“Young Master is inevitably ignoring me.”

Zhai Jian also feels that Zhao Fang has stunned Yu Yue. Anyway, this was once a Tianxian Jiuzhong Powerhouse.

Zhao Fang laughs and says nothing.

When Yue Yue thought, he immediately went to the steel giant.

Just entering the five-kilometer range, the steel giants issued Buzz’s Warning Sound.

亢岳 whole body alert, continue to move forward.

When entering the four kilometer, the steel armor lifted the palm of his hand, the palm of his hand more than 30 meters long, and the countless black lacquered muzzle emerged.


The shells flew together.

Sparks splashed.

Inundate the area where Miao Yue is located.

Yan Yue ridiculed: “I am not a wooden target, let you bombard!”

Move the movement technique, dodge the fire at the same time, and take the place to rush to the steel giant.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed into the three kilometer range.

Speed ​​slowed down.

The more you go forward, the stronger the firepower!

Even if his movement technique is sensitive, he is still scratched from time to time in front of the continuous artillery line.

Just a moment of skill, he is in a difficult situation.

Especially when entering the 2,500 meters, the steel giant palms, suddenly a pure white muzzle emerged.

It seems that there is nothing strange about it.

But when it was locked by the muzzle, Yu Yue’s heart leaped and gave birth to a trace Crisis.

He with the slightest hesitation back.


The white muzzle shot a white light pillar.

Instantly bombarded the location of the station in Minyue.


The loud noise rumbled.

The entire mountainside is shaking and seems to be cracked by this blow.

A small mushroom cloud rises in place.

The terrifying air waves quickly spread to all around, and all the vegetation inside the circumference five kilometer was shaken into powder.

On the side of Clan, there is a take action to block the impact of the waves.


His complexion is not easy.

Instead, take a trace solemn and stare at the white light bursting.

“Only the air wave, the blood of my blood is tumbling, the skin is cracking, and Yue Ge, who is in the center of the explosion, is afraid of the situation at the moment.”

Just thinking about it.

A smoky black smoke, the roots of the hair erect, ragged, like the blow of the beggar, rushing out of the ruins.

Just after landing, you can’t stop coughing.

Aura was smooth until a spurt of blood.

Yan Jian stared at the black man, looked at a few eyes, pupils shrank: “Yue Ge?”

Black people are not others, it is the good Yu Yue who went to test the firepower of the steel giant.

Yu Yue is a bit embarrassed.

With so many clansman’s attention, he lost such a big face, he is not blame.

“How?” Zhao Fang expression As usual, it seems to have been expected.

Wen Yan, Yan Yue smiled bitterly: “I underestimated it. Just that blow, I said that I had escaped, although there is still the Ability to move on, but I can’t walk two Kilometers.”

Because he also noticed.

When dealing with yourself, the steel giant is standing in the same place, using only one hand.

One hand forced back a Tianshou Four Powerhouse.

This represents the meaning, others are not clear, how he does not know.

“Two kilometer positions, it will launch the killing of the Celestial Six-Heavy attack. A Kilometer position can kill the Celestial Seven.”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.


Yan Yue raised his eyebrows. He thought that after his own test, the early knew the steel giant might.

Unexpectedly, it still underestimated it.

“So, it’s all out, it’s comparable to the angels?” Heyue couldn’t help but ask.

Zhao Fang shook his head: “It’s a fairy.”

This statement came out.

亢Clan people are dumbstruck one by one.

A steel giant that is comparable to the heavenly celestial nine?

This is too fierce!

Yu Yue is also somewhat shocked.

Tianxian Jiuzhong is not a Chinese cabbage, which can be found.

What’s more, it is a steel giant.

This is more important than the real fairy, and it is difficult to build. Where did Zhao Fang get it?

“Go, take a look at me, my new Battleship, the war machine!”

Zhao Fang smiled and took the lead to the steel giant.

“Is this still Battleship?”

Yu Yue’s brain can’t turn.

Soon, he found out how stupid he asked himself.

Zhao Fang brought them, not just to watch Battleship.

There is nothing more than a steel giant here.

Obviously, the steel giant is his mouth of Battleship.


Comparing those Battleships in memory, Yu Yueyue feels that the steel giant does not talk to Battleship.

Zhao Fang walked forward.

“Welcome Master!”

The steel giant sent a mechanical voice.


His arms, chest, legs, all open.

It reveals a strange building inside.


亢Clan people look at dumbstruck.

I did not expect that the steel giant within the body, did not have a hole in the sky.

Yu Yue is also awkward.

“And what about this operation?”

He felt that the Battleship he had seen before, compared with the steel giant in front, simply weak.

When he visited the interior of the steel giant, he became more and more surprised: “The inside is even bigger than the two families.”

Zhao Fang laughed and said nothing, taking him to the Main Hall of the Iron Giant’s head.

“This is the central control room.”

“Next, the two of you will try to refining the center and drive the Battleship.”

He told him.

“Yes.” Yan Jianyu Yue was excited and excited.

When they refining the war machine hub.

The sea is mobilizing the Clan people, packing up and moving into the war machine.

They also know that the family and the Liu Yunzong officially decisive battle, and continue to stay at the home, it is difficult to protect the slag from the angry stream cloud.

Even if you don’t want to leave your home.

However, under the threat of life, all the Yi people still silently carry their bags and gather at the war machine.

“There is a huge steel giant in the mountainside, and the Clan people are coming to it.”

“What do you want to do?”

This family is not arrogant, but after all, in the eyes of the storm, every move will be over-interpreted.

not to mention.

There is no sign of the emergence of the steel giant.

As a result, other influences in the Yangyang province were very embarrassed when they heard the news.



The pool was separated, and a youthful silhouette of the people came out from the inside.

“Sure enough, it’s a barren Continent.”

He frowned, feeling that the aura of this place is thin and dirty, just like being in a mud pond, very uncomfortable.

“Get the little dragon early and go back directly to Sect.”

Youth made up his mind, the figure vacated, and saw the vast Great City not far away, and swept directly.


He came to the Earth domain in the province of Yangyang.

Still did not slow down.

Extremely arrogant flying over the province.

Aroused many people’s attention.

“Who is so arrogant?”

“Aura is very strong! Is it a Flowhouse?”

“I didn’t expect that they came so fast!”

“There is a quick use of the hair, the punishment of Elder Xing Wei, just started to be very bullish, the result is to the whole family to soul exterminate body and soul !”

“Hey, whisper, don’t be heard by the Flowhouse.”


On the ground, Powerhouse looked at the skid silhouette of the sky and whispered it. As everyone knows, the content of their conversation was all stolen by man. I heard it.

“Oh, my gods return… It seems that the death of the three-tailed scorpio is related to them.” Youth coldly smiled and moved directly toward the house.

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