“Integrating the Three Realms, Reorganizing the New Influence?”

Rao is a tiger sorrow through the vicissitudes of life, used to wind and rain, the heart is tough and abnormal, but also was shocked by the words that Zhao Fang said coldly.

“Yes. Heavenly Demon is a defeat in the Luofu world. But their Headquarters are still there. It is still a ruthless Great Influences. If I don’t have Myriad Worlds one day, I can’t stop this group with the power of the car and the reincarnation. People attack the offensive!”

Zhao Fang expression is as usual.

Wen Yan, Hu Yan could not help but smile.

This is the rationale. It is only the top ten World rankings. They have never interfered with each other. Zhao Fang has to integrate the two of the top ten Worlds at once, and it is too big to write.

Moreover, other influences will not sit on the Zhao Fang family.

As for the integration of the three realms, it is more difficult!

Since its inception, Myriad Worlds has never heard of a case where two worlds have successfully merged!

“What? Do you disagree?”

Seeing the tiger cub has been silent, Zhao Fang could not help but look over.

The tiger cub shook his head.

“Young master is kind, I naturally understand that losing the Tool Refiner Clan, which is a tribute to Late Stage Powerhouse, is the fat of other Great Influences in the eyes. There is such a chance that no one will object, but…”

The tiger cub hesitated and said his own fears.


Zhao Fang said with a laugh : “The integration of the three realms is indeed difficult, and other Great Influences will not let me do it. However, these things are not important. I just want to know what your opinion is.”

“You don’t have to rush to answer me. Go back and talk to clansman first.”

“The newly reconstructed Influence, with my as master, reincarnation Coiling Dragon, the three devils, the separation of the three powers!”


After the tiger cub should be down, clansman collects the good body, he is ready to return to the reincarnation. Before leaving, he seems to think of something, can’t help but ask: “Young master really wants to go to Luofu Xianzong?”

“That’s just the first stop!”

Zhao Fang didn’t return. “In the days of the demon world, I just passed them. I didn’t expect that they would not listen, but instead of taking advantage of me during the seclusion period, they would use force against the reincarnation.”

As he said, his voice is getting colder: “If he doesn’t pursue this matter, he really thinks that I am laughing at Zhao Fang?”

The tiger cub opened his mouth and tried to stop!

Zhao Fang took off the ink ribbon and handed it over.

Tiger cub startled.

“I left her to guard the reincarnation, plus a thousand white robe army, solid and self-defense, thinking that there is not much problem.”

Zhao Fang said.

The tiger cub took over the ink ribbon, and before leaving, said: “Young master can not be a small Luofu Xianzong, it is the same as the Black Turtle Xianzong, is the system of the upper domain Immortal, tens of thousands of years ago, Luofu Lineage, also Competing with Black Turtle for the name of the strongest fairy.”

The tiger cub left.

With the ink ribbon, and a thousand white robe army, back to the reincarnation.

Zhao Fang took a look at the sky, and mind thought about the words that the tiger cub left before he left.

“I have competed with Black Turtle for the name of the first fairy. It seems that I am a little bit of this Luofu Xianzong.”

He smiled indifferently.

The expression quickly became apathetic, with a wave of palm, indifferently said:

“set off!”

The remaining nearly four thousand white robe troops, as well as the Demonic beast Legion, collectively boarded the Metal Beast Battleship.

Battleship In the rumbled sound, dragging a long tail flame and smashing Void away.

This trip, Zhao Fang does not hide.

When Battleship sailed to Luofu Xianzong, some of the Factors affecting the reincarnation battle received news.

Shocked inexplicable!

What is embarrassing is that Zhao Fang Strength is so terifying, and the long-planned three-zone coalition forces are crushed like a chicken in front of him.

What is shocking is that Zhao Fang went to Luofu Xianzong for the purpose.

“With that fellow’s usual style of work, go to Luofu Xianzong, 80% is going to fight!”

“He is crazy, want to fight with a World? Want to die?”

“Death? Not necessarily. Don’t forget, he is the man who has stepped out of the four kings.”

Some people are optimistic, some people sing.

In any case, Luofu Xianzong is one of the two major immortals.

Despite the current situation, can’t compare with the black Turtle Immortal World, but it is the Inheritance left by Immortal in the upper domain, and on its own site, Zhao Fang Strength is strong, it is difficult to turn the storm .

Regardless of the outcome.

Zhao Fang A ship westward, taking the arrogant posture of Luofujie, still attracted a lot of Great Influences.

Battleship has not yet arrived in Luofujie, Zhao Fang wants to run amok Luofu Xianzong news, almost spread throughout Myriad Worlds.

In this regard.

Most people are singing Shao Fang.

Zhao Fang is still too young compared to the great influences of Luo Fu Xianzong, which has been tens of thousands of years.

Even if he has a town of netherworld, descending demon and a series of records, still not optimistic.

“The netherworld world does not say for the time being, the days of the demon world, if the non-Qilin king and others play, the sacrifices monmon out one can not control the presence, and will the brat turn over?”

“The Luofu world can be different. Tens of thousands of years ago, it was the only Great Influences in Myriad Worlds that could compete with the Black Turtle. It was rumored that the Luo Sineng Inner Sect, and an Immortal oversee, that brat is definitely a self-investment! ”

After this kind of speech was widely spread, Zhao Fang took the Metal Beast Battleship and went to Luofu.

“It’s really confident Ah!”

Looking at the gates wide open, there was no setting for any blocking of the Luofu world, Zhao Fang eyes flashed, sneer.


White from frowned.

He is a soldier.

The military confrontation, the most concerned about knowing ourselves and knowing each other.

But the situation at the moment is that he is confused about Luofu Xianzong.

Xianzong is ready to greet himself.

This line, fierce and less!

“No problem!”

Zhao Fang indulged, indifferently said.

In the face of Absolute Strength, all the conspiracy calculations are all chickens and dogs!

Even if Luofu Xianzong puts down the sky, he has no fear!


Battleship into Lofo.

The news came out, Myriad Worlds is awesome!

“Where is this brat, dare to enter the Luofu world?”

“Does he not know that Luofujie is the site of Luofu Xianzong. Once you step in, life and death will be in the hands of enemy?”

“Is this brat crazy?”

In the countless puzzles and suspicions, Battleship went straight and went straight to Luofu Xianzong.

On the way, there was a small incident of harassment and murder, which was shot by the Battleship gun.

Metal Beast Battleship is a Clan Protecting Battleship with a strong defense. It looks like Myriad Worlds, and few of them can match it.

It is equipped with firepower, enough to kill most of the sixty-seven.

Dealing with the small thieves who are few even more serious, it is natural to be a husband.

“Luofu Xianzong did not take action, conversely is a group of two 3rd-rate Influence blocking, This is testing our Strength?”

White wrinkled.

“It’s here!” Zhao Fang didn’t answer. He looked at the front. When he saw a beautiful picture, reflecting the sun and the moon, the tall and towering Palace, he only spit out two words.

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