
The light lamp soul just flew out,

It was swallowed and suppressed by Zhao Fang left eye!

饕餮 眸 眸 愧 soul soul nemesis.

Even if the soul is condensed like the Top Level’s sacred soul, it doesn’t turn a little wave under the ash, and it is easily suppressed!

After so many years of running-in, Zhao Fang has been familiar with the use of ash, and is no longer limited to just swallow.

It is also possible to suppress the Remnant Spirit in the ash.

Let it endure the torn tears.

Release it when needed.

The reason why he did not annihilate the last light, a trace Remnant Spirit, was left to Nezha.

After all, being abused by this person for so long, Nezha still had a heart in his heart.

Looking up, Nezha, Zhao Fang, still wrapped in Grand Dao aura, shook his head.

He doesn’t have the experience of breaking through, he doesn’t know how to solve it in front of him, he can only wait slowly.

Not long after…


Li Jing opened his eyes.

When he saw Zhao Fang, he had some accidents: “Little brother, it is you!”

Zhao Fang nodded slightly, my heart screamed: “System, This is Westward World?”

When Neziha came out of summon, he had this doubt.

Later, the red child was also summoned out, which made him suspicious.

At that time, I also asked System, which was too low in the host class, and had no permission to know it.

this time.

It was also rejected without exception.

Damn it, father is celestial, and damn permissions are not enough, what permissions do you want?

Zhao Fang is in the heart.

“Little brother, that awkward awkward?” Li Jing swept away all around, did not see the silent light silhouette, could not help but curious.

Zhao Fang still maintains a little respect for this man who may become the king of Tota.

However, he thought that this article had previously listened to the chanting and let himself stop fighting, he felt pain in the ass.

With regard to this overall situation, it can also be the king of Tota. Wouldn’t it be the back door?

His heart is belly, the surface is indifferently said: “I killed!”

“he died?”

Li Jing startedled, immediately, a big breath, like a big stone pressed by the heart was moved away, the whole person excitedly shouted: “Dead is good!”

“Let love be okay?”

The previous chanting was only for the Li Jing couple, his daughter conversely escaped One Tribulation, but the spirit was awkward, stupid standing in place.

Li Jing sighed heavily.

“Try to ask, what is the name of love?”

Zhao Fang is really curious.

Everyone in the world knows that the Nezha family has five, with two elder brothers and rafts. When did you have Elder Sister?

“Little girl show.” Li Jing replied.

When I heard the name, Zhao Fang almost didn’t smile.


… you are so miserable Ah!

Li Jing is destined to not understand this kind of earth stalk. He sees Zhao Fang expression differently. It is not possible to slightly frowned : “What happened to the little brother? Isn’t the name of the little girl bad?”

It’s not good.

Simply is causing my discomfort.

Zhao Fang belly.

Surface restoration calmly said: “Sorry, I am rude.”

Two people simple A few words, then there is no more topic to talk about.

At this time, Li Jing Madam woke up.

Under the introduction of Li Jing, she thanked Zhao Fang for her. When she saw Li Xiu Nian, who was dull, she pulled it into her arms and cried.

Zhao Fang sighed gently.

He stood up and looked at the ruined suspended temple, giving birth to a little emotion.

“The tangible Influence is easy to step out, invisible scars, but it’s hard to make up!”

Li Jing was quite surprised and scanned Zhao Fang. Obviously, he did not expect that he could have this feeling. He added: “The Hanging Temple dominates the West Continent. It is a disaster, and the suffering of Li Family, the whole West Continent, are They can be the existence of fish.”

Li Jing said, as if he had thought of something, he came to a ruin and dug a passage to the ground, and a brain was drilled in.

Zhao Fang stood by the channel, the spirit of the outside, the Sense to the inside, the complexion has some changes.


One by one, the ragged, singularly cultivating person climbed out of the channel.

When you see the ruins of the land.

They suddenly shocked.

When the reaction came, some people even cried.

“The Hanging Temple has actually imprisoned so many people.”

Zhao Fang is screaming.

This group of cultivations rescued by Li Jing, although the overall Strength is inferior to the Buddha, but the number is more than a hundred times more than the Buddha.

Among them, there are some existences of the four cents.

But they seem to have suffered from Inhuman’s torture, their footsteps are vain, and Realm even shows signs of decline.

After the new student, this group of people cheered loudly.

To be informed by Li Jing, after Zhao Fang saved them, many people showed suspicious expression on their faces.

Among them, many people have handed over the front of the Hanging Temple, naturally knowing that this West Continent soil Overlord’s background.

Don’t say that the heavens are four heavy, even if the heavens are seven heavy, it is not necessarily able to level the hanging temple.

For these people, Zhao Fang is too lazy to pay attention.

I don’t care about their gratitude, but they are all very imaginary things.

Li Jing organized the group of cultivations and began to rescue the average person who was under the rubble.

But most people are scornful and choose to leave.

Only a small number of people, with compassion, joined forces with Li Jing to save those average person.

“This fellow brain is in the water, those people who are hanging in the temple, is the enemy, just killed, who is damn to save.”

A thin and thin fairy is throwing with a laugh.

When I walked to Zhao Fang, I glanced at Zhao Fang and sneered at him with a smile. “On your small body, you also stepped on the Hanging Temple and saved us all?”

Zhao Fang gave him a look.

Shake his head secretly.

There is no shortage of grateful people in the world.

But unfortunately.

The ungrateful people are more in the majority!

“brat, what do you mean by shaking your head, look down on me?” The skinny fairy was shut in the black cell, and Zhao Fang shook his head and could not help but anger.

“Hey, I haven’t changed my mind yet, hurry!” Zhao Fang is too lazy to see such people.

The skinny fairy seems to have been detained for too long, the perception has dropped to the extreme, and no danger is imminent at all.

Just cold said with a laugh: “Why, you brat still want to follow me?”

He took his finger to Zhao Fang. After he hadn’t finished speaking, he heard a bang and his entire right arm was directly unloaded.

The screams of dry and thin fairy pains continue again and again.

His friend looked at Zhao Fang with a look of surprise.

I didn’t see how he took the action at all.

“As for your kind of goods, is it also yelling in front of me?” Zhao Fang sneered, clutching his neck with his face, and his face was cold: “I have left you a living path, you are not going to go, you have to come to death! Thinking Young Master is good-tempered?”

For this kind of brain damage sent to the door, he will not be merciless. When the palm of the Immortal Force is swallowed, it will smash the head of the thin and thin celestial body. He has no chance to go to the soul, and he is directly killed!

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