A thin layer of Defensive Barrier.

Zhao Fang saw the culprit attacking the family.

That is a man between age and middle age.

Clothes are pure clothed, with apathy and arrogance, like God in the sky overlooking the mortal on the ground, there is a kind of unspeakable superiority.

“én? brat, it’s you!”

Seeing Zhao Fang, Zhou Shang eyes shined, immediately recognized that this is the person who can be transformed into True Dragon.

Can’t help but laugh at the sky: “It seems that this fairy is not wrong.”

I heard this.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle : “Your Excellency Who, why are you looking for me? We know?”

“This fairy name is also known to you by this Rank mole cricket and ants?”

Zhou Shang is holding hands, the robe is boasted by the wind, the hunting is ringing, his expression does not move, do not have a power.

“Idiot !”

Zhao Fang spits out two words.

Zhou Shang expression is a stiff.

It seems hard to believe: “What did you just marry me?”

“Idiot!” Zhao Fang didn’t seem to see Zhou’s desire for anger, repeating.

“Damned’s little nephew, you killed the three-tailed scorpion that Xie Uncle Master stocked, and actually dared to marry this fairy, court death!”

Zhou Shang robe agitated, aura diffusion room, killing intent rushing.

Zhao Fang blinked.

Thank you Uncle Master?

Stocking three-tailed scorpio?

There was a bold guess in his heart.

“You are someone in the fairy domain?”

“Hey, the dead don’t need to know so much!”

Zhou Shang sneer, with a big hand, a black whirlwind, born from heaven and earth, gathered into a whirlpool, directly rolled to the steel giant.

“Break this fairy!”

Just as he thought, the steel giant created by the native, in the Black whirlpool, was rolled into dust, and he did not expect a scene.

The Black vortex rolled through the steel giant and made a scream of screams, but it didn’t matter.

When the vortex was rolled over, the steel giant remained intact in the same place.

“how can it be?”

Zhou Shang smiles a stiff: “I just remembered that Immortal Technique, although I didn’t do it all, but killing common monsters is not difficult. Why don’t you have a scrap?”

“Come and not be indecent. You also pick me up!”

The war machine raised his right hand and raised several white muzzles, which were simultaneously aligned to Zhou Shang.


Five white light pillars spewed out.

In the middle of the sky, the thick light pillar contains the power to destroy everything.

“Hey, trivial, Dao Guang, can you help me!”

Zhou Shang was very disdainful, and as soon as he lifted it, the power of the fairy shrouded the whole body to form a transparent Armour.

“This fairy is standing here to let you bombard, you can’t break it…”

If the words are not finished, the light pillar is approaching, and a bang hits Zhou Zhou’s transparent Armour.

Armour violently shakes.

It is not broken.

Zhou Shang is even more sneer, just starting to talk.


Light pillar The Armour at the impact, breaking a gap, the remaining light pillar residual destructive force, with the slightest hesitation bombarded on Zhou Shang.


In situ explosion.

The smoke is rolling.


Quietly watching Powerhouse, they are all dumbfounded.

Zhou Shangzhi is strong, no doubt.

That is more than the terrifying existence of the tyrannical countless times of the Sect Master.

Actually being attacked by the strange steel armor?

That stupid steel armor, is there such terrifying destructive power?

The result is that they are unable to believe.

Don’t tell them.

Even the Dais Powerhouse inside the steel giant, witnessed this scene, was also shocked.

I didn’t expect that the steel giant, Attack Power, was so strong.

Even Tianxian Jiuzhong Powerhouse defense can penetrate.

“The front has smashed such a blow, and if the fellow is not dead, he will also have a serious injury and see how he is arrogant.”

The excitement of watching the sea, the screaming.

Zhao Fang shook his head: “It’s not that easy.”

“én?” The sea is puzzled.

Look at Zhao Fang’s gaze.

The explosion of smoke and dust scattered.

Zhou Shang still stood in the same place.

Just compared with the light wind and light wind just now, at this moment, his clothes are broken, and there are some difficult situations, no demeanor.

Zhou Shang complexion gloomy: “damn it, what is this steel armor, can break the defense of this fairy! If this fairy is wearing a fairy angel Armour in advance, it is estimated that the already was seriously injured!”

Think of it here.

He is getting more and more angry.

Are you who?

Xiantian Great Influences was born in the discipline.

Grand Tianxian Jiuzhong Powerhouse.

If it is injured by the same level of presence, it will be.

The key is to be in a native province, almost hit by a steel arm that has never been seen, this simply is an unbearable shame!

“brat, you completely angered this fairy. This time, this fairy is going to kill you!”

Zhou Shangmeng looked up, his eyes were fierce, and the amazing aura spread from the body, directly shattering the broken purple clothed hanging on the body surface.

Exposed a silver Armour worn under purple clothed.

Armour rays of light circulate, and the deity is amazing. At a glance, it is not a product.


The sea can’t help but swear.

“Unexpectedly.” Zhao Fang was indifferent, and looked back at Yan Yuyue. He had diagnosed Yu Jian and met Zhao Fang’s gaze. Yu Yue shook his head.

“Small health soul is seriously damaged. I just kept his soul for a while. If there is no warming of the soul class in the three days, there is a danger of life.”

“Three days? Enough!”

Zhao Fang is cold and cold.

Warming up the soul’s treasure, he didn’t have it.

But the fairy soul shop has it.

As long as the golden light of the golden light is in front of the killed, all the problems can be solved.

The premise is that you can kill each other.

“I didn’t expect that when the war machine just bought it, it would encounter such a big enemy.”

Zhao Fang is also very helpless, things have been here, only hard anal.

“The sea, you are going to appease the Clan people. Next, there will be a chase, so don’t be surprised.”

Zhao Fang took the joystick of the war machine and didn’t go back.

The war machine was purchased by him.

He is a legal heir.

As long as he is willing, he can control Battleship at any time.

There is no need to rekindle the Battleship Hub at all.

“Yes!” The sea also knows that the next great war may cause the Clan people to float and give birth to an accident, which requires him to suppress the situation.

“Zhou Shang. Hey, let me see if your Armour is hard, or my steel armor is hard.”

Zhao Fang sneered.

Although Zhou Shang did not name him, how can he get a glimpse of Zhao Fang and System to get his basic information.

Zhou Shang, Hong Tianxian domain eight extinct True Disciple, Tianxian Jiuzhong…

“Get up!”

With Zhao Fang low roaring sound, the sole of the steel arm, which was deeply inserted into the rocky soil, began to move.

His simple moves, reaction in Outer World, simply like the demolition of mountains, the rocks are falling, the vegetation is broken.

“Want to go? Dream!”

Zhou Shang’s eyes were cold, and the surface was shrouded with a layer of Black whirlwind. The figure drowned out, inspiring the whirlwind, and rolled up directly.

This time different from the previous one.

Both the power and the degree of danger have been several times higher than before. Even Zhao Fang, I don’t want to pick it up.

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