
The calm Tong Family Internal and External was suddenly broken by a dragon roar that shook the heaven and earth.

A white dragon shadow, like Thunder, is coming from the clouds.

Along with its appearance, Tong Family Internal and External is gradually shrouded in a layer of white mist, and the entire Tongfu seems to be drawn from this heaven and earth.

“Array ?”

Zhao Fang brow slightly raise.

Next to the three people of Duanmu Yao, but staring at the white dragon shadow that rushed, expression excited, just like seeing relatives.

White Dragon Shadow, eventually turned into a White Dragon.

Touching a hundred meters long, the white scales shine and give a sense of pressure.

“Hey? I didn’t expect that I would meet a white glass here.”

Seeing the appearance of the White Dragon, Zhao Fang is not interested.

The larva of the dragon is a scorpion, with claws and no horns. It turns into a scorpion at the age of five hundred, and turns into a Dragon Dragon at the age of five hundred, soaring for nine days, and enjoying Myriad Worlds.

This white dragon is a white glass.

In terms of its size, it is still in its infancy.

But its Strength is not weak, and it faintly reaches the appearance of the four heavens.

With the Array output, it is estimated that the common fairy is not its opponent.

Is this the basis of Tong Family?

There are also some means!

“White glass, do you still recognize me?” When Zhao Fang was ready to start, the sound of Duan Muyao’s excited was heard.

He only noticed that Duanmu Yao Qin Zhong and even Zi Yan, looking at the white Dragon eyes, are very close, just like seeing family.

White Dragon looked at the three people and looked blank.

Can look at at looks at, White Dragon suddenly picked up, his head kept hitting the ground, as if he had thought of something, but he had violated the power and received backlash.

Duanmu Yao complexion changed, want to rush to the front to appease the white glass, but was pulled by the purple sable: “Yao’er, do not impulsive, white glass is now controlled by the thief, the six parents do not recognize, you go up, just die!”

“what’s going on?” Zhao Fang frowned.

Qin Zhong sighed, start to talk to explain.

After listening, Zhao Fang stared at the comfort of Tong Family Old Ancestor, gradually calming the white glass, weirdly said: “This white glass is the Wood clan Clan Protecting spirit?”

“Well, it is the Array of the Great Array of Duanmu. It was only 19 years ago that it awakened the spiritual wisdom. It grew up with Yao’er. It was her closest relative. I didn’t expect it to be controlled by the thieves. It is.”

Qin Zhong hates the voice.

While speaking.

Has been calmed by the calm white glass, violently looked up, revealing a pair of scarlet bloodthirsty eyes, coldly staring at Zhao Fang four.

“White glass.” Duan Muyao’s eyes trembled, and his heart was mournful.

“It is now my Tong Family Clan Protecting.”

Tong Family Old Ancestor smiled proudly. “If you come to die, let it come and send you the last trip!”

The words are complete.

The white glass rises up and the white mist shrouded, and the power of the Great Array all comes to it.

Blink the skill.

The strength of the white glass reaches the four cents.

With a roar, the bones of the scarlet white glass went straight to Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang expression is dull and is about to take action.

“Zhao Young master, can you please leave it a life.” Duanmu Yao sighs.

“Yes!” Zhao Fang nod.

He did not intend to killed the glass.

It’s hard to get into a Dragon Race, and it’s natural to have a good slice.

One person, one dragon, and one speed in one place.

The white glass carries the Great Array might, each hit with heaven and earth might.

In exchange for the common fairy 3-Layer, it is estimated that even its move can not be picked up.

But Zhao Fang is a common person.

Fleshy Body Immortal Force is an existence that reaches the same level of apex and even surpass.

Even in the face of white glass, it has not fallen into the wind.

If he wants to take advantage of the fighting opportunities and observe the White Dragon fighting methods, the insights of the East Emperor will be stunned and stunned.

“That brat got into the water? Did you fight the consumption of white glass?”

On the ground, a group of Tong Family Elder ridiculed Zhao Fang.

“White glaze is a nucleus, the Great Array does not go out, the battle is endless, so the common fairy can compete.”

“I thought that Wood Clan invited a powerful person, but I didn’t expect it to be an idiot.”

Tong Family Old Ancestor is also smiling.

The victory is in the grip.


The battle continued for a while, and the smile on Tong Family Old Ancestor’s face was getting weaker and thinner. Later, it became gloomy.

So far, Zhao Fang aura has not attenuated the little bit, and there is a tendency to become more and more eager.

Conversely is a white glass, pressed by it, and has no backhand power.


Tong Family Elder dumbstruck.

Looking at the silhouette of the white coat in the air and the glass, I was shocked. What kind of monster is this damn, just stepping into the fairy 3-Layer.

The combat power is still so strong, even with the power of the spirit of the spirit, Strong is not his opponent, and the damn still fights?

For a moment.

All Elders look to Tong Family Old Ancestor.

Waiting for him to take the idea.

Tong Family Old Ancestor blinked and looked at the three people of Duanmu Yao, and stood up like a tiger. The imposing manner was unmatched.

“Child thief, what are you doing!”

The purple screams, swaying and revealing the original shape, blocking it in front of Duanmu Yao.

“Get out!”

Tong Family Old Ancestor complexion is cold and doesn’t look at it.

The purple scorpion is not the celestial being, how can it block the palm of the fairy 3-Layer, the flesh and blood on the spot is blurred, figure suddenly retreat!


Duanmuya complexion big change.

“Child thief, you want to hurt Yao’er a hair!”

Qin Zhong’s body is filled with a faint Blood Mist, and the whole person reveals a Berserk Baleful Blood Qi, which is a certain Secret Art, forcing Upgrade Strength.

“mole cricket and ants in general!”

Tong Family Old Ancestor disdain sneer, between the hands, the Wind-Thunder shock, not yet filmed, Qin Zhong body clothes, like the paper burned by flame, quickly faded.

At the same time fading, and the limbs.

The gap is too big.

Qin Zhong is not an opponent of Tong Family Old Ancestor at all.

“No!” Duanmu Yao screamed.

This scene cannot be tolerated.

“Sunday stars, shining my body, carrying my body, carrying Zhou Tian!”

Duanmu Yao mouth sprays blood essence, blue silk flutters, starlight diffuse, aura climbs.

Directly grabbing Qin Zhong, who only had his torso, and took it out, and greeted Tong Family Old Ancestor alone, and he made a hard hit.

The results are shocking.

This blow is not in the same league.

“Yao’er, aren’t you just entering the Transcending Tribulation?”

Not far away, the purple scorpion that just struggling to get up, his eyes are stupid.

Or Duanmu Yao, who is still in Transcending Tribulation, can compete with Tong Family Old Ancestor, the 3-Layer?


Duanmu Yao’s body trembled, with the body, bursting out of rumbled, and then, the body surface split a path of 狰狞 wound, blood spewing.

This is a strong action with physique, a sign of backlash.

“I didn’t expect that you have such an amazing physique in your body. In time, you may be able to surpass your devil, but unfortunately, you came across Old Man, everything starts from here, and it ends here!”

Tong Family Old Ancestor is cold and cool, driving Wind-Thunder and killing again.

And this time.

There is no stopping in front of him. Just one palm print, you can kill Duanmu Yao.

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