At the same time.

The centuries of the fairy aura gather in one place to form a canopy, which seems to be waiting for a newly born king.

“The earth is filled with golden lotus, and the crown is covered with a hundred miles. This is the symbol of the heavens!”

Many people exclaimed, in the eyes full of envy.

Fang Zhen is even more shocked, the eyeballs fall to the ground, the figure trembles, can’t be self-sustaining!

Once in the fairy, from the three elements of Five elements, happy Immortal.

This can be seen from the title.

Under the fairyland, it is generally referred to as the cultivation, and the heavenly abundance, including the fairyland, is called the cultivator.

The difference between words is a thousand miles!

Cultivated successfully Tian Xian is the long-cherished wish of countless.

It is also the persistence of countless tens of thousands of years!

But this one step is too difficult.

Countless Transcending Tribulation, the results are turned into robbing.

Really cross the obstacles and become the powerhouse of Tianxian, nothing in the middle!

Today, they have witnessed this historic moment.

They are in a complicated mood.

Envy, envy, worship…

“Stupid standing wool, golden lotus containtain True Meaning, fast absorb, helpful for our cultivation!”

A discordant voice came, like the previous sentence, from the same person.


No one cares about this.

Instead, sit on the seat of the be wild with joy and start to learn the true meaning of the fairy in the golden lotus.

After a few hours, the Powerhouse slowly opened his eyes and lost his face.

This cultivation, their insights are quite deep, but unfortunately, Jinlian maintains Time too short.

“If I can develop my insights cultivation for a hundred years, I have 90% grasp, breakthrough to the fairy!” Fang Zhen said.


This is too difficult.

Like today’s Transcending Tribulation into the fairy, the average, a hundred years is also rare.

Even if he can witness one by one and want insights for hundreds of years, how many Transcending Tribulation successes?

Tens of thousands?

Don’t say tens of thousands. In his lifetime, he will be able to see the second one, and he will be satisfied.

Take a deep breath.

Fang Zhen looked deep into the mountain that had been flattened under Thunder Tribulation, and saw sole solemnly:

“Myself is away from the Yang Family’s Luo Family guest Elder Fang Zhen, thanks to the senior pointing.”

Other Powerhouses have also reacted.

I am grateful.

There is no response in the mountain.

Fang Zhen waited for a moment, see no one responded, be careful came to the periphery of the mountain, watched carefully, did not see the figure, know that the person who is Transcending Tribulation, has already left.

I thought that I couldn’t get in touch with this Rank Powerhouse. I was a little sorry for my dissatisfaction.

Just ready to leave.

Suddenly seeing the ground not far away, there are a few pieces of Scatter’s iron piece, reflecting the bright rays of light under the sunlight.

Pick up, finely observe, in the eyes reveal a trace surprised expression : “This is … Tian devil Powerhouse skin Refining Armour!”

When he put the Scatter iron pieces in one place.

A strange picture appears.

The iron piece at the same time lights up the rays of light, and it can be seen faintly. It seems like a monster with a tiger head shark, roaring.

“Heaven, gold Tiger Shark!”

Fang Zhen was shocked and recognized the identity of the monster.

At the same time.

When he searched the Transcending Tribulation site, there were major discoveries.

Within the scope of Transcending Tribulation, there is one person besides Transcending Tribulation!

“The man is so evasive of the horror?” Fang Zhen scratched his head and couldn’t understand. At the same time, he became more curious about the identity of Transcending Tribulation.

The first thing to return to the province of Yangyang is to ask the people to hear about the gold Tiger Shark.


Another part of the Yangshan Mountains.

The two figures walked freely.

“Young Master, why don’t let the group know, my identity? With my strength today, I might be able to charge more than a dozen guest Elders.”

Just thinking about it, Young Master let Transcending Tribulation succeed in itself, and sneak away from it, and the sea is full of puzzles.

That being said.

He is facing you, but he doesn’t complain.

In the words, it is full of revere and worship.

Just now ,

He crossed the Heart Demon and was taken by Heart Demon.

The Tao is about to collapse,

It is the other party’s start to talk, risking being killed by the slayer, reminding himself.

Only when I was in a critical moment, I woke up, not only did I die under the slain, but Transcending Tribulation succeeded.

I can become a fairy, and the other is the main pusher.

In the face of this Rank, who is reinvented, can he be disrespectful?

“Don’t be beat the grass to scare the snake.”

“I can also take this opportunity to see how many inflations I want to die at home!”

Zhao Fang said indifferently.

Once the news of the Transcending Tribulation was heard, the two families must be prepared.

From the bright point of view, even if the two know, there is no such thing as the Luo Family of the Powerhouse oversee.

But everything is in case.

Zhao Fang doesn’t want to go to Longtantan’s trip, and there are too many twists and turns.

of course.

The main thing is that Zhao Fang can’t see the group.

What if it is accepted as a guest?

Can betray his own Clan for the benefit, and betray his family for the benefit in the future.

This kind of wall grass, there are more, for the family, it is not a blessing, but a curse.

“Young Master is thoughtful, I owe it!” The sea understood and ordered nod.

Immediately, he solemnly bowed to Zhao Fang, complexion respectfully said: “Young Master gave me a fairy, and rebuilt, my life, willing to drive Young Master.”

Zhao Fang waved his hand and was preparing to let the sea rise.

“Hey, the congratulations host, I am really grateful to get the ‘Tianxian 亢 sea’, and obtain two hundred sacred points.”

“Hey?” Zhao Fang’s eyes were round and round: “Two hundred cents of souls?”

“Young Master?”

The sea is a bit worried, and I express my heartfelt joy and gratitude. How is the Young Master, who is always calm, more happy than himself, and even dysfunctional?

“Cough… Nothing, you get up.” Zhao Fang coughs.

I no longer pay attention to the sea, communicate System, and ask: “This damn what’s going on?”

Two hundred sacred points…

This Rank is in the killed four-headed gold Tiger Shark.

This pie is gone, without warning!

Almost gave him a dizzy.

When asked, Zhao Fang came back with a taste: “That is, as long as I help people, the other party is sincerely grateful, I will be sure to be a certain soul.”

“Yes!” System responded.

When I heard this, Zhao Fang eyes shined, facing the sea: “Get me back home.”

“Ah?” The sea is not clear.


The urging of Zhao Fang made him unable to think about it. The power wrapped the two people and instantly tore the sky and went straight to the home of the province.

Just arrived at home.

Yu Jian was aware of it and rushed out to meet.

After seeing the sea in good condition, the old face could not help but reveal a trace of a smile, just to start to talk.

Zhao Fang is impatient: “Duanmu Yao? Let her see me. It’s too slow, or I’ll go to find her.”


I ignored the two people who were healthy and eager to find the end of the country. “Young Master is stimulated?” Jian Jian looked at the moment, and Zhang Er Monk couldn’t figure it out and could only ask about the sea.

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