He is angry, not aimless.

Instead, I saw a lot of Elders in the two families, and they all stared straight into the rose.

This makes him always contemptuous, and is extremely displeased.

“On the make of Sir. Five hundred zhang (333m) can be a little bit of efficacy!” Luo Yi evil wind two people complexion ugly.

Wolongtan Dragon Gas will not move.

Nature is closer to the surface of the lake, and the more dragons that can be absorbed.

The farther the distance is, the more the dragon will be drawn.

In general.

Wolongtan’s former hunting zhang (333m) range, the best position, the most intense dragon, enough of the entire dragon’s 70%.

It belongs to the ‘VIP Lounge’ of Wolongtan.

But this obviously does not belong to the three tribes of the sun, but to the sect of the stream.

Next, a hundred zhang (333m), which is the second guaranteed zhang (333m) area.

The dragon is relatively thin, the position is still in the front, and it is called the front row, which is divided by the two evil families.

Later, it is the three hundred zhang (333m) area, which belongs to the last.

The dragon is thinner.

Still able to spread to nearly 10%.

It looks very small, but it is enough to make the dozens of nine robbers promotes to Half-step.

Then after the four hundred zhang (333m).

There is almost no dragon, belonging to the Outer Circle. In the past, only some of the scattered immortals who did not pass the assessment of the three tribes will stay here.

Four hundred zhangdx zhang (333m) is still the case.

Not to mention five hundred zhang (333m).

It’s a good idea not to let the Luo Family share it.

Luo Yi complexion can look good!

“You This is telling me about the conditions?”

Beauty face, but was smashed face, Huang Yifan is increasingly unhappy.

“Where is the Junior Brother, why bother with these people.”

A face just as a middle-aged man walks out, expression is light.

“Is also the Senior Brother, who is not afraid of losing his identity with this group of mud legs?”

Another White robed Youth, joking with a laugh.

Only a white woman, quiet as a virgin, do not say a word.

For the middle-aged man, Huang Yifan looked a little wariness. As for White robed Youth, he did not look at it.

“Wu Zhen Senior Brother’s lesson is that I am reckless.” Huang Yifan Chong just middle-aged nodded slightly.

“Junior Brother, you are getting started early, don’t know something. That Luo Family, you better be better with them.”

After sweeping the position of Luo Wei, Wu Zhen means deep and long.

“Why?” Huang Yifan looked faint.

“A provincial-level small inflation, what is worth watching us?” Charming women disdain.

The East Continent pattern is a province that suppresses dozens of lines.

Liu Yunzong is the emperor of Continent in the east. The Luo Family is even more powerful. It is just a big squadron. They are like the princes of the Yunyun dynasty. They are comparable to Prince Huang, and they naturally cannot see these courtiers.

“Luo Jun Lin.” Wu Zhen only said three words, they will not say more.


When you hear this name, the three people expressions vary.

Demon. Meimen’s face is like a flower.

Huang Yifan and White robed Youth are expression solemn, full of wariness.

Even the whitish women have been silent, and there are some accidents.

“Luo Jun Lin? Wu Zhen Senior Brother said that the Supreme Talent who was taken over by the head of the family and who was on the stage of the fairy tales in the past? What is his connection with the Luo Family?” Huang Yifan was careful.

Thinking of the major event of the previous period of Time rumor, Huang Yifan only felt that a heart was strictly sinking.

“Luo Jun Lin, Luo Family? Could it be that there is some connection between the two?”

“Louijun’s Senior Brother was born in the Great Clan, and it’s okay to be with this Luo Family?” White robed Youth is also frowning.

They all look at Wu Zhen, looking forward to the first introduction of the discipline, can tell some secrets they do not know.

Wu Zhen’s mouth is very tight, and he has not said too much on this matter. He randomly transferred the topic: “Wolongtan is about to be activated!”

Seeing Wu Zhen’s reluctance to say more, a few people’s hearts are not willing, and they have a heart in mind.

“Yellow Junior Brother, you have been to Wolongtan once, this time, you will host it.”

Wu Zhen start to talk.

Huang Yifan did not deny it and should have come down.

When I turned to look at the Luo Family, my posture changed obviously. It was not as indifferent as before, with a little more smile and enthusiasm.

Even the Luo Family, which should be left behind, is arranged within the scope of the hundred zhang (333m).

In this regard.

Except for Xiaomei, there are other dissatisfaction, and the other three people are as usual.

“Luo Family is really a dog. You can make a friendship with the Shang Brothers. Can you get out of a fairyland in the backcountry?”

邬 嘀咕 嘀咕.

After Wu Zhen heard it, he shook his head slightly and sighed in his heart: “If Lin Biao does not annihilate, you are in the backcountry of the eyes, but you have to get out of the two Heavenly Powerhouses.”

Huang Yifan’s change of attitude and the introduction of Luo Family from the original five-hundred zhang (333m), the real barren land to the VIP table equal to the Emissary, made Luo Family feel like a flattering feeling.

When Huang Yifan talked with four people, there was a soundproof Array that blocked them. They didn’t hear the points, and they didn’t know why Huang Yifan changed.

“Emissary love, Luo Family can not understand? We are still scheduled according to the last position.”

Luo Wei is a personal fine, seeing the dissatisfaction of Yan Mei, the eyeballs turn, be careful proposed.

Anyway, the last series of the Luo Family was in the front row of the second hundred zhang (333m), which is the second-largest level of the dragon, which is second only to the former hundred zhang (333m) VIP seat where the Emissary is located.


Huang Yifan looked back and looked at Mei.

He sold Luo Jun to face, and arranged Luo Family to the VIP seat. He also had the idea of ​​making a new upstart through Luo Family.

Of course, this move does not harm his fundamental interests.

Although both are in the VIP seats.

Can really swallow the dragon, Luo Family, this group of ordinary scent, can also compare with the disciples of the cloud ancestors?

It is based on this self-confidence that they are randomly placed in the VIP seats.

But Mei Mei seems to be very unhappy with this group of people, he also has to take care of the mood of the beauty.

“hehe, can get the front row position, it is already everyone to make a big grace, Luo Family thanks to Dade is not too late, dare to covet the VIP seats.”

Luo Yi has repeatedly deduced.

Huang Yifan could not help the dark nod, down the slope, agree with his proposal, and re-establish the location of each home.

“Luo Family twohund zhang (333m) front row, Xie Family three hundred zhangdx zhang (333m), and so on, 亢家四hundred zhang (333m) ……”

After listening to Huang Yifan’s announcement, in addition to the Luo Family expression, Xie Family’s Powerhouse complexion is not good.

Especially the family.

They were originally in three hundred zhangdx zhang (333m), although this position is the worst of the three areas.

I can still absorb the dragon.

But four hundred zhang (333m) is what the hell?

It is equivalent to kicking the family out of this competition!

Xie Family Powerhouse, who was not in a good mood, saw his family want to be kicked out, and his face was full of playful ridicule:

“While we are in three hundred zhang (333m), we can also share the scent of 10%, unlike some Clan, even the residue can not be divided.”

The complexion of the family is getting more and more ugly.

“If there is no objection, just follow this.” Huang Yifan waved a big hand, indifferently spoke.

“I have opinions!” One of the people in the family came out and expressed dissatisfaction with Huang Yifan’s proposal.

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