The ancestors of the fairy!

Absolutely, Immortal Force!

Use the powerful Array as a means to forcibly absorb the Immortal Force in the specified area.

In the inside of this attack range, if you want to use Immortal Force, then you will be strongly suppressed.

However, these absorbed Immortal Forces did not disappear, but were part of the Array absorb!

These Arrays are all terrifying destruction ranked Array!


When the first Array explosion started, almost all of the self-destruct Array exploded.

These Arrays contain a variety of powers, which, for a moment, is to make the inside of the ancestor’s attack range into a real purgatory!

Countless Lightning flashes!

Countless water dragon dances.

Countless flame rises!

Countless Sword Qi able to move unhindered.

For a moment, in the inside of the attack range of the immortal ancestor, the resistance together seemed so futile.

In fact, the might of these explosions is not strong, and the use of might is based on the user’s Strength.

Therefore, Zhao Fang only has a cultivation base. This ancestor self-destruct Array breaks out the strongest of the strongest, and only one true fairy.

If you say that the corpse palace discipline can mobilize Immortal Force at this time, then even many people in the fairy peak can resist this blow.

It’s a pity that this is only if.

In fact, in this sacred ancestor attack range inside, able to mobilize Immortal Force’s corpse palace discipline, I am afraid less than three people!


A Thunder suddenly smashed a corpse of the corpse, and he didn’t even have time to mourn, suddenly, another flame wrapped him!

The flame rose and directly ignited the man’s body, making him screaming, but for a moment his flesh was melted.

He wants to escape from the soul, but without the protection of the flesh, the soul is even more distressed.

Suddenly, a sword light tornado suddenly struck, so that the soul of the corpse of the temple was not even involved in a trace of rebellion.

Trivial A soul is caught in the sword light tornado, the consequences can be imagined.

The whole range of the ancestor’s parcels, such as the light, the light, the light, the light, and the various rays of light constantly, can be seen by anyone, I am afraid that the attack range is inside, and it is impossible to have a few more Individuals can be spared!

Suddenly, the light barrier began to shrink.

But the scene that makes people more terrifying is only now!

The contraction of the light barrier is not fast, but can be accompanied by a contraction of the light barrier.

Everything that was inside the range was actually crushed directly.

Even some of the defenses left by Magical Treasure, at this moment, are directly crushed into powder by powerful power!

The reduction of the light barrier constantly forces the corpse of the corpse in the light barrier, which can only be squeezed in the middle.

But what is the use of this? The light barrier constantly squeezes, where can they hide?

There is a corpse palace recicle trying to rush out of the light barrier, but obviously this is just futile.

Because once you hit the light barrier, you will almost die!

What’s more, in this light barrier inside, it is still full of countless danger.

The Palace Master Seven Face Master also had a fearful thought on his face.

This kind of attack means that he can say that he has never seen it.

Even at this time, he even felt the threat of Death.

It seems as if myself is a moment, he may be crushed by this terrifying might.

The weird light barrier, as well as the constant thunder and lightning, the wind and the wind, so that in this area, there is always a Corpse Puppet or a corpse disciple death.

“Is it the seven Palace master of his grand corpse, will it be so depraved?”

“No! This is absolutely not allowed!”

The seven Palace master’s face is full of hustle and bustle.

It can be said that if he can play all his own strengths, these attacks will not pose too much threat to him.

However, at this time, he also has no way to mobilize all Immortal Force!

The Palace master complexion was so angry that he did not expect that Zhao Fang had such a card.

This time, he was suffered to heavy losses, and the seventh branch of the entire corpse temple was almost completely destroyed.

At the last moment, he mobilized all the Immortal Force he could mobilize, and defended the Magical Treasure one by one, hoping to stop this powerful attack!



The last big bang rang.

And finally, the attack of the celestial ancestor is completely over.

Look at the messy Battlefield, the look at the body of the land, the survivors, but no joy of victory.

It’s not easy to win by defeat.

However, they also let them really see the terrifying of the Temple of the Dead.


“Hey, System Prompt, congratulations Player Zhao Fang, killed Corpse Puppet, obtain a thousand points.”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulations Player Zhao Fang, killed the corpse of the corpse, and the opportunity is 1300.”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulations Player Zhao Fang, killed Elder, Elder, Obtain, three cents, and three hundred cents.”

System’s prompts once again violently walked away, although this time there is no more obsessive points. In general, Zhao Fang is a big loss.

However, this fairy symbol almost wiped out the seventh branch of the entire corpse, and the acquisition of Experience Value is extremely terrifying!

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulats Player Zhao Fang, grade breakdown, is currently a true fairy!”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulats Player Zhao Fang, grade breakdown, currently is 3-Layer!”

“Hey, System Prompt, congratulats Player Zhao Fang, grade breakdown, is now a true four!”

Three consecutive levels up prompts made Zhao Fang’s face finally smile.

It can be said that the sacrifice of the ancestral ancestors, in front of these three levels, at least not to appear too much loss.

If you say that, according to such level up speed, etc., Zhao Fang has no doubt that he can upgrade to Zhenxian peak.

Of course, it can only be up to true fairy peak.

After all, not every battle, he can harvest enemy like this. After all, this time is a genius that he used to export almost all the sacred points.

After the battle, he is simply impossible and can also export the Magical Treasure as powerful as the ancestors.


Yuantin Continent, already different from Before world.

The emergence of Xianguo, along with many more aggressive attacks.

For example, this strategic level of attack Array, even Magical Treasure.

Only in the fairy country will existence.

However, Zhao Fang has some frowns.

Because, he does not have the killing of the killing BOSS.

First of all, regardless of the true fairy nine corpse king palace seven Palace master.

It is said that the two powerful Elders are definitely in line with the BOSS standard.

According to Zhao Fang’s prediction, at least in the seventh hall of the corpse, how to say that there are five or six enes that meet the BOSS standard.

However, now he has not received any tips for killing BOSS…looks at the front of everyone cleaning the Battlefield, Zhao Fang’s heart, but it is an unknown feeling.

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