As for now…

It can be easily suppressed by hand!

With one palm down, the palms are laid out, and the Purplewing Heavenly Dragon beast is taken into the ground, and no matter how it struggles, it can’t move.

Looking at the flesh-and-blood purple-winged Heavenly Dragon beast, which was shot by the sea, Duanmu Yao was shocked by the strength of the same time, and could not sit and watch the Purplewing Heavenly Dragon beast killed.

Quickly got up and begged Zhao Fang: “Zhao Young master, I am just an unintentional statement, please have a lot of Sir, spare her life.”

Qin Zhong also followed and prayed.

They found out at this moment that Zhao Fang is a guest of the family, simply master than the damn Master.

It’s just that the words are slightly disrespectful, and they are being stunned by a family.

It’s incredible to think about it.

of course.

They also know that the main responsibility for this matter is still purple.

If she is not mistaken, she will have such a curse.

Zhao Fang waved his hand.

In the face of Duan Muyao, the savior, he naturally would not really kill the purple.

“Look at your face, I will spare her once, and then next time…”

“Absolutely will not have another time!” Duanmu Yao successively guaranteed.

After that, he quickly ran to the fleshy purple wing of the Heavenly Dragon beast and fed it to take a few Pill Medicine.

The Purple Wing Heavenly Dragon animal recovers some damage.

With a burst of purple mist.

A complexion whitish, a difficult difficult situation, the broken clothes that can’t cover the graceful figure, once again appeared in front of everyone.

Her face was full of sorrow and fear.

Despite the resentment of Zhao Fang, I dare not express it again.

The random blow of the sea made her feel a strong threat.

“This time I’m harassing, I hope that Zhao Young master will forgive me, and the mountains will be long and fated.”

Said, Duanmu Yao is planning to help the purple 姝 leave.


I heard this.

The sable body subconscious is taut, thinking that Zhao Fang repents and wants to kill the hateful seeds in the cradle.

“Since it is here, I will stay for a few days. It’s just that some things were gone last time. This time, I’ve solved it together, but I have a wish.”

Zhao Fang looks at Duanmu Yao.

The latter looked awkward and did not understand the meaning of Zhao Fang.

“I want to help you break physique’s shackles and let you have the qualification of cultivation.” Zhao Fang said.

When I first arrived in Xianyu, I met the first person, Duanmu Yao.

The latter for his sake, he did not hesitate to use the power of bloodline, and almost seriously injured his body.

Such kindness, naturally not a few bottles of Pill Medicine, some small Enxiaohui can be smoothed.

Since the System level up, Zhao Fang intends to use the System to unlock the physique of Duanmu Yao, and let shackles her physique become a tool for its cultivation.

Only in this way can it be truly the life-saving grace of the other party!

“Help me break physique shackles?”

Duanmu Yao startled, in the eyes, a trace of warmth and gratitude.

This is the only outsider who wants to unlock physique for her, except for Qin Zhongzi, who is surrounded by people. No matter what, this kind of mind makes her very moved.

“many thanks Zhao Young master kindly, just, my physique, even the Tianxian Powerhouse, are also helpless, Young master does not need to spend on this matter, it will only make me uneasy.”

Duanmu Yao refused.

When her Clan was not yet destructed, Father had asked some Tiancheng Powerhouse to treat.

That is her, she has high hopes for those immortals, but the final result, but broke her heart again and again.

That feeling, too bad, she doesn’t want to experience it again.

“The fairy is helpless?”

The white old man, who has been watching the movie silently, suddenly interjected, in the eyes revealing a trace of interest. “I don’t know, can you let Old Man have a look?”

“This…” Duanmu Yao hesitated.

Yu Jian aura spreads, comes with a thick and powerful meaning.

Even if the sea is compared with it, it will be inferior.

“Tianxian four heavy?”

Zi Yan’s eyes glimpsed, and I never thought that this old man, who has been quiet and speechless, harmless to human and animals, is actually a terrifying powerhouse that is more terrifying than the sea.

Duanmu Yao is also a shock to his heart.

Unexpectedly, the white robe old man Strength was so amazing.

Turning to look at Zhao Fang, seeing that he is interested in it, thinking about it, Duanmu Yao has a decision in his heart, and he is swearing and swearing: “There is a senience.”

Yan Jian faintly smiled, palms lifted up, virtual press in Duanmu Yao Tianling.


The mighty aura is full of limbs.

Yu Jian is still very casual at first.

Later, the expression gradually became solemn, and the brow was almost wrinkled.

Waiting for him to stop, Qin Zhong Zizhen looked forward to him looking forward to him: “Senior?”

The look of Jian Jian is a bit embarrassing.

I’ve been so brazen, but now I can’t even understand the other physique, simply face-smacking.

Seeing his look, Qin Zhong Zi’s face is inevitably revealing the color of disappointment.

Duan Muyao smiled and comforted: “Senior is willing to take it, no need to do this.”

That being said.

Zhao Fang is still from her bright eyes, seeing a trace unwilling.

“Your physique is weird. It seems that the natural locks in the legend are somewhat similar, but somewhat different.”

Although Jian is now only a fairy, but after all, it was Tian Xian Ba ​​Zhong Powerhouse, eye-catching, eye-catching, still some gains.

Zhao Fang is a little surprised.

I thought that Duanmu Yao physique is special, and as a celestial person, even if he can’t heal, he can see the clue.

did not expect.

It is also a half-baked solution.

It seems that I can only go out of my own.

Zhao Fang came over.

Surroundings people seem to be.

The sturdy sturdy, his face is even more revered: “Young Master take action, will solve!”

Zhao Fang can solve even the root cause that has troubled him for many years. I believe that unlocking this strange physique is not a problem.

I took a nod from the sea.

He is Zhao Fang’s loyal pump.

“Hands stick out.” Zhao Fang said.

Duanmu Yao did it.

Put your finger on the wrist of Duanmu Yao, such as jade, feel the warm and smooth at the same time, and move in your heart: “Diagnosis!”

“Hey, there are not enough souls to diagnose!”

Zhao Fang complexion is a stiff.


Damn, are there two left?

Killed Gold Tiger Shark harvests 50 Five Soul Points.

Later, Healing was treated for the health of the sea, and 50 was consumed. Two points remained.

I thought that there are two points, the diagnosis of the end of the Muyao physique is enough.

I didn’t expect it, I would come here.

“Detecting a special physique, the diagnosis requires a hundred sacred points, and the host’s genius is insufficient and cannot be diagnosed.”

Hearing here, Zhao Fang’s eyes almost came out.

Diagnose a hundred soul points, do you want to think about money?

To know.

To make a serious injury, Strength only has a heavy heart, and returns to the four-strength Strong, and only uses 50.

Right now is just a diagnosis, it is necessary to have a hundred soul points, what damn what physique?

“Zhao Young master, how?” Duanmu Yao looked at it.

“Young Master take action, it’s definitely easy.”

亢健亢 The sea is still bragging for Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is cough up blood.

Very easy fart.

Father doesn’t even have a diagnostic qualification. You hold me like this, but I am hitting my face.

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