The second hundred 50 chapter Tantai Miaoge!

At the moment of Hua Xiong killed Situ Cheng –


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed 8-Star Demon Emperor ‘Situ Cheng ‘, obtain 1000000000 Point Experience Value, 100000000True Force Value Points, 100000000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Divine Skill ‘Sacrifice Demonic Fist ‘,whether cultivating?”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain incomplete product ’10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain *1, Demon Soul *100000.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘level up , currently 9-Star Martial Venerable !”


Zhao Fang grinned and gave him a sigh of relief.

Several bloody kills. Hey, almost lost his life, and finally solved the problem of Situ Cheng.

But Zhao Fang’s ease, did not last long.

“Situ Cheng is just getting the blood essence of Tu Sen, and Strength has changed so dramatically. If it’s Tu Sen himself, how terrifying?”

Suddenly, Zhao Fang remembered that he had blocked Tu Sen and confronted Tu Sen.

Every time I think of the scene of the day, he has a feeling of cold sweat and heart sudden stop.

Tu Sen gave him the oppression, too strong!

It’s one of his hits to strongest so far!

“The cultivation base upgrade is still too slow! The time left for me is not much, I must break into Martial God level in one year!”

Zhao Fang secretly holds the fist.

Hua Xiong flew back, respectfully listed on the side of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang took out five or six Healing Medicine Pill and took it to Yu Xi.

In Yu Xi refining Pill Medicine, restore the cultivation base and the injury at the same time.

Zhao Fang is also viewing the harvest.

From this point of view, let Noble Young Master Zhao be bored.

“Oh, damn 8-Star Demon Emperor, simply is a poor ghost, also Sacrifice Demonic Fist, barely enough to see, the rest are rubbish!”

Hua Xiong’s Summoning Card was consumed, and the result was changed. Zhao Fang was naturally dissatisfied.

To know.

Like the Special Item of Summoning Card, the probability of explosion is Extremely Low, which consumes one, and one less.

Martial skill :Sacrifice Demonic Fist

Rank :Divine Grade

Proficiency : 0/10000000000

Introducing 1: If you want to be a boxer, you need to have the timidity of living in the dead and survive in the dead.

Introducing 2: The stronger the timid, the bigger the boxing, the greater the degree of one kind, and even the battle.


Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang dumbstruck’s at the same time is also suck in a breath of cold air.

“obediently, succumb to the demon, the will to survive in the dead… The stronger the will, the bigger the might? The Situ Cheng died quickly. If he reacted and tried to beat the Sacrifice Demonic Fist, Hua Xiong would be able to take it. I am afraid I have to pay a lot of money.”

“This Rank Divine Skill is quite different.”

Zhao Fang directly confirms cultivation.

In all of a sudden.

An inexplicable message flooded into his mind.

In the blink of an eye, he was able to understand the meaning of the Sacrifice Demonic Fist. When he made a small fist, he was like a big wave, and he rushed out from Zhao Fang within the body.

“I really want to find someone to try!”

Feel the singularity brought by the Sacrifice Demonic Fist, Zhao Fang is excited and eager to try.

But after looking at the desolate all around, he still dismissed the idea.


After practicing the Sacrifice Demonic Fist, Zhao Fang’s attention was placed on the 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner.

Just glanced at him and he was shocked.

Item: 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner

Rating: incomplete product

Destructive power:?

Introducing 1: Demon Territory 4th Rank Influence ‘Devouring Soul Sect ‘Sect Protecting Treasure, followed by Desolate Domain, discovered by Situ Cheng in a Secret Realm. This is divided into three hundred, one billion, 10 Billion three levels, respectively, corresponding to Earth Grade treasure, Heaven Grade treasure, Divine Grade treasure.

Introducing 2: There are one hundred and eight main souls in this squad, 10 Billion Soul. After the fusion, you can play the best Divine Artily might, and beat the Martial God Peak Powerhouse.

Introducing 3: This is a serious damage. The remaining Soul in the shackles is less than 100 million, and you can barely play the Earth Grade treasure. Want to restore it, only the constant swallow soul.


“I drop an obediently Longdong hole. Isn’t this damn a growing treasure? Although it only mentions 10 Billion, there must be an Upgrade space on it. However, it is a bit of a hassle to make up so many souls. !”

Killing one or two people, or thousands of tens of thousands, Zhao Fang will not frown.

However, the number of souls required by 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner is too large. If it is killing and killing, I don’t know how many souls are smeared.

With a sigh, put this chicken ribs treasure.


Looking at other things, there are some irrelevant existences.

But Demon Soul, Zhao Fang did not study why.

In his heart, he took out 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner.

The Black Mist twists in the 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner turned into an extremely strange and different channel. The Demon Soul, when they saw the passage, seemed to wander like a wanderer.

With the influx of these Demon Souls, the 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner is also a weak fluctuation of emits.

“I barely reached the level of Heaven Grade, but if it is against the enemy, it is somewhat unrealistic.”

Put away the 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner and Zhao Fang once again looked at Yu Xi.

After this moment of recovery, her injury has not completely healed, but compared to just now, it is obviously much better.

Thinking about it.

“chuckle ~~!”

Like a silver bell, but with a bit of demon intent sound, suddenly sounded from Void.

Zhao Fang subconscious looked up.

When I look around, my eyes are suddenly condensed, and the in the eyes are full of joy.

In his eyes, Void, Space twisted the fluctuation and showed a figure from it.

“Qingxuan !”

Zhao Fang exclaimed.

The figure swept Zhao Fang and his eyes were smiling, but in the eyes, there was no warmth, and some were just cold and indifferent.


In this coldness, there is still a high pride and a pride in everything.

just like.

Giant. The dragon overlooks the ant, and the God overlooks the human.

The gaze made Zhao Fang’s face happy, and he was slightly frowned.

The appearance of the person in front of him is Mu Qingxuan, but the temperament and attitude towards himself are not at all.


She remembered the jade hand that Mu Qingxuan caught, the complexion changed slightly, staring at her, Shen shouted: “Who are you?!”

“I am Mu Qingxuan, have you not said it yourself?”

That women gently start to talk said with a laugh.


Zhao Fang shook his head, staring at the women, in the eyes revealing a touch of wisdom, “You are definitely not Mu Qingxuan! You, you are Tantai Miaoge!”

The women who have Mu Qingxuan body, the original singular look at Zhao Fang.

But with Zhao Fang’s words, her complexity is slightly changed, and the eyes reveal a trace of long-lost feelings. It seems that I haven’t heard the name for a long time.

For a long while, she looked up and looked at Zhao Fang indifferently. “I really didn’t think that after many years, this Sir actually could hear the name!”

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