Suddenly, the picture turned again.

This time, Zhao Fang saw a girl!

That’s right, it’s a girl, a cultivation base is not too high, or even a girl with less than five cents.

In this World, the true five is really nothing.

The girl found hidden in a dragon race on a small island, holding it in his hand, turned out to be the dragon tower!

“You, you are running away, This is my father Refining treasure, you can store your party World and leave it.”

The girl talked a little stuttering, and at this time, Zhao Fang saw that he had the slave’s imprint!

In the observation of before, Zhao Fang discovered that these people who entered the dragon domain had a big difference, not just the cultivation base, but also their identity.

Except for a handful of Noble, Zhao Fang sees that most of the work in this dragon domain is slave.

Because these slaves have a weird mark on their body.

As for Noble?

Zhao Fang can’t see their cultivation base because their body surroundings have a guardian of mysterious power, and they only occasionally appear lower than.

Most of the time, it’s just that some supervisors are monitoring everything in the Dragonfield.

At this time, the dragon domain, already plundered 1000-year for a long time, once the prosperous early ready, not hiding, hiding in the dragon race of this island above, fearing that it is less than one ten thousandth of the entire dragon domain.

Moreover, 1000-year Time also allowed Dragon Race to learn some simple spells and also know about the repairers.

They looked at the girl, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to believe.

After all, they have no choice at all.

The island seems to be secret, but in fact, as long as the repairers carefully explore it, they can find it.

The golden tower was activated, and then the island was absorbed, and of course all the Dragon Races inside!

Then the little tower disappeared!


The picture arrived here, and paused for a moment, Zhao Fang thought it was over.

But it didn’t, after waiting for a while, the picture appeared again.

But this time, it is a place where Zhao Fang is still slightly familiar.

“This, This is Jiu Yaocheng?”

At this time, Zhao Fang saw that several Dragon Races built a tower with their own methods, and also set up a sculpture at the top of the tower!

Not enough, the appearance of the sculpture seems to be the little girl who saved them. This is completely different from the sculpture of the top of the nine towers in the memory of Zhao Fang.

Then, the Dragon Race in the tower came out and began to mix in the crowd and start their new life.

They abandoned their identity as Dragon Race and turned it into an average person, which was integrated into the life of this Continent.

It seems that some are perfect.

However, at this time, the picture changed again!

This time, Zhao Fang saw the war!

Burning the war of the entire Yuan Xuan Continent!

Yuantin Continent, this is also a piece of pure land, people here, have their own way of life.

Although they also practice, there are also Sect, even their own royal family and the way to rule!

However, I don’t know when it started, the war is spreading.

That is an invasion from other Continent!

At this time, Dragon Race, already learned some Immortal Technique. For their homes, they regrouped and fought bloody battles with the invaders.

However, at this time, the picture disappeared completely.

Zhao Fang’sconsciousness has also returned to reality.

“Master, do you know everything about our Dragon Race now?”

“Or, we can’t call it Dragon Race completely. After all, there are other Dragon Races in other places. We are just the most miserable people.”

“That war was launched by Qingzhuo Xianguo. They destroyed the original country of Yuantin Continent and ruled it. We later learned that this Qingzhuo Xianguo was only when Initial Entry invaded us. One of the World’s people controls a micro-Small Country degree nothing more.”

“We dare not expose ourselves, so we can only endure it and continue to existence the Yuantin Continent.”

“As for the Dragon Temple, it is the soul of all of us. When the benefactor refining the Dragon Temple for us, because of the lack of materials and the rush of Time, the Dragon Temple is not perfect.”

“Of course, this is actually nothing at all. As long as I can live, what is the loss of freedom?”

“The Temple of the Dragon, we must have a Master, our Race can continue, five million years! We came to the Continent for five million years, but have been waiting for the emergence of a Master!” “The Dragon Temple is not subject to Our control, his recognizing Master way, we don’t even know, even our fate has never been controlled by ourselves. In order to continue the Race, we can only sacrifice one family every 1000-year, let the same family use the dragon soul to act. Spirituality, also temporarily acting as the role of the Master, making this god

Dragon Hall is able to existence. ”

“Five million years, we have too many family sacrifices, but at least we have continued!”


That voice is said to be constant.

However, Zhao Fang’s doubts were not explained at all.

That is, why does this god dragon temple recognize itself as master?

You know, Zhao Fang looked at it for a long time, but I didn’t see the recognizing Master way of this dragon temple.

Can’t help, his recognizing Master, just just looking for an individual, and then recognizing Master?

But five million years, how did you not see him recognizing Master?


Suddenly, Zhao Fang seems to think of something.

When Shenlong Temple was recognizing Master, was he using the Emperor of Heaven?

Is it difficult to create a relationship with the Emperor of the Dragon King?

However, it is not right, according to Zhao Fang’s understanding, it seems that the East Emperor has nothing to do with the mysterious Dragon Field!

There is also the mysterious Influence that plunders the Dragon Field, which is obviously powerful.

After all, it’s just that of the influence’s average person or slave nothing more.

So, what is the god dragon temple recognizing itself as master?

What is the opportunity?

Zhao Fang thought for a long time and couldn’t understand.

What’s more, the current Shenlong Temple is still not under his control.

Actually, Zhao Fang also finally gave up to find the answer.

Since you don’t know what to do, don’t worry about it for the time being.

This Shenlong Temple, Zhao Fang can be seen, perhaps it can be good for himself, but more, but responsibility.

Since he became the master of this dragon temple, I am afraid that the countless Dragon Race in this dragon temple needs him to manage and take care of it.


“Forget it, now I want to do so much. After that, the time is more, and I will explore it later.”

With doubts, Zhao Fang’s Divine Sense quit the Dragon Temple.

This is the observation of the tower in the Shenlong Temple. For Zhao Fang, it can only be regarded as an accidental joy. He is not prepared to stay more.

Retired directly from the trial tower. Zhao Fang is seeing a scene that shocked him.

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