Chapter 264 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner !

Ghost King Cave station. Latest fastest update

“Vice Cave Lord, major event is not good, Li Ru Senior Sister’s ‘Ghost Lamp’ is off!”

When guarding the In-Charge of ‘Ghost Lamp’, this serious event, which is enough to scare him, is told to Ghost King Cave, the top leader of Five Elements Ruins World, Vice Cave Lord Li Hansha.

For a long time no anger, the Venice Cave Lord, in the cold and dead eyes, suddenly a faint green glow, an inexplicable gloomy aura, spread out from his within the body!

“What’s going on?”

Li Hansha is hoarse, but the anger and killing intent of the contain, but the In-Charge with the Martial Venerable cultivation base, panic-stricken!

In-Charge didn’t dare to hide it, and quickly said what he saw, the original book.

“Where did Ru’er go?” Li Hansha sounded colder and colder.

In-Charge is squatting and does not dare to lift his head.

I heard the question at the moment and quickly replied:

“It is said that it seems to go to Wasteland and join forces with Cai Cheng and others of Heavenly River School to win the battle.”

“Heavenly River School?”

Li Hansha, a pause, eye reveals, killing intent, “Heavenly River School has a relationship with my Ghost King Cave, but it will not do this, to anger this Sir. This matter, there will be awkward, send people Go to Heavenly River School and ask for it!”

Paused, Li Hansha another wave, “But, or this Sir go in person! This Sir is going to have a look, who is the one who dares to kill this Sir beloved daughter!”

The cold voice echoed in the Main Hall, Li Hansha’s body, but turned into a path of Ghost Shadow, disappeared in place. Latest fastest update


Among the wasteland.

Zhao Fang Heart Thought, a little more in the hand.

This thing.

It was the 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner that broke out after Killed Situ Cheng.

The name equilibrium is domineering, but in reality, it is just an incomplete product, and currently only the Earth level Magical Treasure can be played.

This is also true.

It was rarely used by Zhao Fang in the Clear-Breeze Ring.

If it is not the Ghost Spirit today, he is afraid to forget this treasure for a long time!

“This 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner is Demon Dao treasure, which can charge Demon Soul to Demon Soul. This is the case of absorbed Soul Spirit, this Ghost Spirit.”

Zhao Fang is not sure.

But immediately, he laughed. “Can you succeed? If you find a Ghost Spirit, don’t you know?”

After a while.

In a few miles, he met an 9-Star Martial Venerable Ghost Spirit.

When Ghost Spirit saw the bloody ball of light on Zhao Fang’s head, the invisible double in the eyes, suddenly shot a greedy and awkward, screamed, turned into a Yin Wind, went straight to Zhao Fang. .

“act recklessly !”

Zhao Fang coldly snorted, but did not take action, 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner in his hand, he shook.

There are countless Demon Soul flashing from Cover Sky Banner. These Demon Soul are black Mist shrouded, and the human form is faintly visible. The cultivation base aura is also extremely powerful. The weakest is Martial Ancestor, which is Martial Venerable Martial Emperor. Not a few.

The Ghost Spirit saw the sudden emergence of many Demon Souls, which made a big jump and screamed, ready to go out.

But before it started, the countless Demon Soul, like a hungry wolf, tore the Ghost Spirit’s Spirit Body into countless, swallowed it in the mourning of the ghost Spirit Array.

in a blink.

An 9-Star Martial Venerable ranked Ghost Spirit, vanish like smoke in thin air !

“Fuck, is it simple?”

Zhao Fang dumbfounded.

Immediately, there are deep surprises, spread from Zhao Fang’s face, “ha ha , Ghost Spirit, and that’s it! Come to be your father, the soul of this 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner!”

9-Star Martial Venerable Ghost Spirit was swallow, and Zhao Fang saw a Grand Dao.

This 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner was once a Divine Object.

Because of the fact that Demon Soul was eliminated in the battle, this Powell was able to drop, from Divine Object to Earth level treasure.

