Strongest Upgrade
Chapter 2900
The first challenge, but only a few Demonic beast nothing more, and Strength is just the same cultivation base as Zhao Fang, which makes Zhao Fang speed not happy.
After a short time, Zhao Fang directly reached the 9th layer.
In this 9th layer, Zhao Fang is still facing the same Demonic beast as his cultivation base.
Only the number has become two.
It can be said that there has been the experience of the Heavenspan Tower in Jiu Yaocheng. As far as the test of Heavenspan Tower is concerned, for Zhao Fang, simply is a pediatrics.
Sword, instant kill, then move on!
However, what surprised Zhao Fang was that this time, he was directly transferred to the 19th floor.
What Zhao Fang doesn’t know is that the Heavenspan Tower trials Law and before Zhao Fang are different in the Yao Yaocheng trial tower Law.
If he can win in a row, and there is no continuous break in the middle, then you can get nine or nine!
In other words, Zhao Fang smashes the first nine passes in one breath, and can go directly to the nineteenth pass without starting from the tenth pass.
And if Zhao Fang passes through the 19th level, it is directly to the 29th level!
Even if Zhao Fang has been victorious to reach the 99th tube, then the next transmission is to the 199th level!
This is the so-called nine-in-nine Law!
At this time, the data of Zhao Fang was changed constantly in the Temple of the Dead.
The corpse palace is still not too strange, and at most it is a surprise, Zhao Fang’s speed is very fast.
銆 銆 銆 鈥滀綘浠锛岃 鈥滀綘浠锛岃 涓彨 hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao hao Fang Fang el el el el el el el el
銆€銆€鈥沧垜鐪嬫偓锛屽 ammonia ffiliated Influence 镄勬墍璋搕alent 锛熸兂瑕乫irst time 渚挎槸涓€鍙f皵闂牬锛屼璁ifficulty 寰埚ぇ锛佲€
銆€銆€鈥沧槸鍟婏纴闂叧鎴樻枟锛屽彲鏄痗onstantly 镄勫姞寮篸ifficulty 锛岃 umbrella 鍒 绗 绗 绗 鍗佷 鍗佷 鍗佷 鍏 鍏 鍏 紑濮嬶纴杩 紑濮嬶纴杩 紑濮嬶纴杩夊 鍒痨 rray 锛屼粰绗 纴椹吔锛屽 纴椹吔锛屽 纴 纴 Alchemist 锛岀瓑绛夊悇鏂 镄勭煡璇嗭纴鎯 镄勭煡璇嗭纴鎯 镄勭煡璇嗭纴鎯 镄勭煡璇嗭纴鎯 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 涓绰 夐偅涔坰imple 锛佲€
銆 銆 銆 鈥沧 鈥沧 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭 鐪嫔垬鏄疭鑳 breakthrough 涔濆崄涔濆眰锛屽彲鎯 涓 鍙 鍙 f皵breakthrough 锛屾牴 chain 琲mpossible 锛佲€
銆 銆 銆 杩欎簺灏 帇娈缛 帇娈缛 帇娈缛 Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸
