The 276th chapter exploded!

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Barbarian Bull ‘,obtain 1000000000 Point Experience Value, 100000000True Force Value Points, 100000000Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Barbarian Bull ‘,obtain Divine Beast ‘Golden Divine Ox ‘bloodline ,whether to fuse ?”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Barbarian Bull ‘,obtain Lord Level Beast Core.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Barbarian Bull ‘,obtain Heaven Rank treasure ‘Demon Ox Horn ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Barbarian Bull ‘,obace Heaven Rank treasure ‘Demon Ox battle drums ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Barbarian Bull ‘,obace Heaven Rank martial skill ‘Demon Ox Bullhorn ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Barbarian Bull ‘,obtain treasure ‘Void Breaker Shuttle ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Golden Barbarian Bull ‘,obtain ‘Saint Pill ‘.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘level up , currently 3-Star Martial Emperor.”


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, first time Killed Lord Level Boss ,obtain Special Reward bonus, level plus one, current cultivation base 4-Star Martial Emperor !”



Continuously dīng dīng sound, appeared in Zhao Fang mind. Latest fastest update

He was a little numb for the whole person!

But his expression is extremely excited, in the eyes is a blinking bright glow, revealing a thick happy expression.

Since killed Zhao Yuanhao, he has not experienced it for a long time, this big explosion is a special explosion!

Even the killed 8-Star Demon Emperor Situ Cheng has never been such a grand occasion.

Not only did a lot of treasures burst.

Cultivation base, even more magical cross-level, directly buy the level of 4-Star Martial Emperor.

This is where Zhao Fang is happy.

Since coming to this Five Elements Ruins World, Zhao Fang has either been pursued, or has been subjected to Spirit beast, or even Ghost Spirit, and the days have been miserable!

For the reason, there is only one point.

Strength is too weak!

If Zhao Fang enters Five Elements Ruins World before, the cultivation base will reach the 4-Star Martial Emperor, and will not be rehabilitated by the transparent situation of the purchase.

“ha ha, cool! 4-Star Martial Emperor? I see who damn can pur pur i my father !”

Zhao Fang laughed and relaxed the anger of the purse in the past few days.


He opened the System package and looked at the explosion.

The first is Divine Ox Bloodline.

The power of this Divine Ox Bloodline is not as strong as the Dragon Blood pulse that Zhao Fang has.

Contains the power of an extremely powerful bloodline.

Item: Golden Divine Ox bloodline (thin)

Rating: Divine Grade

Introduction: From the Golden Divine Ox bloodline of the Beast family, the bloodline contains the Golden Divine Ox’s Bloodline. After the fusion, the powerful force of the mountain river is powerful, and the Golden Divine Ox of the Golden Divine Ox can be cultivated.

As for why it is thin, Zhao Fang guesses that it may be because the Golden Barbarian Bull is not completely Evolution becoming a God cow.

He owns the Divine Beast Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline.


Not fully mastered, no need to rush to absorb the second Divine Beast bloodline.

Just glanced at him, his eyes fell on the second treasure above.

Lord Level Beast Core !

This thing is basically similar to Divine Ox Bloodline. It is not very useful for Zhao Fang. After thinking about it, he threw the killed Tier-7 Middle Stage Python obtain Beast Core to Fog Beast.

As for this Lord Level Beast Core.

He didn’t intend to give it now. After all, Fog Beast hasn’t recovered to Peak, and if it’s swiftly swallowed, it’s not good for it.

But Fog Beast, after swallowing two Python Beast Cores, stared at Zhao Fang, seemingly saying, ‘Master, I want to give Lord Level Beast Core to me! ‘


Zhao Fang stunned and glanced at Fog Beast.

After a few days, this Fog Beast has recovered from the Tier-6 Late Stage to the Tier-7 Initial Stage.

And reaching the peak of the Initial Stage, it seems to be at any time into the Middle Stage.

Zhao Fang blinked, remembering that Yu Xi had said all the magical things about this beast, not allowed to say with a laugh, “Well, today is the time to complete you, the dragon is a worm, but you can see your creation this time!”

As said, Zhao Fang’s rays of light flashed, which contained the Golden Barbarian Bull’s fighting intent and the ferocious Lord Level Beast Core, flying to Fog Beast.

Fog Beast is lovely in the eyes, revealing a trace of color.



When the hind legs are delivered, Zhangkou swallows the Lord Level Beast Core.


As it swallows, its thin within the body, diffuses the terrifying aura.

Just in an instant.

Fog Beast cultivation base , breakthrough Tier-7 Initial Stage, enter the Middle Stage, and constantly rises.

Look at this momentum, it will not stop for a few days.

Zhao Fang eye reveals The strange mans.

Fog Beast swallow is not the ordinary Beast Core, but Inheritance is the Lord Level Beast Core of Divine Beast bloodline.

The Strength of Beast Core Master is far more than the Fog Beast of Peak.

Fog Beast not only swallowed it, it was also unscathed.

Although Fog Beast out of the ordinary has long been known, after seeing this scene, Zhao Fang was still shocked.

“Fuck, this is not the Divine Beast?”

It seems that only this explanation can make sense.

After all, Divine Beast swallow Divine Beast, anthough is amazing, but still acceptable.

See Fog Beast In the short term, after the failure to recover, Zhao Fang will be included in the beast taming Space.

The gaze falls on the third treasure above.

General Horn.

Item: Demon Ox Horn

Rating: Heaven Rank Middle Grade

Introduction: On the occasion of the group battle, blowing this Horn can enhance the 20 percent morale for the army, improve the 20 percent defense, 20 percent Movement Speed, and effective Time for one hour.

The fourth Demon Ox battle drums, with this almost.

Item: Demon Ox battle drums

Rating: Heaven Rank High Grade

Introduction: At the time of the group battle, you can enhance the 30 percent Attack Power, 30 percent Explosive Power, and the effective time for the army.

Zhao Fang frowned.

“i your father doesn’t fight, what’s the use of these two things?”

Zhao Fang is quite helpless, but after all, it is a heavenly treasure, especially the Demon Ox battle drums. It is the Heaven Rank High Grade. If it is thrown away, Zhao Fang is not willing.

As long as the depressed collection is gone.

The fifth treasure, let Zhao Fang come to interest.

Item: Cloud Piercing Shuttle

Rating: Heaven Rank Top Grade (Upgradeable )

Introduction: After binding, it is not tradeable. The X PierXTrue Force Value Points can be stored in the Cloud Piercing Shuttle every time. After the outbreak, the speed is comparable to the peak Martial Saint Powerhouse, which lasts for an hour. With the user’s own Strength Upgrade, the more True Force is poured, the faster the flight speed will be!

“Flower rubbing, explosive treat, comparable to the speed of peak Martial Saint, i your father damn is no longer afraid of being Martial Saint.”

Zhao Fang to be wild with joy, this Cloud Piercing Shuttle For him, simply is an escape escape treasure.

That’s it.

Zhao Fang eyes on the last treasure.

Saint Pill.

Increase the chance of peak Martial Emperor breakthrough Martial Saint and increase 30%.

“Fuck, this damn is also a treasure, but unfortunately, my brother can’t use it, I can give it to wife later!”

Zhao Fang pouted, put Pill Medicine off, and after harvesting, his face showed an irresistible glow.

This big harvest is really beyond his imagination.



Suddenly, just as Zhao Fang was immersed in the joy of the harvest, a path of earth-shattering roar came from Big Ruins Forest abyss.

This roar, containing the extremely powerful Pressure’s Might and anger, at the glimpse of it, the Mountain Vibration, the entire Big Ruins Forest are shaking and shuddering!

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