Leave this sentence, and turn away and leave.

Zhao Fang blinked.

He couldn’t be surprised if he could see Demon Qi on his own.

Demon King has estimated that he has seen a lot of eccentricities. If he can’t tell, he will simply kill the tofu.

However, he just said something in the words of Warning, is it not willingly surrendering 80 million soul crystals, ready to take action on himself?

“If you dare to come, let you have no return!”

Zhao Fang is sneer, but he doesn’t care much.

Looking around and making sure to participate in the location of the Cultivator, you are ready to go.

Sōu sōu ~

In the distance, the amazing silhouette of the aura of the Eighty-nine Road, such as the sun, directly to Zhao Fang’s location.

Originally thought that the dust had settled, and everyone who was ready to leave, after seeing this scene, they stopped and looked up.

Nine lines of silhouette, standing in the air, appear in everyone’s sight.

Headed by a youth.

He stood four people, three women and five men, each of which is not inferior to the sacred van Gogh. There are three people, and he is even more important.

And the first member of the Strength is one of the three top five.

Youth is now behind, icy eyes overlooking the audience.

Anyone who has been swept by his eyes is respectful and afraid to look.

When he saw Zhao Fang, his eyes were a pause, and in his eyes, there was a strong killing intent.

“Is it you, killing the secluded?”

The youth is beautiful and the sound is even cold and chilling.

“Is revenge for You? Who are you?”

Zhao Fang blinks slightly, and the other cultivation base is only a matter of five, but it makes him feel uneasy.


Youth spit out two words.

“I said how long it is similar to the secluded.”

Zhao Fang smiled.

“I owe money to pay back, killing people to pay for life, you kill the secluded, I will kill you to avenge him, how do you want to die?” The quiet voice is cold.

“Life is so beautiful, why are you going to die? If you are really tired, I don’t mind giving you a ride.”

Zhao Fang col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col col

What to do, wheel battle?

Really think that Young Master has no temper?

“arrogant !”

Beside the secluded side, a black-faced singer screamed, “brat, even if you are strong, but what about it, here is the secluded site, and you alone, you want to turn the sky?”

Zhao Fang ignored it.

“you court death !”

The popularity is not light, and the people around me look at each other, at the same time pop-up figure.


Eight flowing light stopped at Zhao Fang all around, surrounded by his group, terrifying baleful qi, spread from eight people, suppressing four directions, and many people complexion greatly changed, Cangjie retreat.

“Battle Array! Eight people united, Strength is comparable to some of the six heavy Battle Array!”

Powerhouse saw the clue and exclaimed.

Quiet and others, but no handle fell on Zhao Fang’s hand.

Naturally, it will not be like a sham.

Therefore, after confirming the identity of Zhao Fang, in addition to the secluded, eight people directly hands, ready to win, even killed Zhao Fang.

“brat, today, you can’t think of going out of Mutoyama.”

The black face is a sneer.

“I just want to keep me with this break array method?” Zhao Fang laughed and pulled out the Tibetan sword.

A sword is in the hand, his whole temperament, instantly changed, sharpness is terrible, unstoppable!

Black face is a five-plex complexion slightly changed, shouted: “hands!”

Eight people joined forces, terrifying, terrifying, and surrounded by Zhao Fang, like a blade boat in the raging waves, seems to be swallowed by this Berserk at any time.

“I am too soft-hearted, causing your family Powerhouse to think that I am bully? Or, just use the blood you wait for, tell them, provoke me to end!”

Zhao Fang looks flat and holds a sword. The sword is unparalleled and unstoppable!

Even if the eight people joined forces, it was also instantly attacked by Sword Qi. Two of them were extremely serious and were seriously injured on the spot.

If they can still influence some of the strength of Zhao Fang with the power of the nettherworld, I am afraid that the sword will go down, then the two people will not only be seriously injured so simple!

“This brat strength is really strong! Can’t keep your hand, go all out!”

The black face is worthy of five major calls.

Even though the eight-man offensive has doubled than the previous terrifying, it is still difficult to block the Zhao Fang sword.


The two were seriously challenged by the heavy injury, and this time they could not save their lives. They were directly strangled by Surge’s Sword Qi.

In addition to them, there are three people who have suffered a lot.

“how come!”

Black face wins five complexion ugly, I thought that Zhao Fang Strength is also in the six-level level, and eight of them joined forces, even if they can not kill Zhao Fang, they can also drag him, and then the opportunity to be killed by the secluded machine.

Wan did not expect.

The battle began, and two people died and three people were injured.

“The battle has broken, retreat!”

Black face wins five hate to clench one’s teeth, but also knows that if you fight again, it is really a give.

“Want to go?”

Zhao Fang has a cold smile on her lips. “I said, you all have to die, no one can escape!”

Sword Qi is in full swing, shrouded in all directions!

Pēng pēng pēng ~

Six people figure, by the countless road broken Sword Qi through, the body became a sieve, especially miserable.

In addition to the black face to win the five heavy, body defense fairy, keep one, the remaining five, all dying!

This result shocked everyone on the crowd!

Most of them were later rushed to see the excitement. They did not see Zhao Fang show Divine Might and took a scene of the sacred van Gogh. Even later, Zhao Fang and the emptiness of the hands, the two sides just stopped. Playing is very subtle, can not see the clues.

This also makes them very curious, Zhao Fang Strength does not look strong, why is the sorrow so wariness.

until now.

After seeing the terrifying Sword Qi exhibited by Zhao Fang, they thoroughly understood the source of the vain wariness!

“Young master save me!”

The black face wins the five-folded heavy-skinned body, flees to the quiet, and screams.

On the face of the secluded face, a trace of shock was also revealed, but it quickly recovered. “Return me to behind, he can’t kill you!”

After the black face was rescued by the five-folder, he stared at Zhao Fang quietly. “Your Strength is indeed beyond my expectations, but you are too impudent. I dare to be in the sorrow, killing my family and winning the Powerhouse. When no one can make you?”

Zhao Fang does not marry him.

The sword is walking towards the quiet.

He can solve the problem, he rarely BB.

The secluded complexion sinks and the surface of the nettherworld is surrounded by forces. “The act of recklessly, let you know today, even if you have superior combat power, the geek is not the place you want to do!”


The faint black eye as the night turns into a dead gray, which is similar to the ash scorpion. When you look at it, your heart trembles and you have a feeling of being swallowed. Even more amazing, but also a few secluded behind, that faintly discernible terrifying phantom!

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