“You want to know, I told you, what else do you want to do?”

See Zhao Fang murderous aura Teng Teng staring at himself, the evil spirits frightened.

Zhao Fang stepped on his head and exploded his head.

Only slowly leisurely said: “Nature is, kill!”

After that, behind the Heavenly Dragon sword, sings and sings around the Xie Family, and in the Xie Family, the cultivation base reaches the exquisite of the scent level, all killed.


Go on the sword!

As for those women, he has no intention to care.

He is just a passerby, not a bodhisattva.

The ropes that tie them up are unleashed, and if they are willing or unwilling to be new, it depends on the self-madeness of this group.

Take the wind and the sword, Zhao Fang went straight to the hanging temple.

He did not hide it, the sword was united, turned into a shocking sword rainbow, scratching the west of Continent’s slightly dull sky, and gradually approaching the hanging temple.

Near the Hanging Temple.

Surroundings, there are more people.

Even Zhao Fang, who is flying at high altitude, points her finger.

Some self-proclaimed cultivation base powerful deaf people have taken action, want to stop Zhao Fang, because of the Heavenly Dragon sword.

The Heavenly Dragon sword in the rush, although there is no special change, but the treasure is amazing, the sword edge is sharp, the speed is amazing, and the natural environment is very hot.

In this regard.

Zhao Fang is just a palm down.

All the people who committed the crime, all in a sudden, were shaken into the mud!

With his four cultivation base, he took all the action, even if it was the five-day celestial, he did not resist, let alone the horror of this group of heavenly wonders.

Take action several times in succession.

No one dares to stop it.

This is the end.

He also went to the Thousand Miles outside the Hanging Temple.

Already able to glimpse, not far from the horizon, hollowed down a huge round pit.

Inside the pit is an endless building with the Buddha’s sign on it.

It is the Hanging Temple!

“Hanging the temple, huh…” Zhao Fang smiled cold.

Dive down.

Near the Hanging Temple for 900 miles, a sound like Warning is heard in the temple.

The monks in the temple were shocked.

Just want to prepare to go out to see the temple, the bell rings again.

Then, it was three rings, four rings…

The monks in the temple vibrate.

Hanging Temple’s generations of Powerhouse, once within a thousand miles around the temple, laid a super Great Array, once you step into the temple for thousands of miles, there will be a bell in the temple.

Once every hundred miles.

In other words, just this short moment, someone comes into the Hanging Temple 500 miles away?

This is what kind of amazing speed?

It seems to be faster than the little devil who had killed the temple gate.

“Fast, alert!”

The guardian temple was first dispatched.

Form a square matrix and meet the enemy in the air.

And, before this moment.

Inside the Daxiong Hall.

An old monk knocked on the wooden fish, and the turbid eyes swept to the jade bottle on the Golden Buddha statue.

The jade bottle is transparent and faintly visible. There seems to be a shadow in it.

“Evil Creature, you Still refuse to accept?” old monk The sound of the wooden fish is like a contain of some soul attack. Once it is sent out, the jade bottle will burst into screams.

“Old vulture, you have the ability to me to complete exterminate body and soul, otherwise, Young Master will one day, will level your hanging temple.”

The soul of the jade bottle growls.

The sound is tender, like a child.

“Oh, it’s not stubborn. You’d better obediently surrender. Otherwise, your parents and your Elder Sister are safe, and the old monk can’t be guaranteed.”

Old monk yin with a ab.

“Old vulture, I. Day. Your family!”

The two sides are in a stalemate, and the old monk seems to be aware of something, violently turning his head and looking at the deep sky outside the temple.

It is at this time.

A crisp bell passed through the hanging temple.

Naturally also passed into the old monk ear.

“Someone came to invade?” Old monk unconsciously frowned, in the eyes full of baleful qi: “I thought I was hanging on the temple to bully? It seems that it is necessary to kill chickens and monkeys!”

That being said.

He did not get up.

The Hanging Temple has been operating in West Continent for nearly 10,000 years. It does not say that the entire West Continent is a place of the Buddha’s Gate, but within the circumference, the Hanging Temple is an absolute Ruler.

Anyone who wants to invade comes in and pays a heavy price.

In addition to the jade bottle in front of the soul…

Thinking of this person’s previous image of the Hanging Temple, old monk was shocked. Yan.

He was shocked. Yan, it is not this person’s appearance, but his Strength and natural talent.

More youngsters…

He doesn’t know how many youngsters have seen this rank natural talent.

Even more shocking is.

This child seems to be young, but it is so powerful that it almost flattens the entire hanging temple.

If he did not use the background power of the Hanging Temple, he might not be able to suppress this child.

Even so.

Finally, he was also comforted by his father’s mother to kill him.

“Little devil, are you obediently not better than being beaten by old people? In this way, the old man can borrow your soul, repair the second Clone, and relive the life!”

Staring at the shadow of the jade bottle, old monk in the eyes.

“Old vultures, I will not make a wedding dress for you, even to explain exterminate body and soul.”

The soul in the jade bottle, it seems to be aware of the old monk’s gaze, said coldly.

The old monk complexion is sinking and is trying to increase the soul attack of the wooden fish.

Dōng dōng dōng ~

The bell sounded uninterrupted.

“Is there someone who blinks through the five hundred miles of defense? How can it be?”

He stood up fiercely and looked at the north unbelievably.

The bell has not stopped yet.

It sounded four times in succession.

Old monk The heart is shaking, the wooden fish in the hand is unconsciously falling.

“He went to Floating Mountain a hundred miles away? Is it really? Is it so strong?”

And it is at this time.

There is a small novice to come to the bulletin.

“The abbot, there are strong enemies!”

“A hundred miles away, Killed the guardian of the temple. Now, it is approaching Floating Mountain, and many of the upper court mages are ready to block, but it is not the enemy of the enemy, requesting the abbot take action.”

Xiao Shaiya screamed.

“Ha ha ~ Hanging Temple, you have reversed these years, and you have returned to the bad news.”

The ghost in the jade bottle laughed and the sound was happy.

Old monk complexion gloomy, at this time also refused to pack the jade bottle soul shadow, with the little Shami hurriedly left.

“Strange, I always feel a very familiar aura, came to the Hanging Temple, is it, someone comes to me?”

After the old monk left, the jade bottle suddenly murmured.

… Hanging Temple underground cell.

A middle-aged man with a correct face, his hair was scattered at the moment, his body was hurt and he was pressed under a pillar.

In the cell next to him, the cultivation of countless riddled with scars and the heads of emits was also held.

Perhaps it was held for too long, and the heart had already broken hope. They had no eyes in their eyes, and they were dead and dead like a dead person.

“No, I got to save Nezha and their mother and son.”

The face is just middle-aged who wants to shake the pillars.

The pillars emits golden light, with the appearance of the golden ‘d’, looks like a mountain, and no matter how the middle-aged people struggle, they can’t move.

“Li Jing, it is a waste of effort. The ‘d’ word suppression of the Hanging Temple, but even the six centuries can be stunned, you are only trivial Tianxian a heavy, can not get rid of.” Some cultivation people who know the middle-aged people see Shake his head.

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