In the cave.

The three-tailed scorpion rate is a singular singer, and the singer and the singer, such as 亢健亢, and so on.

Dragon Vein, after all, is the home of the three-tailed Scorpio.

With its unique natural talent, the two people joined forces, and they were unable to attack.

Conversely is the other fairy of the family.

It was weak, and it was consumed by the demon, and weaked the Imak Immortal Force, which led to the fact that they could still occupy some advantages. Later, the whole line fell into the wind.

Accompanied by a scream.

A family who was being besieged by several demon sluts was stunned by a scorpion venomous needle. The whole body was purple and screamed, and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

If he is not in the right place, he will take him over, and he will be afraid of being eaten by the few demon.

This is so.

The power of resistance of the family is also getting weaker.

Just a moment’s skill, there are three consecutive moves.

There is a tendency to collapse all over the line.

When I saw it, I wanted to come to the rescue, but I was dragged by the three-tailed scorpion and could not get out.

Moreover, the three-tailed scorpio is too tricky. If he is not teamed up with 亢健, he alone will not be able to support it for too long.

“亢岳, this time, this King will completely devour your Dai people!”

The three-tailed scorpio sees the situation leaning toward one’s own side, and can’t help but laugh.

“Persevere, once the Young Master breakthrough, it is the death of this group of cellars!” Yu Jian cheered for the family.

“Wait for that brat breakthrough?”

The Powerhouse has not responded yet, and the three-tailed scorpion will not scream: “Zhang Yan is going to purse him with a demon, and that brat can’t live.”

“Looking for him to save you, it seems that you are really running out of water, no more escape!”

In the words of the three-tailed Scorpio, the audience of the audience is silent and collectively silent.

Despite not wanting to admit

But the situation is like this.

There is a demon take action, Zhao Fang This is just a fellow of Transcending Tribulation. Can you survive, it’s still a problem, let alone breakthrough!

Among the audience, only Jian Jian, witnessing Zhao Fang’s various ghosts and spirits, is convinced of its Ability: “Young Master will definitely be safe!”

The three-tailed scorpio laughed, and the voice was full of sarcasm.

Just starting to talk.


A breeder and earth aura of Berserk, like a hurricane, was rolled into the cave, and the poisonous fog that was arranged in advance by the three-tailed scorpion was blown away.

Originally tempered by the poisonous fog, the family of the celestial beings who fought in the arms and hands, and lost the threat of poisonous fog, finally able to take action, hit the demon and take a surprise, and reluctantly save some of the downturn!

“what’s going on?”

The three-tailed scorpion is full of anger.

If you go on like this, it will take a long time for you to be killed by a group of heavenly devils.

But there is a spoiler.

How can I not let it surprised and angry?

Look around.

The source of ‘Hurricane’ is actually the core of the mysterious Dragon Vein.

“There is a dead place, there is no living creature, how can it stir up such an amazing fairy aura? Is that the brat?”

Enter the core of Dragon Vein with three people.

Zhang Yan, Tian Yaodi, Zhao Fang.

The first two are either demon or half-human and half demon. There is a strong aura in the aura that cannot be concealed.

It is impossible to display the pure Aura of this Rank.

Conversely is the weird human.

Thinking of it, it is not frowning: “The demon take action, can’t you still pick up a Tricical Transcending Tribulation?”

The cave trembled and the ground cracked.

The golden lotus, which contains the aura of the immortal aura, emerges from the ground.

This strange scene, I was shocked by the three-tailed scorpio, 亢岳亢健and others.

They have stopped, with a horrified look at this scene.

“what’s going on?”

Tian Xian Tian Yao face to face, unclear reasons.


Above the cave, the blossoming multicolored flower falls, it seems to be illusory, like Heavenly Dao Jinlian, also contains the amazing fairy aura.

When you touch the spirit, you will feel the endless fairy subtle.

“This is ……”

At this moment, Yu Jianyue Yue, and even the three-tailed Tianzhu, finally understood.

“The sky is falling, the golden lotus is in the ground, and the crown is covered with hundreds of miles. This is the symbol of the fairy, and someone is a fairy!”

Their gaze, Qi Yan looked at the cave abyss.

Sanwei Tianzhu was the most surprised.

In the blink of an eye, a scream screamed, and a group of demon scorpions gathered around it. Under his leadership, he smashed into the home of the Dragon Vein.

“Is it true that Brother Zhao is a god?”

Yu Yue can’t believe it.

You know, Zhao Fang has entered the core of Dragon Vein until now, but half of the time is more than that, so quickly, I feel the opportunity of breakthrough.

too fast!

Even with him, from the Transcending Tribulation, the last Heart Demon robbery was used for nearly two years.

This is still fast.

Unexpectedly, someone is faster than him.

“Zhang Yan half-human and half-beast, Realm is unstable, impossible so fast breakthrough, can breakthrough, and only Young Master!”

Yan Jian looks calm.

When Zhao Fang Transcending Tribulation, he can help him recover this strong and scary Tian Xian.

The self-breakthrough is a little faster, and it is not incomprehensible.


His complexion changed: “Not good!”

Upon hearing this, Yan Yue also reacted: “The three-tailed scorpio is really blackmail, I am afraid that it is always guessing that Brother Zhao is breaking through, and this is ready to go.”

“Hurry up, don’t let it destroy the Young Master breakthrough!”

Shu Jian said that he took the lead and rushed out.

Yu Yue followed closely.

Other family members are supporting each other and chasing them up.

It was forgotten to Duanmu Yao.

Blinking, in the cave, only Duanmu Yao left.

She is a girl, looks at the gloomy cave, and involuntarily gives birth to a trace chill and fear…

At the core of Dragon Vein, the three-tailed scorpio is not the first time.

It’s light and familiar, and it doesn’t take too much Time to rush to the valley.

As soon as it approached, it noticed an abnormality.

It’s so amazing, it’s so amazing that even the Dragon Prestige, which can’t be approached, has weakened to the extreme, and its impact is dispensable.

This makes it happy at the same time, and can not help but frown.

It knows that the source of the Dragon Prestige is a white jade skeleton.

Dragon Prestige weakened, does it mean that there is a problem with the white jade skeleton?

That is the keel of a surpass heavenly fairyland. It is extremely deep. After trying to restore the peak, it breaks into the treasure of the real demon. If something goes wrong…

Thinking of this, the three-tailed aura suddenly became mad.

“Master, Master!”

Sanwei Tianzhu was just near the valley, and Zhang Yan and Tian Yao, who were at the mouth of Tani, greeted them with respect and respect.

Feel the three-tailed scorpion at this moment aura fierce, Zhang Yan could not help in ones heart trembled.

“What’s going on? That brat corpse? Breakthrough, is it really that brat?”

Three-tailed Tianzhu was next to Zhang Yan’s body and did not see Zhao Fang’s body. He could not help but be angry.

Zhang Yan smiled and pointed to the valley. The three-tailed scorpion looked around and looked at it, but it seemed to see an incredible picture, and the eyes shrank!

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