“The second method requires ten people to take the same time take action. With the power of the mighty fairy, warm Fleshy Body, tempering meridians.”

Duan Muyao, who originally had hopes, hoped that the complexion would be a stiff, dim light, and desperate again.

Ten-digit fairy at the same time take action?

Just kidding.

She wants to find so many Tianxian Powerhouse, Duanmu Clan has already reported it!

“You don’t have to be discouraged, I am ready to think of a good way.” Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

Duanmu Yao thought that Zhao Fang was comforting himself and barely smiled.

Jian Jian is looking at his eyes and understands Zhao Fang’s intention: “Young Master is going to bring Duanmu to Wolongtan?”


Zhao Fang nod, he is not a match for a dozen Tian Xian, but Wolongtan has ready-made.

“Wolongtan? Yao’er can’t cultivate, what can I do to Wolongtan, and daze in the air?”

Zi Yan did not know the secret of Wolongtan. When she learned of this solution, she was somewhat dissatisfied.

“Wolongtan is not as simple as you think, for specific reasons, you will know when you arrive.”

Zhao Fang glanced at her and her eyes fell on Duanmu Yao again: “I can solve your physique problem, do you believe me?”

“Believe.” Duan Muyao with the slightest hesitation.

Zhao Fang smiled, stretched the action action, pointed a finger at Duanmu Yao between the eyebrows.


In an instant.

Duanmu Yao mind immediately had a mysterious message.

“Gathering the mind, write it down, the tempering meridians used by Wolongtan.” It was amazed, and a familiar voice came from the ear.

Duanmu Yao sinks his heart and carefully combs the information. It is actually a secret art, and the more he looks, the more surprised he is.

She was born out of the ordinary.

Although I can’t cultivate, I have seen many ancient books since I was a child.

At a glance, this set of quenching veins Secret Art out of the ordinary.

Common cultivation, born meridians on the ready for stereotypes.

I want to change, unless it is at some stage of the cultivation.

For example, the fairyland.

Once in the fairy, high lying nine days.

From now on, the Fleshy Body has been washed and washed, and the nature of Life has changed. The blood drops have magical effects, and the meridians will naturally expand.

However, if the immortals are good enough to enter, there will not be so many scattered immortals.

In other words.

Zhao Fang passed on her secret art, Secret Art, which allows the cultivation person to enjoy the Heavenly Wonderhood in the fairyland. The value is high, you can imagine!

If it is outgoing.

I am afraid that the whole piece of Continent’s scent will go crazy and come to snatch it.

The more you understand this, the more you feel comfortable.

When she is fully integrated into the mind, she can open her eyes at any time when she is cultivating: “Zhao Young master…”

I wanted to thank Zhao Fang said.

In the eye, it is an empty courtyard.

And keep the side, the eyes of the worried purple and Qin Zhong two people.

“Yao’er, are you okay?”

“What did Brat do to you just now?”

Two people eagerly asked.

They saw that Zhao Fang pointed to the end of the eye, and seemed to be passing on some Secret Art. I don’t know it is Secret Art. I am worried.

“It’s okay. Just warm up the meridians and prepare to break the special Secret Art of physique.”

Duanmu Yao smiled hard and suddenly felt a little lost.


Provincial entrance.

A dozen Luo Family, Elder, are waiting quietly.

Looking from time to time outside the province, the mountains are located.

It seems to be waiting for who.

Pedestrians passing by, seeing the Luo Family costumes on their clothes, mostly look away from envy or fear, and dare not approach.

The Elders seem to be eccentric, preoccupied, and dismissive of other cultivation bases.

call out!

In the distance, there is an amazing rainbow light coming in.

Blinking will break through the layers of Void and appear in the province.


Luo Family Elders have a good spirit and have seen it in the past.

Call ~

Rays of light are lowered.

A silhouette appeared in front of everyone.

It was a youth dressed in white, carrying a long sword, a stalwart, and extraordinary.

Seeing someone comes, Luo Family Elder immediately showed respectful expression, and quickly paids respect to: “I have seen Zhang Keqing.”

Zhang Keqing ignored them, looked around all around, looked at the familiar pictures in memory, and looked a little reminiscing: “I am finally back!”

At the end, his eyes fell on those Luo Family Elder. After seeing one person, he couldn’t help but smile: “Fanglow Daoist?”

The person who was named to the name was the Lu Family guest Elder, Fang Zhen, who had seen the Transcending Tribulation in the Liyang Mountains.

He walked one step forward, with a smile nod: “Zhang Yan Elder!”

Two people are deceased, acquainted with single hundred years, and the relationship is excellent.

“én? Your cultivation base is a lot of refined.” Zhang Yan blinked and saw some clues on his old friend, some surprised.

“hehe, it’s my Luck, yesterday, in the Liyang Mountains, I saw a fellow Transcending Tribulation, and I got something.”

Fang Zhen said.

“Is that Fellow Daoist so discouraged?”

Having said that, Zhang Yan’s expression is a bit of joke and ridicule.

He knows the background of the province of the sun, and wants to go to the emperor, it is absolutely dead.

“I don’t know too well, but unfortunately, I haven’t been able to make such a god-like character. If I can pass on the experience of Transcending Tribulation, I will pass the success rate of the genocide, and it will be greatly upgraded.” Fang Zhen said .

Zhang Yan didn’t care at first. After hearing it, he faintly returned to it. Somewhat strange: “Is the Transcending Tribulation successful?”

“Good. Gathering Jinlian, crown cover a hundred miles!” Fang Zhen nod, looking forward.

“What? Really successful?” Zhang Yan was surprised.

He has traveled for many years and has seen a lot of Transcending Tribulation.

The Transcending Tribulation process is different, and the Transcending Tribulation is also a myriad of things, but the ending is strikingly the same: all Transcending Tribulation fails!

To his confidence caused a lot of shadow, let him once thought that this life is hopeless Transcending Tribulation success.

Until I got the treasure and got ready for many years, I had a little confidence. I was planning to take advantage of the Dragon Vein at the Wolongtan meeting.

Became the first person in the province of the sun to live in the world.

Unexpectedly, it was first picked up by people!

“Who is that person? Luo Baiheng? Evil?? The sea?” Zhang Yan eyes condensed, in his thoughts, Transcending Tribulation success, the fairy, will definitely come from this Three Great home.

And in the Three Great home, with this three people strength strongest, the most promising to spend the fun.

“Nothing!” Fang Zhen shook his head: “When the Fellow Daoist Transcending Tribulation, I used Array to cover the circumference for thousands of miles. I was in the thousands of miles and I didn’t know the true identity of the Fellow Daoist.”

“After the success of Transcending Tribulation, the person quietly left, very low-key. According to my guess, he may still be in the province of the sun, it is possible to leave!”

I heard this.

Zhang Yan’s eyes flashed: “I don’t think I’m traveling outside the country. I’ve got such a Powerhouse in the province. I have a chance to teach.”

“Listen to your tone, this time to Transcending Tribulation? How sure is it?” Fang Zhen expression surprised. Zhang Yan laughed and said nothing.

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