銆€銆€鍙皝鐭ラ鍙皝鐭ラ锛屽锛屽锛屽鍦ㄤ粬浠璁鍦ㄤ粬浠璁殑镞跺欙纴Zhao Fang 镄勯棷鍏虫暟鎹纴鍗村彉鎴愪简涓€锏句节鍗佷 灞傦紒
銆€銆€鈥渉ow can it be 锛岃 umbrella fellow 锛屽眳鐒 竴鍙 竴鍙 f皵breakthrough 浜嗭纻瑕佺煡阆掳纴鎯 姩杩炶儨锛屽彲鏄湁 姩杩炶儨锛屽彲鏄湁 姩杩炶儨锛屽彲鏄湁 姩杩炶儨锛屽彲鏄湁 姩杩炶儨锛屽彲鏄湁 闄 姩杩炶儨锛屽彲鏄湁愬埗镄勶纴鍙湁鍦ㄨ瀹歍ime 瀹屾垚鎴樻枟锛屼粬 嶈兘澶熶 嶈兘澶熶 嶈兘澶熶 嶈兘澶熶 佺洿鎺ユ檵鍗囷紒鈥 佺洿鎺ユ檵鍗囷紒鈥
銆 銆 銆 鈥滃鏋沧 鈥滃鏋沧 鈥滃鏋沧 夊湪 勫畾 勫畾 勫畾 勫畾 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉姩涔濊繘涔 roll aw Ah! 鈥
銆 銆 銆 鈥滃帀瀹 鈥滃帀瀹 鈥滃帀瀹 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎 埌锛宎涓€涓狫unior Brother 浜嗭纴鑳 埌蹇 埌蹇 埌蹇 熼棷杩囦 熼棷杩囦 熼棷杩囦 殑锛宎 殑锛宎 read lready chain 堑 ualification 琚玈ect 鐪嬩笂浜嗭紒鈥
銆 銆 銆 銆 灏 帇娈 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑
銆€銆€浣嗘槸寰埚揩锛屼粬浠 浣嗘槸寰埚揩锛屼粬浠 鏄渿鎯娄 鏄渿鎯娄 銆
銆€銆€锲犱负锛孼hao Fang 镄勯棷鍏 褰曪纴灞呯劧鍙樻垚浜嗕簩锏 褰曪纴灞呯劧鍙樻垚浜嗕簩锏 褰曪纴灞呯劧鍙樻垚浜嗕簩锏 鍗佷 鍗佷 灞傦纴涔熷 灞傦纴涔熷 灞傦纴涔熷娆¤Е锷ㄤ 杩炶儨锛
銆 銆 銆 鈥滆 鈥滆 how how how can it be 锛熷揩锛屽揩铡 锛熷揩锛屽揩铡 氱煡 氱煡 氱煡 lder lder lder lder lder 氱煡 氱煡 氱煡 氱煡 氱煡 氱煡 氱煡 氱煡 氱煡
銆€銆€鈥滀粈涔堥毦阆掳纻杩椤垎鏄庡 ammonia 鏄竴涓猼alent 锛屼袱娆¤Е锷ㄨ繛鑳淎h! 鈥
銆€銆€鈥滃 ammonia绠楁槸鍒楽enior Brother 褰揿垵锛屼篃涓嶈 tension鎭€傗€
銆€銆€鈥滀綘浠锛岃 Umbrella 涓猌 hao Fang 锛屾湁鍙兘鍐嶆杩炶儨涔堬纻鈥
銆 銆 銆 杩欎 杩欎 鐤戦棶涓 鎻愬嚭鏉ワ纴鍗 鎻愬嚭鏉ワ纴鍗 鎻愬嚭鏉ワ纴鍗 鎻愬嚭鏉ワ纴鍗 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫 鐜嬫
銆€銆銆屾镞讹纴钖椈杩欎屾镞讹纴钖椈杩欎屾镞讹纴钖椈杩欎娑堟伅锛屽娑堟伅锛屽Headquarters 涓嶅皯disciple 鐢氲呖Elder 閮絘lready 镵氶泦杩囨潵銆
銆€銆€镓€€変変锛岄兘鍦ㄨ璁锛岄兘鍦ㄨ璁潃haohao Fang 锛
銆€銆€姝ゆ椂镄刏hao Fang 锛屽嵈涔熸湁浜涘悆锷 €
銆€銆€鈥渄amned 锛岃 umbrella Heavenspan Tower 锛屽眳鐒 缮 chain 夐棷鍏砊 ime 闄愬埗锛佲€
銆 銆 銆 鈥滃 鈥滃 В В В В fin fin fin fin efining Pill Medicine 锛岃缮蹇呴 闱 一 一 一 D D D Demonic beast 镄勬敾鍑 紒 紒 紒 锲涘ご 锲涘ご Demonic beast 杩樻敾阒茬粨钖堬纴棰囨哕閰嶅悎锛佲€
銆 銆 銆 鈥滀簭寰楁垜 ill medicine 琛ュ Immortal Force 镄勬秷 key 楋纴 熺敤 浠栾嵂 浠栾嵂 浠栾嵂 浠栾嵂 浠栾嵂 浠栾嵂 浠栾嵂 medicinal herb锛屼笉鐒讹纴灏 笁 5 minutes of time 锛屼篃澶皯浜嗙偣锛佲€
銆€銆€褰撶劧锛孼hao Fang although 杩欎箞镒熷徆锛屽彲鏄姩浣滃嵈镙规湰涓嶆参銆
銆 銆 銆 浠栧彲涓嶆兂鏉ヤ 浠栧彲涓嶆兂鏉ヤ 锲犱 Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time
銆€銆€闾f牱锛屽お娴︼垂Time 锛
銆€銆€鈥淗eavens 锛岃 umbrella 涓猌hao Fang 锛屽眳鐒剁湡镄勫啀娆¤繛鑳滀 锛屼粬锛屼粬镐庝箞 锛屼粬锛屼粬镐庝箞 埌镄勶纴闅鹃 埌镄勶纴闅鹃 埌镄勶纴闅鹃 埌镄勶纴闅鹃 埌镄勶纴闅鹃璧勮川锛岀珶鐒舵瘮璧ぇ Palace Master 浜茶嚜鏁椤镄勫垬Senior Brother 旋村姞powerful 涓嶆垚锛佲€
銆€銆€灏哥帇娈縃eadquarters 锛屾镞跺彲绠楁槸镣哥猃浜嗭纴澶у昆profile 閮絘lready 鏉ュ埌浜呜 umbrella reading Heavenspan Tower 镄勯棷鍏 纴涓€鐩存槸灏哥帇娈缛isciple 棰囦负鍦ㄦ剰镄勪簨鎯呫€
銆€銆€姣旷珶锛岄偅鏄疭trength 镄勮 寰 and €
銆 銆 銆 鎴栬骞 鎴栬骞 笉鑳 笉鑳 畲鍏ㄨ鏄庢垬鏂桽 trength 銆
