Outside the cave.

It is a bigger cave.

The entire Dragon Vein is composed of countless caves.


Yu Jian is alone, guarding the entrance of the cave where Zhao Fang and others are guarding.

In front of him, there are hundreds of thousands of large-scale beasts.

Despite the overall strength, it is slightly inferior to the previous sneak attack Zhao Fang.

But the victory is in a large number.

Most of them are level of demon.

among them.

The demon level also has a dozen heads.


Commander This three-tailed beast is not the existence that reaches the enchantment.

It is a Strength only at the Half-step level, the upper body is a person, and the lower body is the half-human half-devil’s existence of the corpse.

When I saw his appearance, the brow was slightly wrinkled: “It’s you!”

This person.

It was a smashed Fleshy Body that was previously shot by him, only the soul of the Luo Family who escaped from the jade bottle, Zhang Yan!

At that time, Sanwei Tianzhu took action and hijacked Zhang Yan along with the jade bottle.

I thought that after the three-tailed Scorpio got the jade bottle, it would swallow the soul of Zhang Yan, but did not expect to transform him into this appearance.

Zhang Yan’s face is gloomy, and the eyes are baleful qi: “The old man, just in the pool, I am not your opponent, you are destroyed by Fleshy Body. Now, you dare to break into my Master site, really court death !”

Said, with a big hand: “kill him!”

If it is not healthy, he may still have a chance to prove the Grand Dao.

Everything can be smashed with the palm of the hand.

Even if he is lucky enough to save his life, it has become the appearance of this deputy, and there is no hope in this life.

For the health that killed him in this field, he hated to lick his flesh, drink his blood, and sleep on his skin!


The three-legged beast Legion surged.

狰狞baleful qi, straight into the health.

“act recklessly !”

Yan Jian’s eyes are cold and cold. “After the restoration of Strength, I haven’t really started to kill. Today, take your group of animals and practice!”

The voice came out.

The body of the three-tailed beast slowly crawling, suddenly speeding up, like a tiger that rushed to prey, madly rushed from all sides.

Jian Jian took the knife.

Knife Void.

Ripple Vibration.

Terrifying Blade Qi, traversing thousand zhang, will attempt to get close to his three-tailed beast and smash it into meat.

Only one knife.

There are dozens of three-tailed beasts dying on the spot!


This is not enough to shock other beasts.

They are like the most brave death-stricken players, and they are still in an orderly manner.

Yu Jian then slashed his knife, kneel down, and then slashed his knife…

A moment’s skill.

Rivers of blood.

The body of the beast is covered with ground.

“You are more than two immortals.” Zhang Yan eyes shrink.

On the edge of Wolongtan, Yu Jian was under the pressure of a palm, and terrifying was boundless. At that time, Zhang Yan guessed that Jian Jian is stronger than the sea, but it will not exceed too much.

Found it now.

I seem to underestimate each other.

To know.

In the face of the constant impact of the source of the beast Legion, common Tianxian double into the encirclement, but also left and right.

It’s a calm and calm performance, but it’s amazing!

“When will I tell you, I am a fairy?” Yan Jian cold eyes locked Zhang Yan.

The latter trembled, the rushing wait-and-see shouted: “kill!”

The demon is not in a hurry to take action, but to swing the tail.

Xiū xiū !

A sharp-eyed Umman whistling out, there are hundreds of feet, like a sword of Qi, forming a Umman curtain, straight to the health.

This is the tail of the three-tailed beast, which is highly toxic.

Ordinary scented fairy dyed a little, live for a moment.

Yan Jian expressionless, a large sleeve and a pendulum, seems to have an invisible vortex to scroll, to change the trajectory of the Wuman tomb, and back and forth.


The demon gate was tied into a hedgehog.

Simply, these are the poisons they have with the body, backlash and not fatal.

But this temptation, let them understand the terrifying of the health, not the combination of them!


Zhang Yan complexion gloomy.

Naturally, it is also seen that the cat is tired and the first to retire.

Other demon rushed to keep up.

“Since it is here, why bother to leave.”

Tinging foot Treading Void empty, figure appeared in the top of Zhang Yan, long blade squat, when even a demon is split in two.

If you don’t forget to leave it to Zhao Fang, this knife can kill it!


The remaining demon expression panicked.

亢Strength is once again out of their precognition, even the demon can’t stop a knife, it is too terrifying!


For four or five consecutive knives, accompanied by screams, the demon is all healthy injury, only Zhang Yan, who is speedy, has escaped One Tribulation!

When Yu Jian wants to chase again, he has not seen him.

And this time.

Zhao Fang and others walked out of the cave.

Sweeping the body of the scorpion beast outside the cave, and looking at it, the complexion is slightly pale.

“Xiaojian, are you okay?” Yan Yue asked quickly.

“Nothing, just the Immortal Force is too expensive.” Yan Jian shook his head with a smile.

Xin loses himself to the four cents of the heavens. If the heavens are double, I am afraid that I will escape at this moment.

Zhao Fang saw the five dear death injury eyes, eyes shined, went up to fill the knife.

Without exception, there are five more cents.

Yan Yue’s move to Zhao Fang is very suspicious. He secretly guessed: “There will be nothing special about this fellow!”

“Young Master, what do you do next?”

Yan Jian looked at Zhao Fang.

After Yue Yue and others got out of trouble, his goal of entering Dragon Vein was reached.

Coupled with the new offense of Yunzong, he is worried that clansman is in danger and wants to return and transfer clansman as early as possible.

“Save the remaining family members, including Refining to help you recover to the peak of Pill Medicine, you also need to blindly.” Zhao Fang said solemnly.

“What is it?” Yu Jian has not yet started to talk, and Yue Yue can’t wait to ask.

“Three-tailed Scorpio!”

Upon hearing this, Yan Yue’s eyeshot burst into cold light.

The family has been trapped by Dragon Vein for so long, and the death and injury are heavy. In the final analysis, it is because of the three-tailed scorpio!

He hates the beast of this beast, even if he does not use Zhao Fang to mention it, he will not give up!

See 亢岳and others killing intent Scrolling, Zhao Fang and his mind has been decided, Jian Jian only had a bitter smile: “Xin Hao three-tailed scorpio has not fully recovered, now Strength, only in the fairy 3-Layer, by my Strength, it is not difficult to kill it. .”

Wen Yan, 亢岳and others complexion a hi, killing intent is more prosperous!

“follow me!”

Yu Jian greeted him and took the lead to move towards Zhang Yan to leave the position to chase.

He just now did not kill Zhang Yan, not because he did not know what to do, but deliberately left the other side, ready to go.

“Just just battle, you lose a lot, first restore some Strength.” Zhao Fang said.

“trivial fairy 3-Layer, I am still not on the mind. Moreover, this day is unusually cunning, if it is late, maybe it has been escaped.”

He said that Zhang Yan was rebuilt.

After listening, Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, can change a soul into a half-human and a half-beast so fast, the three-tailed Strength, is the fairy 3-Layer? Zhao Fang expressed suspicion.

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