“Aspirations for Seven… Time Law…”

Any Cultivator with one of these two can stand out at the same rank, let alone both on the same person.

“It’s over!”

The tiger cub is completely desperate.

Also see the gap between the car and the public.

Like heaven and earth!

The two sides are not at a level at all!

“Is the old Azure Dragon Sir a Seventh?”

“ha ha, I know, I will not die.”

“The old Azure Dragon Sir is mighty, sweeping the car, and returning to the world!”

Compared to the desperation of the tiger cub, the powerhouse Powerhouse is excited and inexplicably, almost jumped out.

A lot of questions.

This is the Strength that some Super Great Influences have.

For example, the most famous Three Great Asura king in Asura is the level of presence.

Former public transporters, the most Powerhouse is only a five-fold, in the ranking of the top ten World’s many changes, can only be considered an 2nd rate.


The old world of Azure Dragon, and his unparalleled strength, brought the public to the ranks of Myriad Worlds 1st rate Influence, enough to rival the three dozen Asura kings.

This meaning is more exciting than the public losers who defeated the car races and called the males back to the world.

“Old Man seclusion has been tens of thousands of years, but it is not always lazy.”

The old Azure Dragon is full of light and smiles.

“Zhao Young master, this battle, the car waiting for the family is over, but can’t catch you, you will take the White General together, with the identity of General, even if the old Azure Dragon is a big seven, don’t dare to go offend.”

Tiger Fang voice Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang looked up at him and thin smile shook his head: “It’s over? It’s too early to say this now, looks at it!”

When is this all the time, it is still calm and calm.

The tiger doesn’t hit a place, and feels that Zhao Fang’s vision is too narrow to see the situation.

He wants to retire, but the car waiting for clansman, who was excited by the inexplicable car waiting for clansman, could not break out.

“It’s always boring to look at at.”

Zhao Fang held his chin. “Then kill a few people, and raise the level up by the way?”

After making up his mind, Zhao Fang pulled out the Tibetan sword, and the yin and yang wings spread, bringing a sharp sky-splitting sound.

After blinking, he appeared on the top of the Elder’s double Elder.

Zhao Fang body’s projected shadow shrouded the double Elder, and he noticed that he looked up sharply.

I saw a sharp long sword, and squatted!

Followed by.

His body was two points and was killed on the spot.


The last moment of disillusionment, the double Elder heard this indifference.

After killing one person, Zhao Fang plundered him by the way, and then locked the target to another powerhouse to win the Powerhouse.



With Zhao Fang, now Strength, the first six styles of the swordsmanship, except for the Azure Dragon Black Tortoise, which is almost unmatched.

All the way to the west, many of the public transport Powerhouse fell to the ground.

What he chose was the powerhouse of the public transport family, the ordinary union, and he did not even have interest in the take action.

In this way, just killing a dozen people, he reached the critical point of level up.

Zhao Fang suppressed the cultivation base and did not immediately choose level up, but continued to accumulate.

ten people.

Twenty people.

Thirty people.

The public transport background is deep, but it can’t stand the slaughter like Zhao Fang.

Although, there is also a public transporter Powerhouse wants to kill Zhao Fang, but just approached, Zhao Fang showed amazing speed and collectively killed them.

That scene.

Look at a lot of public transport Powerhouse chill.

It’s like they didn’t go hunting Zhao Fang, but they went to Zhao Fang’s accept death.

“You are too impudent.”

In the end, the public losers have won several 3-Layer, comparable to the Victoria Commander-level Powerhouse, and under the leadership of Black Tortoise, they have been killed again.

They are well prepared.

The weapons and equipment in the hands are the most sophisticated, and anyone can compete with the high-level Powerhouse of their Level 1.

The five people joined forces, plus Black Tortoise from the side, finally stopped Zhao Fang’s madness.

“You kill me so many Powerhouses, I want to take you down, use my blood knife to cut off the flesh of your body and pay homage to the dead family.”

A pair of 3-Layer’s 狞汉狞said with a laugh.

“Just by you?”

Zhao Fang smiled. “If the Young Master is letting you, do you really think that you should eat Young Master? If you want to, let you see, the real strength of Young Master.”

After all, imposing manner.

A sharply terrifying Sword Qi broke out on the sword.


Sword Qi rumbled, the first to approach a single 3-Layer Powerhouse.

The Powerhouse hurriedly propped up the armor defense.


That is enough to force the armor that will not be damaged by dozens of dozens of attacks. Under the Sword Qi, it is like a paper, and it breaks open instantly.

Sword Qi pierced the heart of the first person, and then went around the second people behind, and when he had not reacted, he penetrated his heart.

The third people expression was horrified and tried to stop, but Sword Qi was too fast, almost at the same time he took action, Sword Qi appeared in front of him, circled around his neck, and then ran straight The fourth man shattered his Armour and even the Fleshy Body was torn in half by Sword Qi.

In the end, Sword Qi rushed out and went straight to the Han.

Dahan was horrified, but he couldn’t escape. He could only be hard-hitting. In the collision with Sword Qi, he was cut off by his sword and severely wounded.

At this point, the Sword Qi was completely broken.

But the whole scene is dead.

Even if it is still a tiger, it is also a horror.

Just a sword, four of them win 3-Layer on the spot, one person heavy injury, this Rank is sharp, too strong!

Too terrifying!

Even when he is in full bloom, it is not necessarily possible to find this sword.

Moreover, this is not Zhao Fang Full strength strike. It is obviously a calm sword.

“It’s terrifying with a single blow. If you do it all, can you even kill me?”

Black Tortoise complexion solemn.

He finally understood why grand White Tiger died in this person’s hands.

It’s not White Tiger, but the opponent is too strong!

“There is still one.”

Zhao Fang grinned at Black Tortoise, and then, it was a sword.

The Black Tortoise complexion condenses, and the black turtle shell appears on the surface. The turtle shell is unremarkable, and the Defense Power is extremely amazing. It blocks the Zhao Fang sword.


Zhao Fang Some accidents, the edge of the Tibetan front, can not be blocked by who.

“Come back.”

Almost at Zhao Fang, he was ready to exert his full strength. When a sword slammed into Black Tortoise, his behind Void suddenly twisted and changed. A silhouette, silently appeared behind him, holding his claws and directly slamming into Zhao Fang.

This hit, extremely dangerous, powerless, Zhao Fang instantly gave birth to a kind of strong crisis.

“Dead, Zhao Fang!”

Behind the grin hideously of the sneak attack.

“Is it? Azure Dragon! I’ve been guarding you for a long time.” Zhao Fang’s lips suddenly showed a trace smile.

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