fang’s fall, Demon Qi, who is shrouded on Demon, has faded a lot and is faintly able to see his face.

That is a middle-aged man.

When he saw Zhao Fang striding forward, the Demon stepped back two steps, showing a frightened expression.

“I thought that after being eroded by Demon Qi, the whole person turned into a monster. It seems that it is not entirely.”

Zhao Fang, who has a panoramic view of Demon’s changes, sneered and walked quickly to Demon.

Demon screamed and turned around and ran.

He also knows that the person in front of him is not the enemy he can.


In addition to the slightly stronger defense, this Demon is no different from the ordinary Martial Ancestor.

Zhao Fang is very casual to catch up.

In his horrified eyes, Zhao Fang took a shot.

Although it is a plain palm, but the containment power of contain is easy to obliterate an ordinary Martial Venerable.

That Demon seems to also perceive that, the palm of the might.

As the palm approached, a sharp whistle sounded in the mouth, like unwillingness before death, and it was like notifying other Demons.


Demon was caught in the palm of his hand, and the whole person flew a few hundred zhangdred zhang (333m), kneeling on the ground, and Demon Qi disappeared a little.



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Demon, obtain 10000000 Point Experience Value, 1000000True Force Value Points, 1000000Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Demon Soul *1.”

What Demon broke out was pitiful, but the Experience Value of killed Demon obtain was a surprise to Zhao Fang.

“Just 2-Star Martial Ancestor ranked Demon, but the equivalent is equivalent to the Experience Value of the killed 1-Star Martial Venerable.”

Zhao Fang raised a smile on his lips. “I hope, this Demon has more.”

As he spoke, Demon Qi on Demon dissipated, revealing its original appearance.

Zhao Fang glanced casually, but then, complexion big change!

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