On the side of the sturdy, eyebrows.

He knows that the Young Master cuts the pulse very simply.

Can judge the cause, root cause, and even make a diagnosis from the cut pulse, can be simple to blame!

“Is it right? On the sea, there are hidden diseases that I have not observed?”

Yan Jian bears his beard and thinks thoughtfully.

“Young Master?”

See Zhao Fang’s finger on his pulse for a moment, there is no response, the sea whispered.

“Cough… the sea, do you want to upgrade to the fairyland?”

Zhao Fang coughs and speaks long.

The sea almost didn’t come back.

Upgrade to Heavenly Wonderland?

You can really say that.

Do you think that Tian Xian is your home, and you want to upgrade to Upgrade?

“Is there a way for Young Master?”

When he thought about it like this, there was a voice of good health and joy.

“There is something, just need to pay some fees.”

Zhao Fang looks at the sea and looks eccentric.

In the plan to strengthen the family and ensure the worry of Wolongtan, he consumes a fairy point and treats the sea, and wants to quickly upgrade to the fairyland.

The conclusions reached were beyond his expectations.

I still feel weird when I think of it.

Zhao Fang’s gaze was on the gaze, and the sea was somewhat inexplicable. The subconscious turned and looked forward to Yu Jian.

“Please ask Young Master to do it!” See Zhao Fang’s attitude, and Jian Jian thought that there was any jealousy in the means, immediately said.

As long as you can upgrade to the fairyland, let the strength of the family strengthen, suffer, and count.

Zhao Fang ordered nod, took out a bottle of Pill Medicine, and handed it to the sea: “Continuous take, non-refining, one day, can be Ascend to Heaven!”

Wen Yan, the sea is not so high, see Old Ancestor, Jian Jian looked excited, seems to be mobilized.

After receiving Pill Medicine from Zhao Fang, I swept away and squirted a bit of old blood.

In front of the pill bottle, there are four small characters: Elysium.

spring. medicine?

Also damn is the spring that Immortal Beast eats. medicine?

Give me the ability to breakthrough?

Are you kidding?

At this moment, the heart of the sea is broken.

Even Jian Jian, after seeing the words on the pill bottle, also looked strange: “Young Master, did you take the wrong Pill Medicine?”

“I didn’t take it wrong.” Zhao Fang looked at him and decided.

“The blissful beast, but the spring medicine that Immortal Beast eats, for the cultivator to eat, is it a bit…”

Yan Jian looked tangled.

When I was treating myself, it was so reliable and trustworthy.

How come it is now, conversely not reliable, no common sense.

Spring that Immortal Beast eats. Medicine, for the immortal to take, even if it is a quack, you can’t do this stupid thing.

Hearing here, Zhao Fang understands.

“I didn’t take the wrong medicine. It is the music of the beast.”

“Why?” The sea was tearful.

I thought that I didn’t offend the Young Master. Is it necessary to play with myself?

Immortal Beast Pill Medicine, which is taken several times more than the normal dose of Pill Medicine, is due to body size and other reasons.

In other words.

A bliss beast, it is equal to several bottles of spring. medicine.

Don’t say that the old man, whose blood has begun to fail, can’t help even a young man with a strong blood.

“Your cultivation base has already reached the level of impacting the fairy. You should also try to attack it many times, right.” Zhao Fang asked.

Oh sea nod.

“Why did you fail in succession, have you thought about it?”

“The first few times were not obvious. There were two times behind it. It seems to be related to the failure of the body and the inability to provide a large number of Immortal Force.” The sea thought about it.

Tianxian is a threshold.

Impacting this Realm requires massive Immortal Force to back it up.

Otherwise, even if Realm is enough, it is difficult to really enter the fairy level.

“Yes. You are not young, the body function is beginning to dry up, and the more difficult it is to breakthrough. Now, your only chance is to use the power inside the bliss beast to stimulate the whole body blood to accelerate the flow and produce the source of the constant Immortal Force. As a backing for your impact on Realm.”

Upon hearing this explanation, the sea finally came ahead and understood.

But there are still concerns: “Is this really ok?”

“This is your last and only chance. If it is not a fairy, it will be like this in your life!” Zhao Fang is just like this.

He did not mean to threaten the sea.

All that is said is true.

The sea body seems innocent, in fact, it is not as good as it used to be.

This decline, along with the passage of Time, will become more and more serious.

The sea clearly understands this, pondering for a moment, focusing on nod: “Old Ancestor, I decided, shock once!”

“Good! I am a Protector for you, peace of mind!” Yu Jian nod.


The sea went to the main hall of the Main Hall to practice, and Jian Jian was its Protector.

Zhao Fang was bored and took out the treasure of the gold Tiger Shark. Playing.

One day later.

There was a powerful aura in the hall.

Zhao Fang turned and looked at the corner of the mouth. She couldn’t help but reveal a trace smile: “breakthrough?”

It didn’t take long.

Then I saw Jian Jian with a look of excitement in the sea, coming out from the temple.

Just saw Zhao Fang, his face immediately appeared in a deep admiration, and he was grateful: “many thanks Young Master.”

Zhao Fang gave him a look.

Within the body aura Condensed, a white hair, half turned into black and white gray, wrinkles on the face faded, there are signs of changing from old man to middle age.

At a glance, Zhao Fang knows that the sea is really breaking through.

Cultivation base Once in the fairy, Life level has a great upgrade.

Not only Cultivator, life essence, bloodline, etc., but also like the difference between the world.

“It’s still too early to be happy, wait until the final Thunder Tribulation, and become a real fairy.”

Today’s vast sea can only be regarded as a pseudo-celestine. With the body strength, although it reaches the level of the fairy, it has not been tempered by the immortal, not pure.

“When are you going to Transcending Tribulation?”

“Tomorrow.” The sea did not hesitate, determined to take advantage of this imposing manner while still thoroughly breaking through the fairyland.

“Well. When you Transcending Tribulation, I will send you something that will increase the Transcending Tribulation success rate by 30%.”

Zhao Fang smiled.

Hearing this, the sea complexion is a hi.

His words to youth now have reached the level of conviction.

The other party said so, it must be a treasure.

When the sea receded, a Clan man hurriedly reported: “Hey, I came to a man and two women outside, saying that I want to visit Zhao Young master.”

“Visit me?” Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows and started to go to the province. He didn’t know anyone else at all. How could anyone come to visit him?

“Do you have any name?” Zhao Fang asked.

“Thewomen seem to say that their surname is Duanmu.” The guard thought for a moment.

“is her?”

Zhao Fang’s eyes flashed, the mind emerged a beautiful silhouette, the corner of the mouth revealed a trace smile: “Please come in!”

Free. The Luo Family, not far from home, also welcomed a mysterious guest.

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