Chapter 278 Super Boss, Golden Divine Ox debut!

When you identify all of a sudden thrown, you will hear the message of failure.

Although I don’t know the specifics of Divine Beast.

But as long as it is not the eyelids, you can see the terrifying of this beast!

Especially on top of it.

That simply long endless blood trough…

Just looking at it, Zhao Fang is tired and not loving.

This Divine Beast ranked super-existence, let alone play, even if it stood and let Zhao Fang kill, with today’s Zhao Fang, also killed.

Compared with it.

Golden Barbarian Bull’s HP, that is pediatrics, is fireflies.

The Golden Divine Ox is the moon!


Zhao Fang has trouble with the scalp.

Under the gaze of Divine Ox’s cold and indifferent eyes, he has a feeling of heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, all of which are seen through.

It’s like, in this in the eyes, myself… no secret!

Everything about yourself is seen by Divine Ox!


The feeling of Death, wrapped around again. Around Zhao Fang.

“Warning, the host is facing a huge threat, please flee quickly!”

The second reminder of the System since the God Slayer Spear event.

Without the System reminder, when I saw Divine Ox’s all of a sudden, one kind of unbeatable feeling, I poured into Zhao Fang’s heart.

He did not have the slightest hesitation and turned to escape.

In the huge eye of Divine Ox, which is indifferent to indifference and even incomprehensible, it seems to contain some kind of mysterious power. In the eyes of it, this Space seems to have changed inexplicably.

Zhao Fang’s speed is even lower, slower like a snail.

An all of a sudden, he has a feeling of being trapped in the mud!

Zhao Fang has a ge-deng in his heart. He knows that This is Divine Ox.

After Martial Artist Strength promotes to Martial God, he and Heaven and Earth Compatibility can control a certain range of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, even Law.

The same is true of Divine Beast.

In the eyes of Golden Divine Ox, this kind of power is doped, so Zhao Fang will have this feeling of being trapped in the mud!

Zhao Fang turned the palm of his hand and one piece of Talisman paper appeared.

Space Shattering Talisman !

Rays of light, Space Shattering Talisman wrapped the Zhao Fang silhouette and quickly disappeared into place.

But this time.

Not far away from the distance.

“Ten miles?”

Zhao Fang dumbfounded.

He used the primary Space Shattering Talisman, which was randomly transmitted for thousands of miles. It has never expired before. How did this damn become ten miles?

Concentrated a hundred times.

Zhao Fang turned and looked at behind. The head was still huge, as if standing in front of the Golden Divine Ox, his eyes were slightly condensed.

He saw a deep ridicule and a faint doubt in Golden Divine Ox in the eyes.

See you, Zhao Fang suddenly understands that complexion is a bit ugly.

When Zhao Fang looked at it, Golden Divine Ox moved!

Big and unrestrained like a mountain-like hoof, heading to Zhao Fang.

One hoof is out, hōng hōng is shocking, terrifying imposing manner is diffuse, just like the sky is falling down.

Zhao Fang complexion has changed dramatically.


The loud noise came out and the mountain range violently vibrated. It seemed to be stepped in half by this foot!

Zhao Fang’s previous location, there is a huge deep pit.

It is like a giant pit under the meteorites.

At the bottom of the crater, there is an silhouette of an extremely disappointing difficult situation.

This silhouette is exactly Zhao Fang!

“Hey! The whole body has a feeling of falling apart, Worthy is damn’s Divine Beast, simply too terrifying!”

Zhao Fang, who was extremely injured, struggled to climb up, his body was full of blood, his appearance was miserable and the difficult situation was at its best!


While speaking ,Zhao Fang looks at the hands of the emits golden glow God Slayer Spear, a look of luck.

On the occasion of the Golden Divine Ox.

Zhao Fang whole body stiff and cold, unable to move.

If it is not God Slayer Spear Sense to Crisis, wrapped Zhao Fang with its own golden glow, it is estimated that Zhao Fang will never climb again!


Golden Divine Ox eye reveals.

Just the foot of the might, it is well known.

It is absolutely easy to kill the ordinary Tier-8 Spirit beast, which is the Martial Saint Powerhouse.

But in front of this human only Martial Emperor cultivation base, after a solid and hard-resistance, not only did not die, but also stood up, which is more or less unexpected.

But immediately.

Golden Divine Ox reveals a grin hideously expression, “Resist, very good!”

See the expression of Golden Divine Ox, a chill from the feet of Zhao Fang to the top of the head.

How he does not understand, this expression contains meaning!


Zhao Fang low roaring sound.

He wants to escape.

Unfortunately, he was locked by the Golden Divine Ox at the moment and could not move at all.

Even if the primary space Shattering Talisman is used, the distance transmitted is still within the scope of the Golden Divine Ox attack, and it is useless!


The Teleportation Talisman has been used once, and the Golden Divine Ox is bound to be prepared. He wants to show it again for the second time. I am afraid that it is somewhat difficult!

“It’s no wonder that killing is very different from other humans. But even so, today, it’s hard to escape!”

Golden Divine Ox is dull and indifferent.

The ruthless eyes, through the killing intent.

The mad madness imposing manner, which is set off like a Heavenly God, judges the fate of a mole cricket and ants!

Zhao Fang clench one’s teeth, but the eyes are extraordinarily calm: “i your father is dead, but also splashes you with blood!”

With a loud bang, as if pulling out the whole body, holding the God Slayer Spear, madly rushing to the Golden Divine Ox.

Golden Divine Ox is indifferent, but this is indifferent, but also full of disdain and ridicule.

Just like watching a mole cricket and ants!

An overestimate one’s capabilities, the clocket and ants!


Golden Divine Ox coldly snorted, there were two such as white snakes, which spewed out of its nose.

In an instant, a chilly aura, filled in the surroundings Space.


Golden Divine Ox has no words, and it is a step directly.


The mountains are once again shocked, and the circumference is thousands of miles away.

This is still the Golden Divine Ox extreme restraint, using all the power to deal with Zhao Fang.

If it is a full-blown outbreak, I am afraid that within the circumference, it will not escape the fate of the ruins.

Zhao Fang was once again stepped on the foot by Divine Ox.

The crater is set in the last crater, and the depth of the pit has reached an incredible point.

Standing on a high altitude overlooking, that is a deep bottomless abyss!

And Zhao Fang’s silhouette is disappearing in this abyss, I do not know where to fall.

Golden Divine Ox is indifferent at the foot, and suddenly, in his huge bull’s eye, he is surprised by a trace.

Just now, he noticed Zhao Fang’s aura.

At the same time, there is a containment of God Slayer to destroy the Buddha, the lawless killing intent.

When the killing intent rushed out, even it felt moving.

There was a stir in the heart.


It feels fast and goes fast, as if it has never happened.

“It’s the gun!”

Golden Divine Ox remembered the golden gun that Zhao Fang held in his hand, his eyes flashing and he was about to leave.

Ha ha Ha ~~~

The ridiculous laughter suddenly sounded.

Laughter is very pleasant, very mad, if you listen carefully, there is also a lot of ridicule.

Upon hearing this sound, Golden Divine Ox stepped a pause.

Looked at the eye behind.


There is a shadow in the horizon.

The black shadows cover the sky, as if the entire sky should be covered.

As the shadows of the shadows spread, a suffocating cruel aura emerged.

It was Golden Divine Ox. In the moment of seeing the silhouette, its indifferent cold eyes were also slightly changed. For the first time, a trace solemn appeared!

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