The second hundred 50 three chapters Ruins World Battlefield

Zhao Fang opened his eyes. Latest fastest update

Presented in front of you is a patina, a room with a hint of scent in the air.

Just opened your eyes.

The pain suddenly hit, especially on the left side. At the moment of twisting, the pain caused by the rubbing of the bones made Zhao Fang have an urge to die.

Zhao Fang Tightly clear one’s teeth off, right hand on the bed, slowly straight up.

Glanced at the room, suddenly fell on the round table in the middle of the room.

There is a women on the round table, sleeping at the desk, sleeping extremely sweet, its corner of the mouth, faintly revealing a few crystals.

Upon seeing, Zhao Fang’s warmth at the same time, the corner of the mouth, showed a smile.

When the smile was slightly noticeable, he touched the wound, and he licked his mouth.

The sound quickly awakened, Yu Xi, who was sleeping.

When she looked up, she saw Zhao Fang sitting up and said quickly: “You finally woke up, you don’t know, you have been in a coma for two days and two nights.”

“Two days and two nights?”

Think of Mu Qingxuan in order to save him, when he was forced to leave, Zhao Fang felt a tremor in his heart. “Qingxuan, you wait, I will save you for a long time, I swear!”

He is in a strong color in the eyes.

After calming down, Zhao Fang looked at Yu Xi again and suddenly laughed.

“Why are you laughing?”

Yu Xi was puzzled by Zhao Fang.

“Look at the mirror yourself.”

Yu Xi took out the close-up vanity mirror and looked at it slightly. The charmingly charming face was red, and Zhao Fang glanced at Zhao Fang. “You really hate it.”

She turned around and wiped the traces of the corner of the mouth.

But after turning to behind, the ruddy of its charming face above did not fade. How much.

Yu Xi is secretly upset, at the same time, and her heart is also a big breath.

She was afraid that Zhao Fang would experience Mu Qingxuan and she would not recover.

Now it seems that I think more.

“many thanks, take me back.” Zhao Fang’s sincere face.

“You don’t have to thank me, it’s not me who brought you back.” Yu Xi quickly waved.

“Who is that? Look at the environment here, it should be the Pill Treasure Pavilion of Raging Flames Country.”

Zhao Fang swept his eyes and said around.

“It’s Old Man!”

The door was pushed open and Pill Treasure Pavilion owner Elder Shun walked in.

Not seen in full moon.

At first glance, he didn’t change how big is it.

But after careful observation by Zhao Fang, it was noticed that Elder Shun’s Essence, Qi and Spirit were significantly weaker than one month ago.

This discovery made him quite suspicious.

But on the face, it is quiet, respectful hands clasped together politely said: “Elder Shun.”

“If you are seriously injured, you don’t have to care about these vagrants.”

When Elder Shun waved, there was an invisible force that lifted Zhao Fang.

If not Elder Shun has had his own favor many times, Zhao Fang will not treat him like this.

Seeing him like this at the moment, naturally happy, and did not insist.

“Your injury is not a big problem. If you cultivate a month, you should be almost.” Elder Shun said.

“Thanks to Elder Shun’s timely treatment, if not, my injury will drag on, and I will probably give birth to a moth.”

Zhao Fang said.

“This is also true. However, you don’t have to thank me, thank you, thank you!”

Elder Shun waved, a quaint little Cauldron flew out, and fell in the air, spinning and rolling.

But when I saw the moment of that tripod.

Zhao Fang is a complexion shock, incredulously looking at the small Cauldron, turning to Elder Shun, “Tu Sen invaded Raging Flames Country that day, is your old hand?”

That small Cauldron is not something else.

It was the bronze Three Legged Cauldron that blocked the Tu Sen and Raging Flames Country doors that day.

“hehe ~~”

Elder Shun licked his jaw and shivered, smiled lightly, did not admit it, and did not admit it.

His attitude is somewhat ambiguous.

But with the wisdom of Zhao Fang, how can you not see through it.

In the eyes of Elder Shun, the respect of the eyes is more intense.

“This time, I can save you, relying on it to lead the way. If not, I want to find you in the Mo Yun Mountain Range, I am afraid it is not so easy.”

Elder Shun’s words dispelled a doubt in Zhao Fang’s heart.

But at the same time, another doubt arises.

“Elder Shun, your real cultivation base, I am afraid not just the Martial Emperor level?” Zhao Fang asked curiously.

In the state of Tu Sen that day, although it is no longer Peak, it is not comparable to the ordinary Martial Emperor or even Martial Saint.

The bronze Three Legged Cauldron can resist a moment, except for the small Cauldron, which is the Immortal Treasure, and the people behind it can’t take it off.

If Elder Shun really only has Martial Emperor cultivation base, break the impossible to do this one step.

Elder Shun is silent, immediately said with a laugh, “I used to cultivate base, I don’t remember. But now, I really only have Martial Emperor level. I didn’t exert much force on the day to block Tu Sen, if not, to ‘Fire’ The power of the Crow Mountains and Rivers Cauldron is so easy to be suppressed by Tu Sen?”

Elder Shun’s words are very dull.

But when it comes to the back, it reveals a strong aura.

Obviously, for this tripod, he has an extremely powerful confidence.

As Zhao Fang, who had fought side by side with the bronze Three Legged Cauldron, he didn’t have much doubt about Elder Shun’s words.

“To find you today, there is something to tell you.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang looked tight.

“Remember what Old Man once said to you?”

Zhao Fang is slightly silent, nodded slightly.

On the occasion of becoming the Pill Treasure Pavilion Distinguished Elder, Old Shun once concealed the need to help Zhao Fang.

It seems that the time is ripe.

“Please ask Elder Shun to make it clear that if you can do it yourself, you will not deny it!”

“hehe, don’t have to be this. It’s a bit dangerous to enter into it, but if you are careful, you won’t have any problems.” Elder Shun said with a light smile.

“where is it?”

“Ruins World Battlefield!

Four calm, but through the words of endless killing aura, spit out from the mouth of Elder Shun.

“Ruins World Battlefield ?what is this place?” Zhao Fang was puzzled.

But Yu Xi next to him, when he heard these four words, it was a slight change in expression.

Elder Shun saw it and smiled a little.

“Martial World is endless, but there is also hidden under the countless Ruins World Battlefield. These Ruins World Battlefields are essentially a small world, basically the same as Martial World. The only difference is that Ruins World Battlefield is no exception. They are all going to collapse! Yes, they have the name of returning to the market.”

“In addition, Law in Ruins World Battlefield, without the perfection of Martial World, overall Strength, is inferior to Martial World, but don’t underestimate, some of the big ruins, and even the indispensableness of Martial World’s first-class Powerhouse.”

“big ruins?” Zhao Fang is another dumbfounded.

His cultivation time is still short. For this kind of rumor, there is no Time to understand.

“Depending on the size of the area, the diversity of Life’s form, the richness of heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, Martial Artist’s overall Strength, Ruins World Battlefield is divided into small ruins, medium market, big ruins.”

This time to start to talk is not Elder Shun, but Yu Xi.

Zhao Fang took a deep look at Yu Xi.

He is not surprised that Yu Xi knows this.

To know.

The origin of Yu Xi, but even the characters Tantai Miaoge, are extremely amazing.

It can be seen that in this woman, the hidden secrets are huge.

“In general, small ruins is the largest of Ruins World Battlefield, because Heaven and Earth Law is incomplete, small ruins World is the most Powerhouse, between Martial Saint and Martial God.”

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