Want to restore its former power, in fact very simple, add missing Soul Spirit!

Zhao Fang got this treasure and thought about making up Soul Spirit, but when he saw the number of 10 Billion, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

Killing 10 Billion, just to perfect the Magical Treasure, is the only thing that Demon Cultivator can do.

Zhao Fang although the heart is very ruthless, but after all, it is still ordinary people, and will not do such indiscriminate killings.

This is also the case, this treasure is placed in the Clear-Breeze Ring, rarely used.

But the appearance of Ghost Spirit made him see new hopes.

“If you use Ghost Spirit to fill Magical Treasure and you miss Soul Spirit, it should work.”

Zhao Fang eyes showing sharp light.

Just do it.

He figured up in a vertical position and flew over the top of Wasteland.

In between.

Then came over the wasteland.

The blood-colored ball of light suspended above its head, like the same dazzling light, instantly caught all the Ghost Spirit hidden in Wasteland.

Huh ~~

All of a sudden.

Yin Wind is up, and the countless Ghost Spirit’s screaming voice is coming from all directions.

Zhao Fang expression calm, in the eyes but flashing excitement.

“Come on, come on, fill in the Young Master’s 10 Billion Cover Sky Banner!”

Zhao Fang’s behavior, extremely risky!

If it is in the service, 10 Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner will be changed, Zhao Fang surrounded by Ten Thousand Ghost will be eclipseed by the ghost, losing vitality!

But because of the trust in Cover Sky Banner, Zhao Fang was so impudent and bold.

The same return is also extremely amazing.

In the ten of Ghost Spirit’s all of a sudden, there are dozens of Demon Souls in the Cover Sky Banner, which are all wrapped in the Cover Sky Banner in the ghost Spirit Array.


Two days later, the sound of ghosts and sorrows in Wasteland was significantly weakened.

Zhao Fang also gained nearly 10,000 Ghost Spirit during this period!

‘damn, Xin Young has a Cover Sky Banner, otherwise, it may be killed by this ugly woman! ‘

Zhao Fang wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the bloody ball of light hanging from the top of his eyes.

Continuously controlling the Cover Sky Banner, it consumes a lot of money, he is already losing money at the moment, and he has to stop the soul-lifting action and slowly descend.


Didn’t wait for Zhao Fang to rest for too long.

A whistling sound of a tearing eardrum suddenly came from Wasteland abyss.

At the time of the whistling sound, there was also a fierce Yan Wind attack, which swept half of Wasteland.

“I’ll go, what is this cultivation base Ghost Spirit, even if there is such an imposing manner!”

Zhao Fang was shocked and looked away. He only felt that a group of Spirit Body in Ghost Shadow was approaching quickly.

As the Ghost Shadow approached, an imposing manner, filled with the sky.

“5-Star Martial Emperor?”

Zhao Fang eyes 蓦 一 ,, in the eyes gushing a trace wariness.

The Ghost Spirit of this Rank series is not something that you can compete with.

But after seeing the Cover Sky Banner, he was slightly clench one’s teeth and was not in a hurry to leave.

He would like to see how much this 5-Star Martial Emperor ranked Ghost Spirit.

Yin Wind whistling, the rich black cloud over the Wasteland, black cloud pressure, revealing an extremely powerful oppressive aura.

Even if Zhao Fang casts Level 1 Berserk, the cultivation base soars to 1-Star Martial Emperor, and in this imposing manner, I feel uncomfortable.

“It seems to be a big cow Ah!”

Zhao Fang’s eyes were awkward. On the occasion of the 5-Star Martial Emperor Ghost Spirit, Zhao Fang shook the Cover Sky Banner and there were hundreds of Demon Souls on the occasion of the Black Mist.

The 5-Star Martial Emperor Ghost Spirit, seeing these Demon Souls, does not retreat, in the eyes revealing bloodthirsty.

Under the dive, by the wind, the blink of an eye rushed to the side of Demon Soul, opened his mouth and swallowed a nearby 9-Star Martial Ancestor ranked Demon Soul.

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