“brat, today, Old Man is going to kill you and take revenge for me!”

“Do you think that with this trivial Array, you can really help Old Man? Old Man today, let you know, what is real despair!”

In the east of the eyes, killing intent able to move unhindered, obviously, he is a murderous heart for Zhao Fang.

However, he did not take action immediately, but rather the Array of interesting at sight at Zhao Fang behind.

“The Eight Dead Fire Dragon Array? Array is not bad. If I really didn’t find it trapped, it was really tricky.”

“It’s a pity that you too underestimated me!”

“Real Realm, it’s not that you trivial can understand!”

“Today, Old Man lets you see the pure mana that Realm really has!”

At the same time, Dongfang Lie speaks like an expression, but his approach is clearly to play Zhao Fang.

He couldn’t wait to kill Zhao Fang immediately, but he biased the idea of ​​taking action immediately, and he was forced to let Zhao Fang suffer and die in endless desperation!

The eastern fierce hands suddenly slammed, and the meanwhile, behind a big sword, was directly sacrificed.

“Hey, let you see and see, I squander the unique swordsmanship of Xianzong, let you know what is called the gap of Strength!”

Accompanied by this sentence, from the giant sword behind the Eastern fierce, a path of rays of light suddenly emerges, those rays of light, clearly is a path of sword shadow!

However, in a flash, the surrounding surrounds in the East are condensed with thousands of words of shadow.

Then, along with the East fiercely, between the moments, the tens of thousands of sword shadows are suddenly moving towards the ground to kill the past!

However, Dongfang Lie did not intentionally attack Zhao Fang, but placed the target in the area of ​​Zhao Fang behind!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

With the sound of rumbled, Zhao Fang behind, the land that was damaged because of before fighting, this moment can really be turned into ashes!

a path of sword light , contain the terrifying destructive power of pure power. In a flash, the entire ground is completely covered by the oriental sword light.

Ground Cracking Collapsing Mountain!

When the sword light is completely dissipated, let alone the Array arranged by Zhao Fang, even if the original landscape is already completely changed!

There, it was originally a mountain range, but now it is a valley!

The oriental corner of the mouth with a hazy smile.

In this attack, he did not directly attack Zhao Fang, but deliberately dropped some sword shadows in Zhao Fang surroundings.

Let that a path of qi wave constantly impact this Zhao Fang!

He wants to see, Zhao Fang desperate eyes!

Even, he wants to see Zhao Fang kneel down to ask him for mercy!

It’s a pity that it seems that his wishful thinking was wrong.

At this time, Zhao Fang did not ask for mercy, but the smile on his face became more and more concentrated.

The anger in the East is in a hurry: “brat, your last cards are always destroyed by me. Why, you still want to resist?”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth hangs in the arc, indifferently said: “Oh, really? You really destroyed the Array I arranged?”

When I heard Zhao Fang’s words, Dongfang Lie glimpsed.

But this time, before he answered, the change suddenly broke out.

I saw between the heaven and earth, the a path of sword light rises up, but it is condensed into a sword light Giant Dragon, and then, with the slightest hesitation of the move towards the East!

The Eastern fierce complexion has changed dramatically.

“damned, that’s not the Eight Dragons Fire Dragon! That, that’s eight!”

“This can be it be, how can you arrange eight outrageous ways!”

The Eight Dead Fire Dragon array and the eight ridiculous roads, the names seem to be somewhat similar, in fact, after the completion of the arrangement, do not look carefully, but also feel almost.

But in fact, there is an essential difference.

The Eight Dragons Fire Dragon array, once mobilized, kills enemy with a path of Fire Dragon.

However, these eight ridiculous roads, when mobilized, it is the attacker’s own attack image as master to attack!

Eight Dead Fire Dragon Array, kill!

And eight ridiculous roads, heavy sleep!

It can be said that if Dongfang Lie first saw that it was a ridiculous road, then he simply impossible to cast spells, because this is a ridiculous way, this is the use of the spells cast by the squad as the attack method.

If Dongfang Lie knew that Zhao Fang was setting up a ruin, then he would never use any spells, but would rely on his powerful Fleshy Body to directly kill Zhao Fang!

Unfortunately, not so much early to know.

At this point, the smile on Zhao Fang’s face is getting stronger and stronger.

From the beginning of the exhibition of the swordsmanship of the East, he is destined to defeat him!

Eight ridiculous, the squad, but the use of magic, is destined to be defeated by their own spells.

Even if he is not using the second attack, it is useless.

This Rank overbearing Array, in fact, even if it is Dongfang Lie, I just heard that I have not seen it.

But I don’t want to, he saw it in the first time, it was in the lineup, and it was the eight ruins of the activation!

The sword shadow condensed the Giant Dragon without the slightest hesitation’s move towards the East.

It is so direct! But it is so effective.

Where the Eastern Resent dared to cast any spells, he hurriedly offered a defense Magical Treasure, which was able to withstand the attack.

It is a pity that before he shocked Zhao Fang, he was using overbearing to slash the sword!

At this point, what he has to face is his own swordsmanship!

In the bang, the Eastern Lie was quickly crashed.

But he struggled to move towards the Array Center.

He has to do this!

Another characteristic of the Eight Badlands is that the closer to the edge of the Array, the greater the might will be.

If you say that in the center of the Array, he is only facing his own attack of the same kind of attack, then once it reaches the extreme edge, even he needs to face a powerful attack eight times his attack.

However, even if he can stabilize the silhouette in the center.

Once the Array is launched, it can be endless, and it is launched constantly!

Of course, if you only want to kill the East, you can’t end it so quickly.

After all, this Eastern fierce as the core of the ancestors, Elder, background is also extraordinary.

Eight ridiculous roads are not without defects.

The biggest flaw is that his continuous Time is determined by the energy of the Array core material contained at the beginning of the layout.

Once the energy is exhausted, the Great Array will collapse on its own, even if the person is not killed.

After all, these eight ridiculous roads, the heavy is sleepy rather than killing!

At this time, Dongfang Lie strongly used his Magical Treasure to resist, and was not waiting for the moment when the energy of the eight ruins was exhausted.

This is a pity, Zhao Fang may give him a chance!

Nezha already got rid of before the East’s repression of him came to Zhao Fang and saw the Eastern fierce trapped in the Array. Nezha’s eyes are strangely different: “Zhao Big Brother, you actually trapped him!”

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