“What do you mean? He still has a helper? Where?”

Everyone can’t help but look at business and others.

after all.

Zhao Fang is always present, and can stay with Shang and others.

Being watched by so many Powerhouses, Rao is a sincere and persevering person, and feels cold in his hands and feet, such as falling into the ice, and being uncomfortable!

A few of his sidelines, he was trembled by the sharp eyes of the countless people, almost scaring the urine.

“Come out, get up!”

Zhao Fang The palm of the hand reincarnation, the knife is moving, a calm Void, immediately splashing the amazing Space power.


A delivery portal appears.

Thousands of Aura Senran, full of chilling silhouette, faintly discernible after the portal!

“Scheduled transmission? When did he set up a transmission point in Tianzhu Mountain?”

Qilin Wang complexion sinks.

Among the crowds, only the merchants faintly understood what Zhao Fang had done after leaving them yesterday.

“Want to send the helper over? No way!”

Jin Hao Wang and Wu Ying Wang took action in an instant, and the Wan Yao Pentium, simultaneously surrounded, not attacking Zhao Fang, but destroying the Space near the Transmission Array.

The turbulent power screams like a raging wave, almost bursting the Space near the Transmission Array, forcibly interrupting the transmission!

Zhao Fang held his hand and did not block it. The corner of the mouth revealed a trace of a strange smile.

“Not good, fast retreat!”

Kim Jong-wang seems to have discovered something and screams.

Already late!

The terrifying power that roared like a sea, when it exploded near the transmission space, seemed to touch an organ.


The power of the reincarnation of the majestic vents, and the tens of thousands of demons that have been affected are instantly drained from the bones of Essence, Qi and Spirit, and filled with a strong dead air.

Despite the thick blood of Demon Race, it can barely support and does not die immediately.

But this move, but it has harmed the cloud beast of nearly 50%.

Even the top-level 8-Star Demon King, the King of the Kings, has been affected.

But with their cultivation base, they will be dispelled by the reincarnation of the invading in the body.

After seeing other cloud beasts, the two Demon King’s complexion is already very ugly.

“brat, what have you done!”

The shadowless king sounds hoarse, his eyes are cold, and he is staring at Zhao Fang.

“There is nothing. It is to let you feel that those who sneak into the car and want to steal the reincarnation of the knives are nothing more, don’t be nervous, and don’t die.”

Zhao Fang smiled and said ‘reassuring’.

Where the group demon will accept this comfort.

Moreover, compared to comfort, this damn is more like gloating!

For a moment.

Whether it is the plot of the reincarnation, or the cloud beast without the plot, the eyes are vividly looking toward Zhao Fang, the cold shackles, shining cold cold cold light.

Zhao Fang didn’t care.

The smile is dull.

Fixed-point transmission, although the large-scale Cultivator can be transmitted from the other side, but the drawbacks are also obvious.

Once interrupted, it will be abandoned.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end of the transmission, the area near the transmission space must be protected from damage.

“Three thousand Legion from white, send it over, at least need little bit clock, Time is a bit long Ah!”

Zhao Fang is frowning. The more people there are, the slower the transmission is. This is no way.

“These people in the Tian Yao world will certainly not sit up and white and others will be sent safely.”

He glanced over the cold-eyed three kings, and concealed his eyes on the illusion of Demon King, Cheng Tuo, chaos and king.

Just a demon world, he is self-satisfied and barely able to stop.

If you add this group of influences, it will be a little tricky!

“Retake action!”

The sound of King Kim is cold, and the double light is like a golden light pillar. It shines through all the netherworld illusions, with the clouds and beasts, and rushes again.

Zhao Fang expressionless, the heart sinks, but it is discovered that the king of Jin Yu actually avoided a few lines of fairy tales and went straight to send the fairy tales.

“Can you see the trap? Is it his natural talent for the eye?” Zhao Fang blinked.

“brat, even if you are planning to be smart, but in the face of absolute power, these are illusory, I did not expect it, this King’s photo, but can break through all the netherworld imaginary, see through your arrangement of fairy tales, naturally it is easy! ”

Kim Jong Wang sneered.

“You are so powerful, how have you been recruited before?” Zhao Fang said only one word, and the golden king of the singer couldn’t speak, and his eyes were cold.

“British brat, when I was squatted by this King, I hope I can say this.”

“Your Majesty?”

Zhao Fang sneered, “You are practicing the Eye technique, and you have to repair your brain. If you have this Rank Strength, I can kill it with one finger and leave me?”

The words fall.

Figure has already rushed out.

He does not want Jin Yuwang to be a cloud beast near the Sendan.


At this time, the only King Qilin who was still sitting on the throne issued an order of cold ice.

Zhao Fang jumped in his heart and looked up quickly.

Seeing the altar of the red child Li Yuanba, suddenly spontaneously ignited, the strange monster fire, filled the four directions of the altar!

Monster fire ,Eighth Rank A demon within the body of a trace of the source of fire.

At a glance, there is a burning mountain to cook the sea might!

The monster fire that beats on the altar, more than a glimpse, simply thousands of miles, is the accumulation of Demon Race countless years.

All broke out, enough to burn a Demon King into slag in an instant.

Li Yuanba Strength can only be regarded as a big demon, the first to bear it, and the painful and screaming.


Zhao Fang was cold and wanted to rescue, but was stopped by the Demon King led by King Kong.

“You court death!”

Zhao Fang is cold, “Golden!”

The ink ribbons of light shine, flying out of a golden glow with a golden glow, and the golden eagle with a cold and sharp line.

The Great Eagle spread its wings, its wings were like a hurricane, and it was like a sword. It smashed a piece of cloud beast and rushed out.


“Demon King?”

Demon King and others, who are watching the battle, are all stunned. With their eyesight, they can feel the tyrannical Monster Force that is filled with the golden eagle.

It is a force that is not inferior to King Qilin.

9-Star Demon King !

After a break in the ink belt World, unless the wrist was smashed by the shackles, it was still unable to recover. Jin Hao was completely injured in the netherworld world.

Not only that.

Her strength has finally returned to peak!

“There are helpers!”

Qilin Wang complexion is cold, “brat, this King is really trying to kill you!”

The better the Zhao Fang, the greater the potential threat, the more naturally he can’t let him live.

Once ZAO Fang is alive and alive, waiting for his cultivation base to reach the peak, with the help of various overbearing powerful Immortal Technique, who can block?

“However, there is this King, who can’t save them!” Qilin Wang figure moved, stopped in front of Jin Hao this Venerable.

“Get out of the way!” Jin Hao took action, but was blocked by Qi Lin Wang.

“It’s useless. You and I are quite Strength. I really want to decide on life and death. It’s not a matter of time. It only takes a moment. The two fellows are dead!”

Qilin Wang grin hideously.

“is it?”

A tender and calm voice suddenly came from the altar of Behind. Qilin Wang looked back, figure suddenly stuck in place, eyes shrink, a damn look.

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