Chapter 261 Zhao Fang


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-7 Initial Stage ‘Giant Lion’, obtain 300000000 Experience Value, 30000000True Force Value Points, 30000000 Divine Skill Proficiency.

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Tier-7 ‘Fire Element Beast Core ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain ‘flame Giant Lion ‘blood essence.’

“congratulations Player ……”

Looking at the crashing, the male lion whose vitality was quickly lost, Cai Cheng and others were all stunned.

Immediately, quickly responded and quickly turned around.

But not far from it, a gold-robed golden-masked man silhouette appeared in sight.

At the fingertips of the golden-masked man, there is also a spurt of Sword Qi.


The sword that just took the action to kill the male lion is the hand of this person.

For the sudden emergence of golden-masked man, Cai Cheng Li Ru and others, are very vigilant.

after all.

They saw the mesmerizing sword, and the subconscious thought that even those who can display these Sword Qi, even if they are more than themselves, do not give up.

But after I noticed Zhao Fang cultivation base.

Two people subconscious frowning.

Not only them, but Ma Yan and others, is also an expression quirky.

“9-Star Martial Venerable?”

This cultivation base, even if placed in two Squads, is the bottom of the figure.

This is also the case, let them just respect the a trace of Zhao Fang and wariness, quickly replaced by disdain.

“Who are you?”

Ma Yan asked coldly.

This is the ultimate sorrow bag, the two sides of the both sides suffer the take action of the fellow, naturally our Noble Young Master Zhao.


Ma Yan’s question, he did not hear it, one step step toward Cai Cheng and others.

“Get out! This is not where you should come!”

“Go ahead one step, i your father will kill you!”

There are two Quasi-Emperor coldly shouted of Heavenly River School.

Ghost King Cave disciple Although it is not start to talk, but the expression is cold, look at Zhao Fang’s gaze, just like watching a dead person!

It is the colorful butterfly and Li Ru two people, and the complexion is cold, in the eyes looming killing intent!

They are the best in their respective influences, and the mind is naturally out of the ordinary.

At the time of the appearance of Zhao Fang, it has been analyzed that this person must be lurking here for a long time.

It didn’t appear before, but when they were suffering from the flames of the double lions, the color appeared leisurely, and its purpose is self-evident!

“Hey, Your Excellency is a good calculation. Take our Heavenly River School Ghost King Cave. Two 8th Rank Influence.”

Li Ru looks cold.

Her own aura, is extremely cold, and now with this expression imposing manner, ordinary Martial Venerable At first glance, it is estimated to be scared away.

“I advise you to leave quickly. Otherwise, you are offended by Heavenly River School Ghost King Cave. With your Martial Venerable ranked cultivation base, you are absolutely dead!”

The butterfly is also said coldly.

If it is common, when it comes to 9-Star Martial Venerable, she will not say a nonsense at all, and directly raise the sword.

But it is different now.

Each of them, in the fierce flame double lion, was greatly reduced by heavy injury and strength.

Not to mention, can you kill this person.

Zhao Fang just showed her swordsmanship, which made her heart wariness, instinctively not want to provoke.

The color butterfly Li Ru did not affect Zhao Fang.

“When I take Fire Cloud Vine, I will leave!”

Zhao Fang smiled, and the laughter contained confidence and firmness.

His words can be described as the killing intent of the two teams.

Bone barely fell, Heavenly River School rushed out of two people, Ghost King Cave rushed out of two people, both killed to Zhao Fang, shouted in the mouth: “court death!”

These four people, the cultivation base is not weak.

Both are Quasi-Emperor level.

I rushed out of the four Quasi-Emperors, even if I met the 1-Star Martial Emperor, there was the power of the battle, let alone the trivial 9-Star Martial Venerable.

Although these four Quasi-Emperors are not in the Peak state, even so, if you want to pack an 9-Star Martial Venerable, isn’t it a minute?

Liru Caidie and others, eventually showed a touch of gloomy smile.

Like the ready to see, arrogant arrogant Zhao Fang, dying with a scene in the hands of four.

For the four people who rushed, Zhao Fang did not see it.

Step forward without hesitation.

However, when the four cold killing intents were approaching, he lifted his right hand and slenderened his fingertips to shoot four Sword Qi, respectively, in four directions.

Pū pū pū pū !

Four groan sounds.

The four silhouettes that rushed out, paused, and under their horrified eyes, the savage blood spurted out from their between the eyebrows, crashed into the ground, their in the eyes were full of shock, and unwilling !

These four people did not expect to die.

I will die.

Died in the hands of an 9-Star Martial Venerable.

Moreover, it is still so light, and simply is killed by instant!

Colorful butterflies Li Ru and others are also dumbfounded!

The original dagger was defeated, but the result was reversed!

“move instant kill four Quasi-Emperor?”

“Even if they don’t remember Peak, they shouldn’t be so easily killed Ah!”

“This fellow, is it who?”

There are still a few people who are contemptuous of Zhao Fang.

After seeing this scene, it was a fierce contraction of the heart. When looking at Zhao Fang’s mask, the face was a little more scared.

The colorful butterfly Li Ru looks at each other and can see the shock of the other in the eyes.

With their Strength, I want to solve four Quasi-Emperors, not difficult.

But if you want to do it, like Zhao Fang, you can write handwritten, cool and calm, but it is fundamentally impossible!

This is also true.

When the two people are looking at Zhao Fang, in the eyes no longer have any contempt, and some are just full of wariness!

“Who is Your Excellency?” The butterfly once again started to talk.

Compared with before, this inquiry has a little more softness.

The other party is too mysterious, and the technique of attacking and killing is extremely fierce overbearing. She does not want to provoke, at least she does not want to be seriously injured.

“Kill your people!”

Zhao Fang’s voice was indifferent, and his silhouette suddenly disappeared in the same place as the voice fell.

The colorful butterfly Li Ru saw this scene and his eyes suddenly shrank.


Two people at the same time violently, and disappeared in the same place in an instant, the figure is like electricity, and quickly rushed toward the valley.


A few screams, and the behind sounded.

It was the five or six 9-Star Martial Venerable that was killed in the future and was killed by Ten Veins Divine Sword.

The Li Ru, the second girl who escaped, heard the screams, the body trembled, but she didn’t even look at it, and the speed was a bit faster.

Zhao Fang showed figure, did not go to see everyone falling down, just looking at the escape of Liru Caidie, and Ma Yan three people, lips gently raised between the room, showing a touch of ban, “follow me than speed?”

“Alright, let your conviction take it orally!”

Having said that, Zhao Fang did not pursue it immediately.

Suddenly added a sword to Female Lion, sent her back to the West, Zhao Fang explorer grabbed under the cliff, it is already fully mature, emits with a strong Fire Attribute fluctuation of Fire Cloud Vine.

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