Heaven Measuring Ruler.

Contains the power of Law that controls the Belt World.

Zhao Fang found that the Heaven Measuring Ruler of the original Golden Eagle Demon King has risen from 10,000 meters to 100,000 meters.

When he took complete control of the Heaven Measuring Ruler, he felt a lot of familiar Law power.

“Is the power of Law I collected earlier? Is it integrated by this Heaven Measuring Ruler?”

This result, in the face of Zhao Fang who has witnessed the integration of Heaven Measuring Ruler, does not seem to be very difficult to accept.

“Wind blows!”

He waved slightly, and the power of Law was motivated. Within a few thousand miles of circumference, there was wind and air.

Although the Heaven Measuring Ruler is only 100,000 meters, the power of Law is spread throughout the entire World of Belts, and as long as he is willing, he can control the entire World.

“If Azure Dragon knows that I can control the belt World, I don’t know what it looks like?” Zhao Fang raised a smile on his lips.

He gave a glimpse of the spirit and integrated into Law.


All areas of the Belt World are flashing in front of you.

At that moment, Zhao Fang had a strong feeling of one kind, he was God, and he controlled the whole World God!

“It’s a long-lost feeling!”

Zhao Fang remembered the cave dwelling world.


He browed, and a trace of coldness appeared on his face. “These fellows are still in the belt of World? Yeah, I still have an account, I have to calculate with them!”

Perceived the killing intent that Zhao Fang scatters, and Jin Su’s suspicious look.

“Hello with I’ll go!” Zhao Fang did not explain, just said.

“Yeah.” Kim Min, nodded, looked excited.

Two people are taking the wind.



Gong Yilong looked cautiously all around, his brows wrinkled.

“What’s wrong?” Others are puzzled.

“Have you ever felt that there is spiritual knowledge to spy on us?” asked the public.

“No. In the World of Ink, except for a few of us, there is no living.”

They didn’t mention Zhao Fang at all. When they wanted to come, Zhao Fang was killed by the terrifying existence.

“Is it wrong?”

“definitely is.”

“Forget it, don’t want this, then that brat is dead, we should also go out to cross, and by the way, the people of the car waiting for the family are dead.”

“ha ha ~ that group of retard, calculated by Azure Dragon Sir, fell into the trap, even if there is no dead light, it is estimated that the death is almost!”

In the laughter, the public lost the ajade plate of the Azure Dragon pattern, which is about to be activated.


The wind raging, like an invisible big hand, blows the Azure Dragon jade plate.

“What!” Gong Yilong complexion micro-shock, just ready to take back, but suddenly found that the body was suppressed by a mysterious force, can not move.

“Law’s power?” Gong Yilong complexion ugly.

Several other people have also found it bad, and called: “what’s going on? In addition to us, in the ink world, there are people who can control the power of Law?”

“Is it…”

A silhouette, at the same time flashed in seven minutes of mind.

“Impossible, that fellow is a big Demon King.” It is sure to die. Even if you are lucky, you can’t master the power of Law’s World.”

Seven people have a definite look.

“is it?”

Thin smile The sound came with the wind and floated into the ears of seven people.

Listening to the young and familiar voice, the seven people’s body was stiff, and after seeing the sound Master’s appearance, the eyes almost came out.

In their sight, a man and a woman are tearing the void, man is white, wins the snow, is full of grace, and is extraordinary, just like the God who controls the world.

The women beside him are seductive and hot, but they are very hot, but they give one kind of extreme danger.

It is Zhao Fang and Jin Yu two people.

“why you?”

“You are still not dead?”

The seven were furiously roared, and they were shocked and embarrassed.

“Bastard, the seven murderers of your ancestors, dare to take the blessings that belong to me, damned!” Zhao Fang Void Hand.

The power of Law swarmed and turned into a giant Palm, and the move to the seven dragons was pressed.

In the screams of seven people, Law Giant Palm annihilated all their vitality.

Even their souls are also swallowed.

From the beginning to the end, Kim Min Jong was watching the battle and looked indifferent.

Although she perceives this group of people, there is the power of Master’s a trace bloodline, but after all, it is not a direct descendant, she is too lazy to intervene.

Moreover, this group of people dare to ‘act recklessly’ offending Master, deserve to end up like this!

But when I saw the ashes, the indifference and cruel in the eyelids, and the fear of the same, the golden beast of the cloud beast trembled, and quickly bowed, expressing fear and surrender.

Awkward Fearful Might, the crown of many cloud beasts, unmatched!

She is not surprised by the ash that Zhao Fang owns. The public loser in her memory is a person who often takes the cloud beast to Tool Refiner. She is a living proof.

“Sure enough, Worthy is the power of Law!”

After a palm shot of the dead and lost to the seven people, Zhao Fang was in a good mood.

If you abandon the power of Law and fight with the seven people, he can kill the seven people, but it will cost a lot of hands and feet, and even hurt.

Just like this, just wave your hand and kill the seven personality on the spot.

“Golden, this time you help me to control the ink ribbon World, and I will be able to sweep the public losers rebellion, so I will love you!”

Zhao Fang praised Jin Hao in time.

The latter charming face blush, she naturally understands what it means to ‘love’.


“Tiger, let’s lose, the car is defeated!”

Azure Dragon is nine days tall, like God overlooking World, indifferent to the foot, riddled with scars of tigers and others, lying next to them, lying down the countless car waiting for the two brothers Powerhouse’s body.

But more, it’s still a car!

Wen Yan, Hu Jin complexion jitter, uneasy.

Broken out of the arm, like a bloody car waiting for you, seeing the rich killing intent,ududly roared said: “Azure Dragon old, you dream, my car is only a dead man, no dog !”

“Then you will die!”

Azure Dragon casually slammed his fingers, and the wind whistled. In the eyes of the tiger’s anger, he killed the car.

Even if the tiger cub is desperate to stop, it does not stop for a moment, only to see the look at, another clansman, away from himself.

His heart is bleeding.

I didn’t think of it. The Final Stand of the car waiting family was in the calculation of the public transport family from beginning to end.

After taking out the ink ribbon World in Azure Dragon and trapping Zhao Fang, it activates the hidden fairy tales.

The car waiting for the family to attack the defensive line of the public and the family, in fact, it is just the trap nothing more.

The car waiting for the family completely fell into the trap, and the war machine that the public transporters relied on became a famous war machine to kill the slaughter. Even if the car waiting for the family to rise up against it, in the end, it could not be blocked. Conversely was a heavy casualty.

In contrast to the public transport, the death is only the Mid Level of some ordinary, the high level is the battle of the Peak, almost lossless. In this situation, the tigers that are seen are almost collapsed.

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