Xing Wei turned his head.

Recognizing the person who spoke, it was the one standing on the other side of Zhao Fang.

He finally understands now.

The two people just now can hold their own imposing manner, not with the help of the fairy, but with their own powerful cultivation base.


He looked at Zhao Fang.

The two heavens that came out of this place seemed to be his head.

Obviously out of the ordinary!

Thinking of the other side easily blocking his own imposing manner, he could not help but tremble: ‘Is it wrong, that brat is also a fairy? ‘

亢健亢岳 two heavens are four heavy, already full enough shocking.

He does not believe that Zhao Fang is also a fairy.

“Even if not, it can block my imposing manner shock, indicating that Strength is at least reaching the XENCEX-Layer.”

He was thinking this way, the people on the field, the two people who had been exposed to the cultivation base, could not speak.

Originally I wanted to see a joke, and as a result, I found myself a joke.

Shen Tuhu is a complexion stiff, and dreams never imagined that the two people standing next to Zhao Fang were actually two big Powerhouses that were not inferior to Xing Wei.

After the singer of Yunyunzong Tianxian was shocked, it was full of solemn.

They know that this time it is difficult.

If there are only twenty angels in the family, with Xing Wei Strength, it is easy to suppress.

As a result, the family also has four cents, and it is still two.

Tian Xian’s heavy quantity is inferior to the family’s Liu Yunzong. This time, the situation is even more embarrassing.

“Hey, I don’t believe that trivial is a provincial-level influence, and it really can’t compete with Liu Yunzong!”

A stream of clouds and celestial sneers.

Others heard this, and immediately returned to the taste, nod: “It’s good to say, even if it is the same as the fairy, I am a streamer, I am practicing the Powerful Cultivation Technique, far from some ordinary fairy.”

This is like Tsinghua University and Pheasant University, both of which are universities, but can the students who come out be the same?

Xing Wei also woke up from the shock, and heard the words of the Yunyun Zong Tianxian, could not help but secretly nod.

He has been in charge of Liu Yunzong for many years, and his strength is strong, second only to Sect Master.

In the same level, even if there is a fight with him, it is also the dominance of other Continent Influence. As for the family…

Then no longer this column!

“It seems that you are stubborn.” Sneering, Xing Wei took out a bone whip, the whole body emits mysterious radiance, extremely out of the ordinary.

This whip belongs to the sacred fairy of the Liu Yunzong’s penalty line. After the warming and blessing of Xing Wei’s countless years, it has already been extraordinary.

He used this whip, the main purpose is to speed up the quick decision, one-time solution to the 亢健亢, shocked the audience.


Yan Yue stared at the bone whip in Xing Wei’s hand, and rushed to Jiandao: “Xiao Jian, you are at the side of the look at, this fellow is handed over to me!”

Seeing Yue Yue’s face is excited, fighting intent is high, and Jian Jian is speechless.

However, I also know that after he became a statue of Tian Xianzhu, he was too embarrassed. When he was fighting against the three-tailed scorpio, he was maddened and wanted to find a personal abuse.

As for whether it will be taught by the other side?

You are not worried at all.

Even if Yan Yue is now Strength, he only recovers to the Four Immortals, but he is an existence of the Emperor.

Experience, consciousness, and blasting Xing Wei!

“act recklessly !”

Xing Wei originally thought about how to take apart the two people and break through them one by one. Seeing each other so arrogant, they could not help but sneer.


When the two sides played against each other, he realized that he had smashed his opponent.

Just simple move, he almost ate a big loss.

Afterwards, it was pressed all the time. After a few rounds, it was hit hardly cough up blood, and the bones were broken several times.

“How can this be? I am a singer, Elder, how can I be beaten by the Trivial Provincial Influence?”

He wanted to educate the other party about how to behave. The result was that he was educated and his heart was shocked at the same time.

“Flower cloud, what is it?”

Yan Yue disdainfully smiled. He was able to move unhindered in the past. He had such an influence in his eyes.

Xing Wei ashamed and angry, at the expense of damage, strong action with Secret Art Upgrade Strength.

However, the Yu Yue attack is too overbearing, and the experience is even more irritating to the Old Daoist. After he fell into the doldrums, no matter what means he used, he could not reverse it.

According to this rhythm, it will not be long before he is so celestial, he will be beaten by the other side.

“Fellow Daoist, you are forgiving people, you really want to be an enemy of Liu Yunzong? Liu Yunzong can not only be a Powerhouse, but our Sect Master is a Tianshou Wuzhong Powerhouse.”

“If you dare to kill me, I will flow to Yunzong, and I will do my best to destroy you.”

Xing Wei also noticed that Life was in danger and his brain was faint and said it directly.

I regret it when I finished.

Sure enough, when I heard this, Yan Yue’s eyes were cold: “Don’t die, dare to threaten me?”

“Trivial Tianxian five counts as a fart.”

He sneered, even if it was a celestial, with some means, he could also fight with the five-powered Powerhouse, naturally.

Of course, Xing Wei did not know and felt that Yu Yue was bragging.

“Well, let me see, my means of yue!”

While speaking, he kicked Xing Yi out, the latter overjoyed, thinking that there is a counterattack opportunity.

Then I saw the hustle and bustle of Yan Yue’s hands, a strange Gravity, and instantly shrouded several hundred zhang (333m) circumference.

Xing Wei, who is in this Gravity area, did not respond at all, and Fleshy Body slammed and blew open.

He didn’t even react, and the spirituality was suppressed by the field, and it was wiped out a little.

When I reacted, I wanted to break free. It was already late, and I was directly unable to move by the strange Gravity.


The White robed Youth, the left eye, has been violently opened, and the gray eye locks all the a sudden of Xing Yu’s knowledge. He does not even have the resistance, and directly melts the spot.

Turn into a pure energy wave and integrate into Zhao Fang left eye!


“Congratulations host, killed small BOSS ‘flow Yun Zong Xing Yu’, obtain 10,000 days of fairy points, a thousand fairy points.”


“It’s only a thousand.” Zhao Fang snorted.

The same is the four-day fairy, but the three-tailed scorpio has contributed 5,000 cents.

However, it is relieved to think carefully.

The three-tailed scorpio is a big BOSS. At the beginning of the fight, Zhao Fang is not a fairy.

Nowadays, he not only breaks through the fairy, but even Xing Wei is pressed to the small BOSSlevel, the sound of the fairy soul, which is not as good as the three-tailed.

“Xing Wei is a small BOSS, that big BOSS, who will be?”

The answer is obvious!

“It seems that the next step is to go to Yunzong.”

Killed A big BOSS, the top of the kill a large group of mobs, naturally can not be missed.


The whole scene is dead!

One by one looks blank. The expression is damn.

I thought that Dafa Might’s meeting would be Xing Wei.

After all, Xing Wei became famous for many years, and fighting prowess far. The result was slammed, and even if there were no chances of reaction, the Fleshy Body was smashed, even the soul was swallowed up, and a little consciousnessness was left, completely to terminate exterminate body and soul !

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