In an instant, someone shouted: “There are intruders!”

At the same time, the Corpse Puppet, who was originally in the Transmission Array surroundings, was suddenly moved toward Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang followed by a wave, but there were dozens of people who saw him.

It is a team of elite Dragon Blood fighters.

As soon as these Dragon Blood warriors appeared, they moved away from the slightest hesitation and those Corpse Puppet rushed over.

Zhao Fang’s hand made the Elder surprised. He can naturally see that the Dragon Blood warriors are not Corpse Puppet, nor any other puppet.

However, if it is not puppet, how does he summon out?

However, his surprise was just beginning nothing more.

Zhao Fang just stood there, but his side is a new figure that is constantly appearing!

“Give me the kill, destroy the Branch of this corpse!”

The Dragon Blood Warrior in the Dragon Hall, or Dragon Race, has no possibility of rejecting Zhao Fang’s order.

And summon them, Zhao Fang just needs only one idea.

What’s more, Zhao Fang actually gave orders in advance, and as early as in the Shenlong Tower, these people are already ready.

There is no reason for the summon Dragon Race, just because the underground Branch is too small, I am afraid that the Dragon Race has no way to transform nothing more.

A team of Dragon Blood warriors showed no signs, and when it appeared, it was the move towards the slightest hesitation.

These Dragon Blood warriors, perhaps Strength, may not be as good as the Corpse Temple, nor as the Corpse Puppet.

But after all, they are the army!

Battle Array kills the enemy, the army is definitely a lot stronger than the defender.

They have a tacit understanding, even if only two people, can quickly arrange some simple Battle Array.

And the companions are killed, they can also quickly complete the Battle Array reorganization with other people!

This is the power of the Dragon Blood warrior.

Zhao Fang move towards Going ahead, but every time he advances one step, his surroundings will appear inexplicably.

That Elder’s stunned look at it all.

What is this means?

This means that he is simply unheard of.

Even if it is summon puppet, then you need to prepare?

But this person, there is no preparation at all!

Those people are as if they are already there, but they are only activated when Zhao Fang comes over!

The weird means that Elder couldn’t help but stunned.

However, Zhao Fang does not care so much.

At this point, always move towards that Elder rushed over!

Even in the middle of the battle, Zhao Fang is still constantly flashing around.

The Dragon Blood warriors appeared so suddenly.

“You, who are you!”

The Elder complexion of the corpse temple was so utterly stunned that the early ready was frightened by this strange means.

Zhao Fang can manage so much.

While taking advantage of this Elder Divided Spirit, Zhao Fang did not with the slightest hesitation take action and killed him directly!

“Hey, congratulations Player Zhao Fang, killed 3-Layer Elder, Elder, Obtain, three cents, and one hundred cents.”

So now there are fewer and fewer fairy points?

Zhao Fang had some doubts, but soon she was not paying attention.

“Give me a kill, regardless of Corpse Puppet or the crime of the corpse, I will not let me go!

Along with the order of Zhao Fang, the Dragon Blood warrior launched a powerful attack. This trivial is a corpse of the corpse, but there are less than two hundred corpses, more than two or three thousand, and more It is a century-old Corpse Puppet.

In the face of the attack of Dragon Blood Warrior Legion, they can still be blocked.

Just over an hour later, the Dragon Blood Warrior Legion completely cleaned up the Branch of the corpse.

Zhao Fang’s thoughts, the Dragon Blood warriors were all collected back.

And Zhao Fang started looking for the map he wanted.

After the map was found, Zhao Fang came out again.

Without the Master control of the Corpse Puppet, the combat power is greatly reduced.

It didn’t take a moment for Time, it was cleaned by Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang ignored the bodies and deliberately exposed them to the outside.

Because this is the fuse that Zhao Fang provides for those smelters!

Zhao Fang took all the things of this Branch out of the air. These things, Zhao Fang although can’t look up, can naturally have their use.


Zhao Fang left soon, there was a smelt slave to come to Branch to report the situation. When they saw the body of the land, when they saw the completely destroyed Temple of the Baptist, at the beginning, many people were afraid. of.

It was precisely at this time that there was news that there was a smelter slave who was preparing to rebel against the corpse.

That Branch is the group of smelter slaves.

After they destroyed the corpse of the corpse, they were obtained with a large number of Pill Medicine, treasure, etc., and Strength was greatly upgraded.

The news is true or false, but there is no way to verify it.

But the corpse of the corpse, Branch, was indeed destroyed.

Moreover, it is true that someone is in contact with the rebellion.

This makes many people have to doubt.

Finally, there is early and ready to endure trying to join the rebel army.

Just added, they are a large number of Pill Medicine, and even some Magical Treasure.

With this beginning, other people can’t sit still.

Just a short time, in this area under the jurisdiction of the corpse of the corpse, almost all the smelt slaves are already rebellious.

Moreover, this wave of rebellion is even spreading rapidly.

Of course, all this is naturally done by Zhao Fang.

And this is the last thing he did for the smelt slave.

As for how they develop in the future, Zhao Fang is not ready to be in charge.

After all, Zhao Fang doesn’t have so much Time to look at these smelt slaves!

At this time, Zhao Fang still has no real action on the Temple of the Dead.

That Branch is just a remote and weak Branch nothing more, and Zhao Fang can easily kill them.

But if it is a strong Branch, I am afraid that Zhao Fang can’t kill it so easily.


The smelt slave is just one of them.

Zhao Fang is now moving towards a small Sect.

Next, Zhao Fang’s goal is the Influence controlled by the Temple of the Dead!


Just three days later, there was a message from the Influence and the smelt slaves controlled by the Temple of the Dead.

A Palace Master of the Temple of the Dead is furious because of the destruction of Branch, ready to suppress affiliated Influence and smelt slaves!

And there is a small Sect, which was completely killed by the Temple of the Dead!

However, this seems to be just a beginning nothing more.

The next day, there was news that was sent, and another Strong, controlled by the Temple of the Dead, was forced by the Temple of the Dead. In desperation, he could only unite with the smelter and rebel against the Temple of the Dead.

The smelter slaves, as well as the affiliated strength controlled by the corpse palace, in fact, the early already and the corpse temple have deep grievances.

Zhao Fang just ordered a fire.

However, the fire of this fire, burning fast, even out of Zhao Fang’s original expectations! It’s not just the turmoil inside the corpse palace, but the outside, some early already unsatisfied with the practice of the corpse temple, or the various influences that once ate the corpse of the corpse, are taking advantage of this opportunity, but also the corpse temple. Start to get started.

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