“No, this fairy is the True Disciple of the Eight Immortals, how can you die here and die in a native hand?”

Zhou Shangxin furiously roared, unable to accept this reality.


There is no warmth in reality, and it is a fact that you will not accept it.


The skull exploded.

Zhou Shang’s last consciousness, and the soul who wants to escape, are annihilated in this explosion.


His Fleshy Body followed the blast.

There is no residue left.


“Congratulations host, killed BOSS ‘eight absolutely Zhou Shang’,obtain 900,000 days of fairy points, nine thousand fairy points.”

“Congratulations host, obtain Tianxian Lingbao ‘wrap the silk hand’.”

“congratulations host, obstacle Immortal Technique ‘incomplete eight skills.'”

“congratulations host, observe…”


Zhao Fang, who has been reshaped into a human form, complexion white, has no blood color, and seems to have experienced an unspeakable heavy injury.

He bent his knees and gasped, and the sweat of the beans rolled from his forehead.

“It’s just dangerous. Just a little, it’s a loss!”

Thinking of the scene just now, Zhao Fang feels lucky.

It is also a loss for him to keep the person, so that Zhou Shang does not feel the threat, under the general intention, did not use other life-saving treasure.

Otherwise, he wants to use the reverse scale killed Zhou Shang, it is really a difficult thing.

“However, the fairy road is contending, which one step is not gambling?”

This scene of life and death is cruel, struggling, and he has experienced countless times, and his mind has been tempered by the unusually tough.

Just blinking the skill, he recovered as usual and stood up.

Just at this time.

The war machine reacted and rushed to Zhao Fang, and the control room was activated, revealing the silhouette of Yu Yue. He came to Zhao Fang and looked worriedly said: “Young Master, are you okay?”

“I still can’t die.”

He grinned.

Also blinking the eye, not far from the sky, brows slightly wrinkle, said: “Let’s go.”

亢岳 nod.

Return to the control room with Zhao Fang.

Subsequently, the war machine was left to leave, leaving only the devastated Flow Cloud Mountain Gate.

A few days later.

An explosive news, like a storm, swept through the entire East Continent.

Even the other three Great Influences of Continent are heard!

East Continent Overlord Level Influence, Liu Yunzong, was killed!

The news came out, Continent was at a loss.


A series of related matters, including the steel giant, and the family, including Zhou Shang, were also made public.

After all, Zhou Shang’s pursuit of war machine billions of miles, without any disguise, has long alarmed many people, it is difficult to hold it.

For a moment.

The family became the most discussed Influence in the Great Influences.


North Continent.

Jianlong Temple.

“Palace master, there is an emergency message.”

Elder, a white-necked sword, hurried to the towering Main Hall of the Sword Dragon Hall.

“What is it.”

After a while, a cold voice came out.

“The flow of the cloud is destroyed!”

That Elder said immediately.

“Flower Yunzong? The temple knows.”

Unexpectedly, the mysterious Powerhouse in the hall, the response was quite cold.

“Palace master, do we want to check the identity of the murderer and bring it to justice?” Elder asked.

“Flower cloud sect destruction, what about my sword dragon temple? My sword dragon temple is not so busy!”

Mysterious Powerhouse coldly snorted: “And, as one of the four Great Sects of Immortal Star Continent, but easily broken through the Mountain Gate, this weak Influence, will be destroyed, and what to do with me.”

His words are dull.

However, there is an imposing manner in the world.

It seems that the Immortal Star Continent, and only the Sword Dragon Hall, is only one side of the Peak Influence, the other three are not enough.

“The end of the wooden home that the youngster found?”

The mysterious Powerhouse in the hall turned around.

“Back to the Palace master, Duanmu home since the destruction, 嫡 s s s heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy Elder replied.

“The temple does not want to know the process, as long as the result. Give you another ten days, if there is still no news, then use your head to come to sacrifice the sword of the temple!”

The Stegosaurus Palace master is cold and cool.

Elder trembled and dared not argue. He should leave after rushing.

At Elder, the Sword Dragon Hall, launch all resources and search for the end of Wood clan.

North Continent An Parallel Province welcomes new guests.

They are four people.

Two men and two women.

The heads of a pair of men and women, regardless of appearance or temperament, are called dragon and phoenix amongst men, two people stand together, like a heavenly match, amazing.

They are behind, followed by a man and a woman.

Man middle-aged appearance, calm and calm, not arrogant, just, perhaps the heart of the neighborhood, looking at the parallel provinces that have been away for more than a decade, there is no change, his look is somewhat complicated.

It seems to be feeling, but also seems to be remembering.

The young woman next to him, the temptation of emits, is also the look.

the difference is.

She seems to be more sad.

These four people are not others.

It was after the killing Zhou Shang, it was separated from Yu Yue and others, and went straight to Zhao Fang, Duan Muyao, Qin Zhongzi, and four people in North Continent.

“Is it a love scene?”

After seeing the parallel province of Ang, Duanmu Yao’s mood was very low, and Zhao Fang knew that she remembered the hatred of the genocide.

Duanmu Yao smiled bitterly and said nothing.

A few people walked around.

Unconsciously, come to a luxurious Mansion.

“This used to be Duanmu.”

Qin Zhong, who stood behind, couldn’t help but clench his fist.

Once the former home of Wood clan, nowadays, it has changed to the door and has a new Master.

Looking at the forehead, the two big characters of the dragon and the phoenix dance, whether it is Qin Zhong or Duan Muyao, are complexion icy.


In the past, Wood clan was wiped out, and this family had the most output.

“Tongfu has a fairy oversee. Although Strength is not strong, but behind it, there is a big background. This revenge must be carefully planned.”

Duanmu Yao said solemnly.

If she didn’t witness it, Zhao Fang killed the picture of Tianxian Jiuzhong. She didn’t dare. She came directly to the Parallel Province with Zhao Fang.

“Yeah.” Zhao Fang nod.

On the same day, to kill Zhou Shang, his only remaining True Dragon spirit was also consumed.

Now, there is no power to kill the heavens and the nine.

The only thing that is quite gratifying is.

Liu Yunzong battle, he harvested more than 15,000 fairy points.

Plan to go to the more than 8,000 soul points of the 亢健亢岳 to restore the full strength, he now has seven thousand soul points.

Enough should be some emergency scene!

The four just turned and left.

After the child’s deep deep gate, walk out of a youth.

Looking at the four people leaving the back, especially when Duanmu Yao back, his brows slightly wrinkle: “Strange, this silhouette, how to look, so familiar?”

Zhao Fang The four people found an Inn to stay.

After living in Inn, Duanmu Yao began seclusion cultivation and has not appeared.

Qin Zhong Ziyan went to inquire about the news.

Then summarize the message to Zhao Fang here.

Basically, there are some old news, not much useful value.

After listening to Zhao Fang several times, he was very happy.

On this day, Qin Zhongzi just finished reporting, and outside, there was a shrill buzzing sound from Inn: “Encircle Inn, don’t let the end of Wood clan escape!”

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