Everyone talked a lot, and from time to time looked at the two people who were suppressed by the Fire Dragon, and looked at the surroundings, those who were constantly being fired by the Fire Dragon killing.

“Okay, Brother Zhao, count me! Hey, all of my family are always taken away by this group of damned. If I leave, then I am afraid that it will be difficult to see the true wonderland in this life!”

“Yes, it’s me, it’s too bad. I waited for Loose Cultivator. Normally, they were exploited by these Sect Influences, but now they want to capture us and capture us!”

“If we don’t resist, one day, sooner or later, there will be no more life for Loose Cultivator!”

“Spell with them! Isn’t it dead? If it wasn’t for Brother Zhao to come to the rescue, would I still have a way to live? Once this broken Yunzong used us, it would definitely kill us all!”

“Yes, fight with them, die? Hey, I am waiting for Loose Cultivator. Even for a fairy grass, don’t you have to get out of your life? Today, there is nothing to be afraid of!”

Zhao Fang saw that the reaction was quite satisfactory.

Although many people are still hesitating, but at this time, at least half of the ready people are ready to attack the broken cloud.

Zhao Fang thought about it, Loose Cultivator is not easy to survive, just like the person’s words, for a grass that does not look at the Sect disciple in the eyes, saying that Loose Cultivator can only fight life.

Then, this broken Yunzong is a Sect, isn’t it that they don’t have a treasure?

“You, let’s break through this broken cloud, not just for revenge! The broken Yunzong was once a Great Sect, if I waited to break their secret library…”

Zhao Fang’s words are not finished, but the meaning is that everyone understands.

This time, almost all of Loose Cultivator’s eyes are lit.

That’s right, if you break through the secret database of the broken cloud, then they can make a big profit!

Although it is dangerous, but as Loose Cultivator, when their cultivation is safe!

In the Loose Cultivator, many people have heard of the broken Yunzong, naturally know how strong their background is.

And this Time, through those broken Yunzong discipline, they also know that the broken Yunzong This is defeated to fall to this point, but the secret library is still there.

At the thought of this, almost all Loose Cultivators have already decided.

“Spell with them! If this time we won, and divided the secret library of Yunzong, then I will wait for Strength to rise!”

“That is, since those who have come to this extremely cold place, who will be afraid of death? Fight with them!”

Zhao Fang smiled slightly, and Loose Cultivator’s reaction was better than his previous expectations.

Look at that there are only a dozen people who have no expression.

Zhao Fang expression is the same, but the tone is a bit cold, indifferently said: “Everyone has their own decision, you don’t want to participate, we are not reluctant, then you can leave now, don’t think about waiting for us. Defeat the broken cloud and then take another share.”

“If anyone dares to pay such attention at the time, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Zhao Fang’s words came out, and everyone’s eyes gathered on the last dozen people.

Among these people, some people actually have such an idea.

People, this thing, never knows to be satisfied!

Even if Zhao Fang saved them, in the eyes of the dozens of people in the eyes, I would not be grateful to Zhao Fang, but would feel that This is an opportunity.

They feel that Zhao Fang and others and the broken cloud squad, no matter who wins in the end, will be suffered heavy losses, saying that they will have a chance when they don’t get it!

But who ever thought, Zhao Fang actually broke the word.

At this point, one of them showed a smile and said: “Brother Zhao said, we can be be such a person!”

“Yes, that is, we should not want to deal with you, but it is not a villain behind the scenes. It is just that this extremely cold place is quite dangerous. I just want to wait for you to leave safe to leave! ”

A shameless excuse.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkled.

If there are more people, he may not be good.

But how many people are there?

Zhao Fang saved them and gave them a chance to live. Now that they still want court death, then Zhao Fang doesn’t mind to fulfill them!

By the way, stand in front of these Loose Cultivators!

The Loose Cultivator can be different from the Sect disciple, and the ones that look at it are now very exciting, with a look of the next heart.

But what kind of ideas do they have, I only fear that they know it!

So at this time, Zhao Fang needs Liwei!

Without hesitation, Zhao Fang waved it!

In a flash, more than a dozen Dao Guang mang rises into the sky, and that a path of rays of light does not stop at all, even directly toward that dozens of people to kill the past!

This is Zhao Fang The final arrangement left here.

In the beginning, it was originally intended to be used in the event that Loose Cultivator did not dare to fight and retreat.

But now, naturally no need to cover!

The screams came, but in the blink of an eye, the dozens of people were all killed!

Everyone looked at Zhao Fang’s eyes all the time.

Especially for some people who have a ghost, this time is not very incomparable.

They don’t even know what Zhao Fang used!

In these Loose Cultivator in the eyes, Zhao Fang has not taken the action in person so far.

However, the broken clouds of the surroundings, and the dozens of Loose Cultivators, were killed on the spot.

“Hey, I have given you the opportunity, you don’t cherish yourself, how, really, I won’t kill you!”

Zhao Fang A faint look at the dozens of people, the voice said coldly.

This makes some people who are ill-intentioned unable to hold back.

Zhao Fang showed the strange means that they had to be wariness, even they now doubted whether it was Zhao Fang and secret hand!

Even some people are fortunate, fortunately at least they did not show their true thoughts.

After destroying the dozens of people, Zhao Fang turned and said to others:

“Easy to everyone, the background of the broken Yunzong is absolutely incomparably strong, and it is not trivial. Some people can swallow it. My request is very simple. I will break through the secret database. I will give priority to it!”

This is to make those Loose Cultivators feel a lot more.

After all, Zhao Fang saved them, and he did not hesitate to arrange all of them. If there is no picture, they will not believe it.

When I heard the words of Zhao Fang at this time, they also felt that, perhaps, the broken cloud Inner Sect, what Zhao Fang was looking at.

Then, he prefers, naturally it is also reasonable.

“Where is Brother Zhao, I will save you for your life, you will give priority to it, and naturally it is a matter of course!”

“That is, Brother Zhao can rest assured that if anyone is dissatisfied at the time, the first one will not agree!”

Everyone expressed their attitude. At this time, Zhao Fang put forward his own requirements, at least letting their inner wariness be a little less.

It also makes this temporary Loose Cultivator team a lot of people! “In this case, what are you waiting for, let us kill the broken Yunzong!”

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