Sound waves are indiscriminate attacks, regardless of the enemy.

In the real great war, very few people use it.

Because it is difficult to hurt only the enemy, not hurt yourself.

at the moment.

Zhao Fang launched the sound attack, Zhong Bo stuffed heaven and earth, even the Luofu Xianzong Powerhouse hiding in the Array, it is difficult to attack the sound waves, the two more Legion than they are the first to bear the brunt, but they are safe and sound, which makes them somewhat difficult to understand.

“what did you say?”

A white robe smashed the worm attached to his ear and looked at the Elder who was screaming.

“This is… silencer?”

Luo Fu Xianzong Elder stared at the hand of the pawn, still squirming insects, revealing a stun expression, in the eyes with a bit unwilling.

“Know it and die!”

悍 gr grin hideously, slashing the head.


In the first floor, a bloody hurricane was blown up, and the remaining Luofu Xianzong Powerhouse was smashed into the house. The two big Legions like the tiger wolf thugs, like the cut leek, all beheaded!

For a moment.

Luofu Wonderland has become a human purgatory!


White eyes are indifferent, and the soldiers are on the second floor.


The clock wave swayed and the source was quickly introduced into the nine-story sky.

Except for some of the special Secret Art, or the cultivation base extremely powerful, the Elder disciple was fainted by Zhong Bozhen.

Subsequently, the two big Legion rushed by the rush, and the blood was on the spot.

The two Legions are like swords that are invincible, and they are ruthless. In the blink of an eye, they break through five days.

When they set foot on the 6th layer, they couldn’t bear to endure the Sect Master.

“Zhao Fang thief, ruining my ancestors, the sin of the sin!”

As the sound of this sensational cold came out, the highest point of the nine-day sky suddenly surged out of the power of Pei Mo Mo, and the two big Legion were killed by the pressure of Mount Tai!


The white pupils shrank, with the number of the drum drums, is the enemy.

As a result, the two Legion joined forces to cope with the Defensive Barrier, which was the most powerful of the nine Powerhouse bombardments. It only lasted for a second and was pierced and broken!


Hundreds of soldiers flew out with the Demonic beast silhouette.

Some on the spot blasted and flesh and blood;

Some serious injuries, ignorance, no power to fight again;

Most of them are affected, the lips are bleed, and the face is white like paper.

White from expressionless, eye-opening, “drums, dead battle!”

The drums are loud, some injured, and even seriously injured, as long as they have not died, they are struggling to get up, a powerful fighting intent and baleful qi, rushing out of them.

that moment.

This group of bloody soldiers is like Asura from Hell, one murderous aura!

“Asura Legion, it’s really bad to deal with, but you, shouldn’t provoke me to Luofu Xianzong, killing you, this is the death of the Zhao Fang thief!”

Luofu Xianzong Sect Master sounds cold.

Along with his voice, there is also a piece of rolled up picture, which is full of lengths, with countless mountains and rivers and strange birds.

The ray of the light of the picture, the emergence of the beam of the invincible aura.

It was discovered by the whites that the power of the two Legion defenses had just been broken. It seems that this picture was made.


When I was watching, the sea in the picture scrolled up abruptly and then broke away from the picture.

The next moment.

Thousands of waters poured into the water, and the two large Legion locations were drowned in the blink of an eye.

“What the hell is this? God pen Ma Liang?”

On the nine-story sky, Zhao Fang, who witnessed the innocent Wang Yangtian, also felt shocked and raised his eyebrows.

System sweeps.

I got the answer.

Zhao Fang glanced at the eyes, revealing a trace of different colors: “Luofu Xianzong Town Zongxianfu floating map, special Space fairy, can block all objects except Cultivator, and banned in painting.”

“Experienced the sacred Powerhouse ritual, the sealed object, can play twice the power before the seal…”

“It is a good treasure, it falls in Luofu Xianzong, it is a pity!”

He smiled and the figure moved, and he had already stepped into the sky.

In the face of a bloody picture in a layer of days, Zhao Fang expression is light, with one foot stepping down, like a dragon tail, slamming against the ground.

This hit.

He almost played the power of Fleshy Body to the extreme.

Suffice to compare with Peak.


On the first floor, the building exploded directly. In the Boom explosion, all the buildings began to collapse, kicking off the destruction.

And Zhao Fang, by a force, figure like a dragon, arrogant overbearing into the second floor.


Take another step.

The second floor was broken.


He did the same thing, and after three more steps, he rushed into the six-day sky.

As soon as it appeared, there was endless flooding.

In front of the vast ocean, Zhao Fang personally, it is too small!

He is faintly smiled, take out the mother gas, buckle in front of him, low roaring sound: “Receive!”

The word simple, like the charm of mysterious, is very turbulent in his body, like the water of Berserk Demonic beast. It has not been tossed a wave, it is seemingly small, and the mother-in-law of the Qiang Kun is collected. .


Floods everywhere in the six-story day are also uncontrolled, and they are coming to the motherhood.

When the Sect Master of Luofu Xianzong was aware, most of the water had been collected by Zhao Fang.

“You have a special Space fairy on your body!”

Luofu Xianzong Sect Master Gao Li is a nine-story day, overlooking Zhao Fang in the sixth floor. To be precise, it is staring at the mother’s air, and the eyes flashed a touch of color.

Zhao Fang ignored him.

After seeing the eyes being flooded for a while, the two major Legion injuries were obviously aggravated, indifferently said: “Retreat!”

White nod, waved to let everyone back.

He also noticed that Asura Legion was a singular singular figure, a little short of his own, and the long-flavored flavor.

In addition to the increase in casualties, there is no benefit in the situation!

“This picture is better than a million soldiers. It is no wonder that the former Lord of the Luofu Xianzong was not used. This picture is in hand. Even if the first six layers of the identification Elder die, Luofu Xianzong is still the first influence of Luofu!”


“The sword starts!”

Luofu Xianzong saw that the flooding was ineffective. With a big hand, the nine thousand 9999 on the scrolls formed the sword, which formed an abnormal terrifying Killing Array and directly killed Zhao Fang.

“Dingkai Sun and Moon!”

Zhao Fang expression is unchanged, activates the mother-in-law, and scatters the mysterious aura, which wraps up nearly 10,000 swords from the air, and takes its brain to the top.


Luofu Sect Master complexion big change.

The technique of the Move Wanjian is called the Assassin section of the Top 3 A, which is so easily solved.

What makes him express gloomy is that nearly 10,000 pieces of fairyware collected by Xianzong for tens of thousands of years have been taken away by the other party.

This is a huge loss!

“In the end, what kind of furnace is it, can actually take away the floating figure and the sword without harm, is it also the fairy that passed down from the upper field?” Luofu Sect Master clench one’s teeth, first time on the competition fairy, I feel the pressure!

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