And he can borrow the puppet Sense surroundings and see everything puppet can see.

Puppet has no Life and no Immortal Force fluctuation. If it is not carefully explored, it will only be treated as a stone.

Zhao Fang be careful The control of the puppet is the movement of the move towards the front.

In a short time, I entered the valley.

The first reaction of Zhao Fang is that these clouds contain poisonous!

If it wasn’t for Zhao Fang to use the puppet to explore the road, I was afraid that it would be the way.

This poison is colorless and odorless, and even impossible to detect.

Obviously, it is a kind of special poison that is dedicated to Refining.

Zhao Fang’s idea, a small puppet, is to store a trace mist into the body.

Then, puppet went on, and in a short time, I saw a cave entrance.

It’s just a superficial look. It seems that this cave is nothing special.

But the Restriction and Array of the doorway, but the ready to explain everything.

If you rush into, I am afraid that it will be discovered immediately by the people of the Temple of the Dead.

Puppet stayed in place, and Zhao Fang, a trace Divine Sense, began to look closely at these Arrays and Restrictions.


“It’s actually a triggered chain Array!”

“In the corpse of the corpse, I am afraid there is also an Array Powerhouse Ah!”

“The perfect combination of Array and Restriction Technique, and what the surface sees is nothing more than nothing.” The hack will immediately touch the hidden Array!”

“If you don’t crack, just enter, it will trigger Array!”

“The Array Master’s approach is awesome!”

Suddenly, Zhao Fang felt footsteps.

Without hesitation, he took back Divine Sense and took a closer look with puppet.

For a moment, I saw that the two people came out.

However, they did not trigger an Array at all when they passed the Array.


“Hey, how can we all go out to catch the sacrifices, and the master can be really eccentric. Why can he cultivate in the valley with his old Third, and even the sacrifices are prepared for them?”

“Forget it, let’s say a few words. Old Third is actually a poor fellow. Don’t look at his current scenery. But once the 1000-year period is over, if the master has not found a suitable sacrifice, I am afraid, he will Will be the last sacrifice to activate the 1000-year Corpse Puppet!”

“Also, the fellow is also alive, and what is not good for cultivation, but it is necessary to practice the blood corpse!”

“Who said no, blood corpse, can make him better Refining Corpse Puppet, and even practice some secret techniques with Corpse Puppet, but it also turned him into the best sacrifice…”

“Let’s go, we must hurry to catch a few living people back, otherwise, if the Corpse Puppet Refining is delayed, it must be punishable.”

When the two people finished, they left quickly.

In their behind, they followed a dozen Corpse Puppet.

Zhao Fang knows from their conversation that they are aiming to go out of the valley.

It’s just that Zhao Fang has some doubts. Isn’t this master and disciple of the corpse of the corpse of the corpse?

Doesn’t Purple Night say that this is a Branch?

However, I can understand Zhao Fang, but after all, what Purple Night knows, always is 1000-year before.

Now that the valley has changed, it is also reasonable.

However, this is also good. If there are only four masters and disciple, then Zhao Fang’s action will be much simpler.

What’s more, there are two people already left.

Zhao Fang waited for a moment in silence, making sure that the two people had gone far, and that moved towards the valley.

Just now, he was ready to refining the corresponding Detoxifying Pill drug through the a trace toxic fog in puppet, so that he could countless the threat of poisonous fog.

What he has to do now is to crack the Array.

The two corpse temple’s discipline can countless Array, there should be something special Magical Treasure.

But Zhao Fang wants to enter without disturbing the insider, but can only crack the Array first.

Ok, this Array and Restriction are both subtle, but not difficult.

After a short time, Zhao Fang walked into the cave.

Just entering, Zhao Fang smelled a powerful bloody aura.

Refining Corpse Puppet, the corpse of the corpse, is a sacrifice for the living, and you can’t do it without bloody aura.

Zhao Fang is on alert and be careful.

Along the way, he was able to see a lot of coffin. Obviously, here is a place dedicated to the Corpse Puppet.

The cave is not big, and after a while, Zhao Fang has heard the sound inside.

“Master, do we really want to do this?”

One sounds, Zhao Fang hides his own aura, and Divine Sense quickly probes the past.

Soon, he saw an Array of old man and a youngster.

“Old Third, the teacher knows that you normally have a good relationship with your Great master, and that there is no way for the teacher.”

“Hey, 1000-year Corpse Puppet is a must to blood sacrifice tomorrow, and this last blood sacrifice is directly related to Corpse Puppet. Can Refining succeed!”

“If this 1000-year Corpse Puppet Refining fails, I am afraid that no matter whether it is a teacher or you three people, you can’t escape Sect!”

“So, the teacher can only make this decision.”

Zhao Fang listened to these words, but I already understand what happened.

Before the two people who went out said that Third Junior Brother would be regarded as a sacrifice, but did not want to, in fact, to become a sacrifice is actually their own.

Obviously, the two people were deliberately dismissed, in fact just to arrange Array nothing more.

1000-year Corpse Puppet?

Is it really so heavy?

Look inside the cave, store up to hundreds of coffin, Zhao Fang knows, I am afraid that these coffin are Corpse Puppet.

And this master and disciple four, should be specifically for the corpse Wang Zong Refining Corpse Puppet.

Suddenly, Zhao Fang was the voice of the conversation at the heard cave doorway.

Not long after, the two figures came in.

It was the Great Master and the Second Senior Brother who had just left.

Zhao Fang is still moving, still hiding himself.

This time, there is a good show.

Sure enough, not long after, the two people saw their master and the layout of the Junior Brother.

The two people are not stupid, since they are learning with the teacher, then naturally recognize what the Array represents!

“Master, you, you…”

Great master brother complexion fusion, he did not expect that when they left, the master and Junior Brother actually arranged the blood sacrifice Array!

If it wasn’t for their two people coming back in advance, then maybe, when the Array finishes coming back, it will be a sacrifice!

The division complexion changed slightly: “I am not letting you catch the sacrifice? How come back now, sacrifice?”

“Master, do you want me and Junior Brother to be the sacrifice of this 1000-year Corpse Puppet? My two people have followed you for more than five hundred years, but why do you do this?”

The Great Master did not pay attention to the words of the Master, but asked.

As for the Third Junior Brother, the complexion was a bit weird back to the side. It seems that I don’t want to see the battle between my master and the two Senior Brothers.

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