That is four Half-step fairy.

that’s it.

Was easily obliterate?

After the Clan people were shocked, they were at a loss.

Did not expect it at all.

亢The Great Strength is so terrifying.

Emissary, who has always been on the top, is as vulnerable as mole cricket and ants in front of him.

The most calm of the audience, only two people.

Qi Jian, Zhao Fang.

The former is the old-fashioned fairy, the half-life of the Hummer, and the experience of countless Great Ominous. It’s not worth mentioning at this point.

Zhao Fang is known as the Cultivation Technique might.

That is straight through the soul, not to mention these Half-step fairy, ordinary fairy, if there is no soul treasure defense, but also heavy injury.

The Eastern Emperor’s Heavenly Power, contains the dragon roar secret technique.

Not only shattered soul, but even Fleshy Body can be easily shattered.

Clan Protecting Cultivation Technique is born out of this dragon roar secret technique.


亢海 Void Hand grab, Wu Zhen and others corpse, fly back.

It is at this time.

The change is sudden!

call out.

Among the four bodies, the body of the white robes, which had been annihilated by soul, was out of control of the sea, and rushed toward the distant sky with amazing speed.

“Is there a fish that slips through the net?”

“She should be a high-level child of Liu Yunzong, body soul Secret Treasure, just pretending to be destroyed by you, you want to escape, then you choose to escape.”


亢 sea complexion ashen, Void Hand, the body of Wu Zhen three people, all turned into powder.

There are only three Space Rings that are caught in their hands.

“Running in front of my face, I really thought that this fairy is my display?”

Coldly snorted, smashing the sea figure like electricity, catching up

“Young Master, what do you do next?”

Yu Jian looked at Zhao Fang.

“Wolongtan is activated before, I need you to put an end to all hidden dangers. Once Wolongtan is activated, we will sneak in to save people, there must be no mistakes.”

Zhao Fang swept his eyes and the direction of the women’s escape.

Yu Jian expression: “Yes.”

Paused, said: “While the women have the soul class treasure defense, the next dragon roar is the limit, it is estimated that the early injury, the sea take action, must be very easy.”

In this regard.

Zhao Fang is undecided, blinking his eyes and being ravaged by dragon roar, squatting on a mountain peak, the cyanotic tiger demon, which is convulsively bloody, indifferently said:

“Purple, the bloodline of the stupid tiger, is useful to you, go and pick it yourself.”

Purple wing Heavenly Dragon beasts.

Go straight to the green lion and go to the demon.

Both beasts are Half-step demon, killing normally, no ten days and a half, it is difficult to tell the winner.


Today’s Qinglin Tiger demon, was smashed by dragon roar to smash the demon, and the demon body is also covered with cracks, and it is simply unable to conquer.

In the face of the purple wing Heavenly Dragon beast cruel’s bite, did not support how long, then aura 奄奄, a life scream!

Same as Time.

A sturdy sleeve of a sturdy gown, a terrifying invisible force, like an invisible palm, covers the powerhouse of the evil spirits.

“what are you doing?”

“Would you like to destruction our two families?”

The powerhouse complexion of the evil spirits is ugly, trying to struggle, but the power is too terrifying, not at all.

With the help of the two families of Powerhouse, Luo Yi evil winds barely opened his eyes.

The dragon roar of the sea just now, is not aimed at them, but Wu Zhen and others.

In other words.

Luo Yi evil wind is just bad luck lying gun nothing more.

This is so.

The two people who woke up were also complicated and bleak, and the mood was sluggish. Obviously the soul was greatly traumatized.

“Senior, you will be forgiving. Luo Family will withdraw from this competition!” Zhang Yan said solemnly.

His complexion is not very good looking.

Although the response was timely and the defense was made in advance, it was still affected by the dragon roar, and the soul appeared a crack.

If it weren’t for his travels over the years, he had a lot of family backgrounds, and there were soul class treasure defenses. I was afraid that the state at the moment would be better than the two people.

“Zhang Keqing, what do you say nonsense?”

Zhang Yan’s words are angered by the Luo Family Powerhouse.

“The Dragon Fighting Conference is so close, can you let people know?”

“I don’t believe it, this old man, can’t kill us!”

Luo Family Powerhouse is crazy.

The family is not in the sky, but with an old man alone, can they suppress the Luo people?

The Xie Family Powerhouse echoes and even unites with the family, and has a lot to fight against.

“A bunch of idiots!”

Zhang Yan’s eyes are cold.

It’s really a group of pig teammates who don’t move.

I really thought that there is only one fairy in my family?

His expression looked fearfully.

At the moment when the latter took the action, he felt aura that was more terrifying than the sea.

In other words.

The old man who is buried in the loess in front of the half is a god that is much more powerful than the sea.

Not to mention the two evil families.

Even if it is two ordinary fairy, it is estimated that it is not the opponent.

“Senior, junior is only the Luozu guest, now from the Luo people, please seniors.”

Zhang Yan left the Luo area.

His move immediately provoked the Luo Family Powerhouse.

Zhang Yan treated with cold eyes.

Even if there is no take-up action, he will leave the Luo people after the end of the competition.

Today, it’s just that the result is nothing more in advance.

Jian Jian is not moved.

Void Hand One press.

Scorpio seems to collapse.

Zhang Yan complexion a white.

Because, his location, is also in the momentum of the area.

Obviously, the other party has not let go of his plans!

“Senior, please extralegate, I am willing to join the family.” At the critical juncture, Zhang Yan also refused to hold back.

At the same time Take out a variety of life-saving things to withstand the pressure of Giant Palm.


The Lost and the two Powerhouses are also resisting.

As a result, it was crushed.

Even if the ants gather thousands of them, they can’t be hard with the dragon.

This is the gap between the fairy and the fairy!

A palm falls.

The two evil families are completely destroyed!

Even Zhang Yan, the body is blasted, only soul, hid in a jade bottle, control the jade bottle, rushed into Wolongtan.


Yan Jian slightly raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Fang was also a little surprised: “It can actually block the four-shot hit of the fairy, and the jade bottle has some doorways.”

Yu Jian coldly snorted, Void Hand is far away to Wolongtan.

The jade bottle broke out and he was caught by him.


The water pool abyss, suddenly found a beast tail, rolled up the jade bottle, and directly sink into the pool.

When the reaction to the health comes, the Wolongtan face, the waves are tilted, forming a path of water column, rushing to the sky.


An inexplicable white mist, covering the surface of the pool and even the water column.

Xianqi can to move unhindered, dragons breed!

Wolongtan, activate!

“Young Master.”

Yu Jian complexion condensed, and quickly looked at Zhao Fang: “The situation is not good.”

“I just took the action, is it a three-tailed beast?”

Zhao Fang clearly saw that the wrapped jade bottle sinking into the bottom of the pool is an iris. Can not be under the double pressure of Yin Cold Qi and Dragon in Wolongtan, but also free to enter and exit, only the three-tailed beast that occupies Dragon Vein under Wolongtan!

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