“I wanted to ask you to help boxing. Now it seems that you have no thoughts about 80%.”

After everyone retired, Ji Xuan smiled at Zhao Fang.

She has no hatred for Zhao Fang, other Elder.

Instead, some admire him.

One person dares to be an enemy of the entire Xianzong. This timidity is not what you have.

“Even if I think, do you dare?”

Zhao Fang is like laughing and laughing.

Ji Xuan was silent and shook his head. “You, this fellow, always feel that you are deliberately doing this in order to reject me.”

“You really have no conscience in this case. That red-faced Venerable will not accept you at a glance. I will remove the obstacles for you. You don’t thank me. Conversely saying this kind of thing really makes me sad.”

Zhao Fang 揶揄.

Ji Xuan rolled the eyes.

“Where are you going to go next?”

“Tian Yaojie.” Zhao Fang did not hide.

Ji Xuan looked up and down Zhao Fang. “You pretend to be very good. I didn’t even see that you are still a shemale.”

“Get out of the way, you are the shemale, father is the person, is the demon in the demon world?”

Zhao Fang laughs cursed.

“Basically this is the case. The demon world is very exclusive. If human is found, they will be eradicated at any cost.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang’s lips are a trace of coldness. “That’s a look, they have this ability.”

“Do you need my help?”

Ji Xuan’s eyes moved.

“You can’t help, and, aren’t you going to prepare the fairy war?”

“What fairy magic war?”

“The big decisive battle between Xianmeng and Demon Cultivator, referred to as the fairy war.”

“The amount seems to be true.”

“Help you win the game.” Zhao Fang waved his hand and left without taking a cloud.

Ji Xuan stood outside the big account and watched Zhao Fang’s back. He took out a few bamboo sticks and handed it to Void.

When she saw the elephant, her expression was startled.

Immediately, the expression is severe, and the younger children who rushed to the side: “Commanded, the big decision battle activate, everyone is ready to fight.”

“Yes.” Qinger took the lead.

Ji Xuan looks to Void, “Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang, you want to leave, but some people, don’t want you to go.”


Leave the Xianmeng account.

Zhao Fang takes the Metal Battleship and heads west.

He is ready to go to the netherworld world to see if he can find Xiaoyou.

But he absolutely did not expect that he was stopped by a group of Demon Qi Powerhouse when he left the Xianmeng Influence.

When one of the Demon Cultivators saw him, he immediately rushed to the side of an 9-Star demon. “Too many devils, this person is Zhao Fang.”

The handsome body is tall, aura is amazing, a pair of amazing eyes, sweeping Zhao Fang, indifferently said: “If it is him, how much, you can make a great contribution.”

Demon Cultivator, standing next to the sorrowful demon, was the one who was previously taken by Xuanzang and then escaped.

When he returned to the Magic Nest and was questioned by many, he explained it to him. When he heard the name Zhao Fang, he was shocked.

He has faintly heard of it, the genocide that happened in the reincarnation.


Today’s Demon King ‘鲅托’ seems to be looking for this person too.

So, after hearing the news, he gave the captain and asked for the Task: at the Xianmeng exit, waiting for Zhao Fang.

“Dare to ask, but Zhao Fang said friends?”

More than one step forward, extremely polite one hands clasped together politely.

Zhao Fang complexion is weird.

He used to be the Union Cultivator, but the Xuanzang of the league, but he could not wait to kill him and then quickly.

He has destructed a hundred magical nests, is the life and death of the countless Demon Cultivator, and the 9-Star in front of him is more handsome, but he is extremely polite to him.

This gives him a very absurd feeling.

“damn it, are you getting the wrong script?” Zhao Fang thought secretly thought.

“Who are you?”

“This Commander is awkward and entrusted to Demon King’s life, please Fellow Daoist to go to the Magic Nest.”

“I don’t know him. He has to ask me, I have to go. If that’s the case, don’t you be busy? Let’s get away, see if you haven’t gotten it for me, I won’t kill you.”

Zhao Fang waved his hand.

Go to the magic nest?

Gentlemen do not stand on the wall.

He went into the water before he went.

Even if he is more confident in his own strength, he does not want to challenge the entire Demon Cultivator community with one person.

Moreover, Demon Cultivator is different from Ji Xuan!

He has some friendship with Ji Xuan, and the other party will not kill him. Demon Cultivator is different. He and Demon Cultivator are natural enemy.

“Sorry, this is not allowed by Your Excellency.”

If you are too cold, you will take action.

Zhao Fang sighed. “It seems that the battle is still inevitable!”

at this time.

A powerful terrifying Demon Qi, like a rising sun, emits endless darkness and slaughter, approaching Zhao Fang’s location.

Even Zhao Fang, when he noticed this aura, could not change his color.

“Are you worth seven? Is it wrong?

But the aura was strong and weak, very unstable. When it was powerful, it was several times stronger than the old Azure Dragon, and it reached the eight-level level.

When it is weak, there are also six strong strengths.

He expresses solemn, looking up at the rear of the scorpion, where there is a black cloud, flying fast.

“ha ha, Junior Brother, you are not easy to come to the guest for the dish, why not let the brothers entertained and leave? Is it blaming the brother for not knowing the hospitality?”

A shout, like the dragon roar Tiger’s Roar, came from the rolling black cloud.

“Junior Brother?”

Zhao Fang wondered when he had a Senior Brother.

The black cloud is still in the sky for a second, and the next moment, it appears on the top of many and others.

“I am waiting for pays respect to Big Demon King!”

Many and many Demon Cultivators, have kneel down, a face of piety and respectful.

Zhao Fang is in the eyes when he sees the other side, and some of them are incredible: “Blood bone?”

In the black cloud, a youth brunette is draped, his eyes are like electricity, and his hands are standing, overlooking everything.

Beside him, there is still a white fat, seemingly harmless to human and animals, but with the body but faint emits out of the five-augment aura Powerhouse.

“ha ha~ I didn’t expect that Junior Brother could still remember being a brother, and he was very pleased for his brother.”

Youth Demon Cultivator Laugh, laughter, there is not much Martial Brother meeting excited and happy, but a little more cold and killing intent.

Zhao Fang blinked and looked calm. “I didn’t expect that the bloody general of the Peacock Daming King obliterate that day was actually alive, and it became the spokesperson of Demon Cultivator.”

That’s right.

That youth is not someone else, it is the discipline of the peacock Daming King, the blood bone.

On the same day, in order to snatch the peacock Daming King Inheritance, he was obliterate, and this point, Zhao Fang was seen with his own eyes.

But he did not expect it.

After a long time, the blood bones appeared again.

Not only did the cultivation base rise, but it became the leader of Demon Cultivator. This difference and change made Zhao Fang very puzzled.

“damn it, is this fellow also getting a System template?” Zhao Fang speculated.

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