“Task Objective: Help Duanmu Yao to annihilate Duanmu Clan.”

“Task Reward: 200,000 days of fairy, 20,000 cents, a True Dragon spirit.”


“Twenty thousand soul points?”

Zhao Fang’s eyes stunned and he couldn’t hold himself. Even Duanmu Yao didn’t hear anything, and his expression was a little worried.

“You helped me a lot.”

“Rescuing my life and helping me open my veins, I have the capital of cultivation.”

“According to the truth, I shouldn’t have insisted… But now, I have no choice.”

Duanmu Yao lowered his head and sauerkraut jade hand squatting at the corner.

Zhao Fang has been helping her.

She did not return the little bit, but instead demanded it.

Even she personally feels that this is a bit too much.

But when she thought of her loved one who was suffering and could not get away, she was anxious.

I intended to save myself, but I was forced to pull it here by the two people.

Because two people are clear.

Duanmu’s enemy, Strong is too strong, let alone today’s Duanmu Yao, even if she cultivated to the fairy, it is not necessarily revenge.

“If you promise, whether it is successful or not, I will serve you, and I will be a slave for the rest of my life!”

Her voice was firm and she looked up at Zhao Fang.

I heard this.

亢健亢岳 two people are also slightly moving.

At the moment, Duanmu Yao, in their eyes, may be nothing, but Duanmuyao has two physiques. Once they grow up, the future is limitless.

Don’t say fairy, true fairy is not difficult.

If the chance is not bad, even the higher Realm can be seen.

It can be said that This is a super potential stock that can be pulled at this moment, naturally it cannot be missed.

They thought that Zhao Fang could understand this and would agree with the slightest hesitation.

I did not expect it.

Zhao Fang seems to have heard the words of Duanmu Yao.

What other people say is True Meaning.

You are stunned, the soul is like a sneak peek, this is not a simple ignorance of the number of rituals, but the perfunctory of the red fruit!

The scene was a bit embarrassing.

Duanmu Yao’s beautiful eyes rays of light sighed and said: “Zhao Young master Forgive me, I am too much extravagant, just now, when I did not say.”

When you are finished, you want to turn and leave.

Zi Yan took her.

Eyes are severely stopped.

In the end, Zi Yan passed down and said: “I had an eye can’t recognize Mount Tai and offended the Young master. As long as the Young master is willing to take action for Yao’er, I would like to be on the spot!”

Qin Zhong also kneel down statement.

“Hey, Zhong Shu!” Duan Muyao charming face a white, want to lift the two people, but the two people have decided, she can be around.

“Zhao Young master.”

She couldn’t help but look at Zhao Fang again, the voice improved by octave, and the hidden trace was a grievance!

“Oh, oh, what happened?”

Zhao Fang seems to have returned to God.

Seeing the purple eyes and Qin Zhong of the depression, I can’t help frowning: “This is what’s going on?”

The two people repeated the previous words.

Duanmu Yao bite the clench one’s teeth and repeats his promise.

“For the slaves?” Zhao Fang looks weird.

He just stunned God because he hid the rich reward of Task.

I did not expect it to be misunderstood by Duanmu Yao.

“Exactly.” Duan Muyao did not have any reluctance on his face. He felt aggrieved just now and felt that he was ignored by Zhao Fang.


She is quite Favorability to Zhao Fang.

“Zhou Fang is heavy.” Zhao Fang smiled and said: “We are friends, can help, and naturally help. This matter, I promised! I am ready to leave, go to North Continent.”

This statement came out.

Not only the end of the wood Yao Zi, Qin Zhong three people squatting on the spot.

Even the two people who have been watching the movie are also dumbfounded.

They are intuitively looking at Zhao Fang, their eyes are looking for, as if they are asking: “I didn’t just say that I went to Huojia together, how suddenly changed?”

Zhao Fang understands their eyes, light said with a laugh: “Cang Long Qi Su has been separated for many years, Huo Jia is estimated to have been used to the status of the present, suddenly a Young Master, I think Huo will not be so easy to accept, or give them first Some digested Time.”

Miao Yue thought for a moment and said: “Young Master is far-sighted, and what is said is that we are not thinking about it.”

Farsighted fart.

Zhao Fang snorted.

My family knows what is going on.

He did not follow his family to the Huo family, completely because it was hidden in the ‘oil and water’ aspect of the Task ‘Jianghu blame’.

“Once the Task is completed, the reindeer’s point of reward alone will break the 20,000 mark.”

What is the concept?

Big BOSS three-tailed scorpio, it will burst out five thousand sacred points.

A Task is equivalent to killing four big bosses like the three-tailed Scorpio.

“Young Master wants us to go to the Huo family to take a precaution, and to pave the way for you to accept them?” Jian Jian also understands Zhao Fang’s intentions.

The advantage of doing this is to re-erect the banner of the orthodox of the Canglong Palace and introduce other veins to vote.

The downside is also obvious.

If the Huo family is used to life today.

The Young Master of the Dragon Palace is for them to be in the eyes and the bones in the flesh.

“If they don’t want to return to the Dragon Palace, then the safety of the Young Master…”

Zhao Fang: “At the time, you have to worry, not me, but they!”

Wen Yan.

Two people have a heart!

The three people did not talk about the three people of Duanmu Yao.

When I heard the words of the Dragon Palace, Zi Qin Qin Zhong only felt that I had heard it there, but I couldn’t remember it, and I didn’t pay much attention to it.


When they know that the family is ready to leave, and they are not on the same road with themselves, they still show some disappointment.


Everyone in the family is an extremely powerful force.

Even if it is hard to talk to the cloud, it is not a problem.

“This line of fairyland, what difficult, despite that.” Zhao Fang said.

From the Immortal Star Continent province to the fairyland, I know that this is a very troublesome thing.

At least, this kind of thing is rarely recorded in the ancient books collected by Provincial Influence.

Either you haven’t tried it.

Either the attempted cultivator hangs on the way, and ends without it.

“This is really a difficult.”

Two people look at each other and look at sole solemnly.

Seeing that they want to discuss the business, the purpose of the ready to reach the three people of Duanmu Yao, let out of interest.


In the wide Main Hall, only Zhao Fang and Yu Jianyue two people are left.

“Say.” Zhao Fang said concisely.

“Xiannian is no better than Immortal Star Continent, in Immortal Star Continent, a fairy, is a side powerhouse, and in Xianyu, the fairy is everywhere. Even if it is four, it is not rare.”

“In other words, our Strength is too weak. Not only is it dangerous to walk through, but it is also in danger of being swallowed up by other influences.”

“Further, it is the passing tool. Even the wolf-shaped spaceship of the Yunyunzong can’t carry so many people on the top and down, so large-scale migration!”

Yu Jian said with a sigh of relief, worried.

“It seems that it is imminent for you to upgrade Strength.” Zhao Fang stood up, indifferently said: “So, then I will create a fairy, and build a Battleship!”

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