Strongest Upgrade
Chapter 2903
銆€銆€镓€浠ユ镞讹纴钖埌杩欎簺Core Disciple 镄勮瘽锛屼粬浠嵈涔熷彧鏄痉are angry 涓嶆暍瑷€銆
銆€銆€Zhao Fang 鍝︷噷浼氱粰浠栦 镐濊 镐濊 殑 殑 殑 氲 氲 氲 氲 氲 绁 绁 绁 緳濉旓纴渚挎槸 ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon ragon 妫镄刴ove towards 杩栾 鏉 鏉 浜呜 浜呜 浜呜 鏉ャ 鏉ャ
銆€銆€鈥渄amned 锛屼綘浠揩璁╂垜浠繘铡 紒鈥
銆€銆€鈥沧垜浠ore Disciple 镄勮韩浠借懡浠や綘浠纴蹇€熼樆鎷”偅浜沝amned 镄勫弥鍐涳紒鈥
銆€銆€鍦ㄥ案鐜嬫disciple 镄刬n the eyes 锛屾镞 潵鏀诲 潵鏀诲 绉 绉 绉 簱镄勶纴镊︻劧灏 簱镄勶纴镊︻劧灏 槸鍙涘啖浜嗭纴 槸鍙涘啖浜嗭纴 槸鍙涘啖浜嗭纴 槸鍙涘啖浜嗭纴釜澶у0镄勫彨锸g潃銆
銆€銆€瀹堟姢鍦ㄧ搴揿闱(3)殑灏哥帇娈挎墽娉昫isciple 棰囦负钟硅鲍锛屾寜镦т粬浠殑镵岃矗瑕佹眰锛屼粬浠湰搴旇瀹埚崼鍦ㄨ 岋纴涓嶅厑璁 岋纴涓嶅厑璁 岋纴涓嶅厑璁 岋纴涓嶅厑璁 銆 銆
銆€銆€旋翠綍鍐碉纴闱(一)杩欎簺Core Disciple 锛屼粬浠篃镙 湰濂堜綍涓嶅缑銆
銆 銆 銆 链 链 链 链 链 链 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 钖嶆墽娉昫 cip cip cip cip cip cip cip ╀綘浠簲璇ユ哕锛岀幇鍦ㄤ簨镐ヤ粠鏉冿纴鍙嫢鏄鎴戜 鍙戠幇浣犱 鍙戠幇浣犱 鍙戠幇浣犱 涓嶅畧 涓嶅畧 涓嶅畧 勭 勭 勭 勭 栾矗缃Hydrogen 笅鏉ワ纴浣犱 笅鏉ワ纴浣犱 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鐭ラ
銆€銆€efore 闾e悕Core Disciple 锛屾镞跺ぇ澹 殑鍙 镌 銆
銆 銆 銆 闾 澶 澶 殑 殑 殑 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶
銆 銆 銆 鈥滀綘浠窡鎴戞潵锛岀伃浜嗛偅缇ゅ 鍐涳纴浣犱 鍐涳纴浣犱 鍐涳纴浣犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 鍑犱 锛屽ソ濂絣 锛屽ソ濂絣 锛屽ソ濂絣 锛屽ソ濂絣 锛屽ソ濂絣 锛屽ソ濂絣 锛屽ソ濂絣 锛屽ソ濂絣Invalid link
銆 銆 銆 绔嫔埢锛屽畧鍗湪绉 绔嫔埢锛屽畧鍗湪绉 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 簱 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶銆
銆€銆€Zhao Fang 涓€鐩撮兘鍐风溂looks at 杩欎竴鍒囩殑鍙戠敓锛屼粬杩樼湡镄勬劅璋竴涓嫔垰 嶉椆浜嬬殑闾 嶉椆浜嬬殑闾 Disc Disciple銆
銆 銆 銆 銆 娌 兂鍒 兂鍒 兂鍒 兂鍒 兂鍒 纴灏 畻鍦ㄨ 畻鍦ㄨ 畻鍦ㄨ 畻鍦ㄨ 畻鍦ㄨ 畻鍦ㄨ 畻鍦ㄨ 畻鍦ㄨ
銆€銆€岄偅岄偅 Core Disciple surroundings 锛岃缮镵氶泦镌€涓嶅皯浜恒€
銆€銆€姝ゆ椂澶ф憞澶ф憜镄刴ove towards reading 岄 璧 璧 幓锛屾牴 sur sur sur sur sur sur sur sur sur sur sur sur sur € € € € €
銆€銆€鈥滈绨Senior Brother 锛屼綘浠笉鑳 湪杩涘幓浜嗭纴鍙︼兘鍦ㄧ搴揙 uter Circle Forging 嗙潃銆傗€
銆 銆 銆 eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌 浜嗭纴娌竌ctivate 镄勩€傗€
銆 銆 銆 涓ゅ悕 涓ゅ悕 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 硶 簱镄刲 簱镄刲 簱镄刲 簱镄刲 簱镄刲 簱镄刲 簱镄刲 簱镄刲 簱镄刲 簱镄刲
銆 銆 銆 鐒 鐒 岋纴琚 岋纴琚 涔嬩 涔嬩 eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni eni
銆 銆 銆 銆 鈥滃摷锛屽埆浜 鈥滃摷锛屽埆浜 笉璁 繘铡 繘铡 繘铡 繘铡 繘铡 纴闅鹃 纴闅鹃 纴闅鹃 纴闅鹃辫鎴慺ather 缁欎綘浠懡浠わ紒鈥
銆€銆€铡熸潵锛岃铡熸潵锛岃钖岰 Disc Disciple 锛岀珶鐒 槸灏 槸灏 帇娈 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆 竴钖峆镊 槸鏁 四 (four) lucky ariness 镄勫懡浠ゆ墽娉昫 isciple 銆
銆€銆€褰撶劧锛孼hao Fang Chain Chain濂濂濂濂纴杩欎鑳鑳》潃浠栬繘鍏ョ搴掳纴涔熷历寰楄缮暗瑕乑瑕乑hao Fang 锷ㄦ落銆
銆€銆€杩欓绨Senior Brother 鏄剧劧鍦ㄥ鐜嬫鍐呴儴鎷ユ湁镌寰堥珮镄勮寰堥珮镄勮寰堥珮镄勮寰堥珮镄勮浠浠浠纴鐢氲呖杩欑搴纴鐢氲呖杩欑搴粬涔熸槸缁忓粬涔熸槸缁忓杩囨潵銆
At this point, the two law enforcement disciples heard his words, it was a little hesitant.
But in the end, I still let the channel open.
Maybe in his in the eyes, just thirty of the one comes, and there should be nothing wrong with it.
Besides, wait until the next big deal puts them out and just check it out.
As long as the secret library has not lost anything, then this is actually a trivial matter, and even the result is that the Senior Brother can be made.
When Zhao Fang followed the group into the secret store.
Nazi Senior Brother This is a stable mind.
Speaking of this, the Senior Brother has the 3-Layer cultivation base. According to the truth, the ready is the highest person in the cultivation base here.
It’s just a pity that he is spoiled, but it is fundamentally possible to fight.
Zhao Fang was the last one to enter.
After entering the secret store, Zhao Fang closed the door with his hand.
The Nazi Senior Brother just looked at Zhao Fang and didn’t care.
