Chapter 241 devil black god Lotus

“what happened?”

Zhao Fang asked quickly when he noticed the abnormality of Mu Qingxuan. Latest fastest update

“I smelled it, a familiar flavor.”

Mu Qingxuan in the eyes reveals a trace of confusion and eagerness.

She looked up and looked at the exit of the cave, as if she had found something.

“I have to take a look!” said Mu Qingxuan.

Do not know why.

She always felt that there seemed to be something outside, which attracted her.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

Immediately nod, pick up Yu Xi, still in a coma, and leave the cave with Mu Qingxuan.

Out of the cave, Mu Qingxuan led the way.

The valley was so great that the two people turned around for a long time and did not walk out of the valley.

“It’s in front!” said Mu Qingxuan.

This way, the feeling of calling, but the more invented.

And until now.

She can clear Sense, the source of the call, not far from the front.

Not just Mu Qingxuan.

It’s Zhao Fang, and I feel that the front is full of powerful True Force fluctuations.

There is a thing not far from the gallop.

“én? There is a little wooden house here!”

Zhao Fang Surprised looks at not far away, built with trees, not refined, but extremely quiet little wooden house.

Inside the little wooden house, there is no one!

But from the furnishings in the wooden house, the master of the small wooden house should have just left.

“I am really curious, this dangerous place, what kind of person lives in the end!”

Zhao Fang looked at the little wooden house.

He always felt that this ordinary little wooden house seemed to contain something of extreme mysterious.

In Zhao Fang, study the small wooden house at the same time.

Mu Qingxuan came under the cliff not far from the small wooden house.

She looked up and saw a smear of shock on the surface of the plant growing on the cliff in black and white.

Above the cliff, there is a half-human height, with a few petals of Lotus Leaf, the lotus is black and white, the sputum is distinct, and the emits is a strange flower lotus flower.

Black and white lotus flower swaying, Lotus Leaf exhibition room, if rippled, emits out an extremely pure black and white Two Qi.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qingxuan’s eyes narrowed.

She does not know the origin of the lotus flower plant, nor does she know what the whiteness of her emits is.

But in the perception of Black Qi’s all of a sudden, her complexion drastically changed, “Demon Qi!”

In Demon Abyss, she was almost assimilated by Demon Qi. For this kind of aura, she would not admit her mistakes.

“This, what kind of plant is this, even emits the strange Demon Qi? And, that white gas can compete with Demon Qi, what is it?”

Mu Qingxuan was shocked.

And unlike Demon Qi, she felt an extremely pure and comfortable aura in Demon Qi of the lotus flower emits.

This feeling is something she has never felt in her Demon Abyss.

The strange feeling born inexplicably did not let Mu Qingxuan relax, but made her more vigilant.

She hesitated a little, did not step forward, but instead slowly retreated, ready to meet with Zhao Fang.

Although she can see that this lotus is not the same as common.

But she did not know the true origin of this lotus, and did not dare to act rashly.

Quickly returning to the small wooden house, Mu Qingxuan found that Zhao Fang was holding a piece of jade pendant’s fragment, and his eyes were ecstatic.

Out of the sixth sense of the women, she was keenly aware that the atmosphere was abnormal and could not help but look at the jade pendant fragment.

The pattern on the jade pendant fragment is very delicate, and on the broken corner, there is a touch of extremely sharp red.

That is the color of the blood.

Although the blood on it is dry, but in the all of a sudden of the fragment, Zhao Fang has a feeling of one kind bloodline connected.

That feeling is no stranger, but rather extreme familiar.

“Is it, he!” Zhao Fang eyes showing sharp light.

It can make him feel connected to the bloodline, and there is only one person in this Mo Yun Mountain Range!

His cheap boss, Zhao Zhan!

Zhao Fang looked up at the little wooden house all around. “Here is where he used to live? Just where he went now, the blood on the jade pendant fragment, and what’s going on? Is it wrong?”

Zhao Fang expression is not very good looking.

The original purpose of his entry into the Mo Yun Mountain Range was to find Zhao Zhan and bring him back to Zhao Clan.

Later, he accidentally encountered Demon, so he had to rescue Mu Qingxuan.

Then went through all kinds of things.

And now, seeing this jade pendant fragment, he remembers the true purpose of coming to Mo Yun Mountain Range.

“what happened?”

Mu Qingxuan See Zhao Fang complexion is not very good-looking, quickly asked.

Zhao Fang took a deep breath, under the pressure of some bad guesses, looking around all around, explained to Mu Qingxuan: “Here, it should be my father, where I used to live.”

Mu Qingxuan startled.

She is still the first time to hear about Zhao Fang father.

But see Zhao Fang complexion ugly, see the blood on the jade pendant fragment, Internal and External, she faintly guessed, consoled:

“Senior is a natural person, there must be nothing. Maybe he left here long ago.”


Zhao Fang ordered nod.

“Right, you are outside, what can you find?”

“I am going to tell you this, you come with me.”

Zhao Fang left the small wooden house with Mu Qingxuan and soon came under the black and white cliff.

Don’t use Mu Qingxuan to give pointers.

When entering the range of the clamp number hundred zhang (333m), Zhao Fang felt that the aura between the heaven and earth was abnormal.

He looked far and saw the two-color lotus flower above the cliff.

Eye reveals Singularity!

This is the first time I can see the lotus flower of Black and White Two Qi.

“I used to read a lot of ancient books. Although I couldn’t talk about proficiency in the medicinal herb, I also know that I can get a 77.88, but it is some Heaven Rank treasure, but I can’t see it, but I can’t see it. The origin of lotus flower!”

Mu Qingxuan said solemnly: “And, in the black and white Two Qi of this lotus emits, that Demon Qi is pure, and gives me a feeling of closeness. This feeling, even if I am in Demon Abyss, has never been !”

Zhao Fang frowns.

Just now, he lost more than a dozen identifications to the two-color lotus flower.

As a result, there was no accident that the identification level was too high to be identified.

“Liange this Universe Level identification can not be identified, is this grade higher than Earth Grade, reaching Heaven Grade?”

Zhao Fang blinked slightly, but a trace excited in her heart.

“If it’s really Heaven Grade, I can definitely have a lot of supreme coins in Exchange.”

When he thought about it, he rushed to Mu Qingxuan. “You are waiting for me here, I will go and see.”

“Well, everything is careful!” Mu Qingxuan nod.

Zhao Fang figure Move, Cloud Rising Immortal Step Instantly step out, if you are a dragon, your eyes will appear above the cliff.

At the time of its appearance.

The rhizome of the two-color lotus flower suddenly swayed, a path of black and white gas spurted out, gas distortion, turned into a knife, spear and sword 戟 and other kinds of weapons, contain a majestic power, like a raindrop, toward Zhao Fang .

The speed is extremely fast, and the impact of the contain in the gas is Zhao Fang, and the scalp is numb.

“fuck you !”

In a hurry, Zhao Fang quickly activated Baxia Armour to defend.

The all of a sudden of Baxia Armour, those attacks, fell in an instant.

In the sound of muffled sounds, Zhao Fang was directly defeated by this offensive, and flew out of the cliff top.

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