銆 銆 銆 鍙瘯绔燂纴鑳 鍙瘯绔燂纴鑳 闂洿澶 闂洿澶 叧锛屽 叧锛屽 叧锛屽 璇佹槑浜哠 eng eng trength 锛
銆€銆€姝ゆ椂浠栦Sliding Locust Open Zhao Fang 銆
銆€銆€鍙堟槸涓夌偡棣橳ime 杩囧悗鈥[€
銆€銆€鈥滀笉锛宨mpossible 锛岃 涓 涓 瀹氭槸 瀹氭槸 瀹氭槸 瀹氭槸鐪嬮敊浜嗭紒鈥 瀹氭槸鐪嬮敊浜嗭紒鈥
銆€銆€鈥渋mpossible 锛宨mpossible 锛宧ow can it be 変 変 鑳 鑳 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 皵闂 皵闂 皵闂
銆€銆€镓€ chain 変 閮 閮 笉鍙 淇 淇 淇 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑 殑
銆€銆€鐢氲呖锛宎lready chain 変竴钖峆alace master 琚侪锷紒
銆 銆 銆 銆 鍙槸锛屽鏋滀粬浠幇鍦ㄥ 鍙槸锛屽鏋滀粬浠幇鍦ㄥ 鍙槸锛屽鏋滀粬浠幇鍦ㄥ ′ ′ 锛岄偅涔堟帴涓嬫潵锛岄偅涔堜粬浠亹镐曚 锛岄偅涔堟帴涓嬫潵锛岄偅涔堜粬浠亹镐曚 锛岄偅涔堟帴涓嬫潵锛岄偅涔堜粬浠亹镐曚 锛岄偅涔堟帴涓嬫潵锛岄偅涔堜粬浠亹镐曚 锛岄偅涔堟帴涓嬫潵锛岄偅涔堜粬浠亹镐曚 锛岄偅涔堟帴涓嬫潵锛岄偅涔堜粬浠亹镐曚熸椿鍦ㄦvi reading
銆 銆 銆 鈥 鈥 鈥 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏
銆€銆€鈥淗eavens 锛岃 umbrella Zhao Fang 锛岀┒绔熸槸who 锛屼粬This is 瑕佹妸Heavenspan Tower 鎹呯牬Ah! 鈥
銆 銆 銆 灏 灏 帇娈垮唴锛屽 帇娈垮唴锛屽 鎷偅灏 鎷偅灏 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 殑澶 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄 锛屽崄宑ountless disciple 锛屾镞讹纴镞犱笉鏄痉umbstruck 镄刲ooks at 闾d竴鍒囩殑鍙戠敓锛
He€銆€Heavenspan Tower 镊﹄粠琚彂鐜 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 鏉ワ纴 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪 镄勪ヨ繛鑳 殑濮挎 侀棷杩囨墍 侀棷杩囨墍 侀棷杩囨墍 夊叧鍗 紒 紒
But today, they have seen it!
“I haven’t found it yet? This Zhao Fang, which Sect or Clan’s variant!”
The Grand Palace master shouted loudly.
And next to him, several Elder eyes were reluctant to leave the Heavenspan Tower data, but still said: “No, not found!”
“Zhao Fang? This Zhao Fang, is it who? So talented, actually not in my corpse palace? How do you do things?”
The Palace Master was violently thunderous.
But soon, a message was to make his complexion pale.
“Report, Grand Palace master, that Zhao Fang’s message was found…”
“He, he is not my corpse or affiliated influence’s discipline, but, but…”
The man hesitated for a long time, and the big Palace master and the disciple of almost all the corpse temples were a little angry.
“It’s something! You mean Ah!”
The man finally bit the clench one’s teeth and said: “It’s the rebel army…”
“What! Rebels…” The Grand Palace master of the Temple of the Dead is like a blue sky, and is directly in the same place.
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