At this time, I was sitting on the side of the big swing.
“Wow, Qi Senior Brother, this is the secret library of our corpse temple, so grand, I am still the first time.”
There is a corpse king temple discipline said with surprise.
The secret database is the most important place for every influence. Under normal circumstances, let alone the discipline, even if Elder is not allowed to enter easily, there will be special people responsible for guarding and managing.
The same is true of the Temple of the Dead, where the Senior Brother often comes with his father. After all, his father is the second secret palace master responsible for managing the secret database.
But other people are different, others can be first time.
At this point, this group of people curious to see the West.
Nazi Senior Brother did not care, just said there: “Hey, you guys, look at it, hands and feet can give me a hurry, wait for the next out, will definitely check, then find out that your hands and feet are not Clean, don’t say I don’t guarantee you!”
“Reassured, the Senior Brother, let’s see, it’s never going to mess.”
Someone shouted, and then, was shocked and shouted: “This, This is the mysterious grass? It is said that this is the refining of many of the extremely Rare’s grasses that Pill Medicine can use. I didn’t expect it to be so much! ”
“Wow, this is ebony purple ink! It is said that this seemingly ordinary ink, used to imprint Array or draw fairy charm can have a miraculous effect…”
A group of corpse temples disciple 叽叽喳喳 talk non-stop.
But they didn’t know at all that their death was already ready.
Zhao Fang carefully observed the surroundings and determined that there was a Restriction inside the secret bank. The outside Sense was not inside, and the corner of the mouth showed a smile.
Moreover, there is also a lot of Restriction in the existence, which makes people fundamentally transmit away from the inside.
At this time, Zhao Fang’s position is close to the large gate, it can be said that the possibility of these people fleeing is directly cut off.
After all, if you want to go out, you can only go from this large gate.
Zhao Fang waved, a group of Dragon Blood warriors appeared with the slightest hesitation, and then did not hesitate, these Dragon Blood warriors, directly move towards those corpse temple discipline rushed to the past.
“This, how can there be a rebels here!”
“Who are you, you are not the discipline of our corpse, who are you!”
Nazi Senior Brother asked Zhao Fang loudly, but what is the use of what he said now?
The Dragon Blood warrior got the order of Zhao Fang. There is no hesitation at all. The Core Disciple, which was carefully cultivated by the Temple of the Dead, has no strong fighting power.
Their main combat power is their Corpse Puppet.
However, this group of fellows has long left their Corpse Puppet in order to escape.
Almost a massacre, they had no room for rebellion under the mad attack of Dragon Blood fighters.
At this time, Zhao Fang did not look at them, but instead released the Dragon Blood Warrior Legion. This time, he is plundering. If he can, Zhao Fang will even use this slightest hesitation to evacuate this secret library!
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