Zhao Fang looks at the front of the 10 Second Palace master, but the heart is very clear, such an enemy, is the most difficult to deal with.

According to the truth, Zhao Fang killed the son of the ten Second Palace master, and robbed the Treasure-House of the corpse.

Then the ten Second Palace masters should have been filled with infinite killing intents for Zhao Fang, and it is a strong take action!

But he didn’t, even if he obviously had the strength to crush Zhao Fang, but he still didn’t take action.

There is only one explanation for his no action, and that is cautious.

The more cautious people, the more difficult it is to deal with!

If it is Strong, the discretion is not normal.

However, people who are obviously much lower than themselves are more cautious.

That proves that the ten Second Palace master is definitely an extremely calm person!

Zhao Fang doesn’t dare to deal with this kind of enemy. I’m afraid that with only a little care, there is only one dead end.

Of course, in fact, according to the comparison of Strength, it seems that Zhao Fang at this time is also dead!

“Give me the guy!”

The ten Second Palace master slammed the Magical Treasure, but did not attack, but ordered the two corpses, Elder move towards Zhao Fang, to attack.

Is it so cautious?

Zhao Fang brows slightly, but does not hesitate to directly present the True Dragon sword.

Because he didn’t have a choice at this time.

In addition to the positive and enemy fighting, he has no choice.

If he retreats at this time, I am afraid that the ten Second Palace master will take the take action of the slightest hesitation.

How to do?

Zhao Fang is waiting for the attack of enemy, but he is thinking about countermeasures.

The Dragon Blood Warrior Legion in the Dragon Hall is obviously not enough.

Even if he uses the Emperor’s Heavenly Power, the Giant Dragon, and then the Magical Treasure, it is not the opponent of the Second Palace master.

Is this time, is there really no way for him?

“System, you have seen the situation now, what can you do?”

Zhao Fang has no choice but to ask System, and he knows that there is no plan at all.

But unexpectedly, System is back with Zhao Fang’s intent.

“Hey, System Prompt, Player Zhao Fang Please note that the use of the Dragon Temple is not simple. The Dragon Temple is a powerful Magical Treasure, not just for the summon Dragon Blood!”


Zhao Fang Brows a little pick, what does System mean?

Is there any other use for this Dragon Temple?

The alien of Shenlong Temple is a Pagoda. Is this Pagoda used to suppress enemy?

Perhaps it should be feasible. After all, this Pagoda is made from the remnant of the Dragon Field.

However, how to operate, is it not used directly for 砸enemy?

Zhao Fang is very confused!

But now, no matter what the method, Zhao Fang, but only try it.

Anyway, he can’t find any good way at the moment, so why not try it!

Without hesitation, Zhao Fang directly communicated with the Dragon Temple with his mind.

However, what Zhao Fang expected was that no matter how he called, the Dragon Temple did not respond at all.

Although, the dragon temple is ready to recognize yourself as master.

But Zhao Fang has not been able to completely control the Dragon Temple until now!


At this time, the attack of Elder of the two corpse temples was already arrive.

“brat, take your life!”

Two people One left and one right, they chose melee!

Perhaps in their eyes, Zhao Fang is early and ready to be the meat on the chopping board. There is no possibility of fleeing at all.

“Brushing brush!”

Several word light flashes.

Far attack and melee, two different choices, of course, also have their own advantages.

The two corpse kings, Elder, chose melee. It can be said that the attack that broke out is more pure and powerful!

Zhao Fang didn’t hesitate to hesitate, and the silhouette of the silhouette was a floating image to avoid the attack of two people!

A loud bang, in the under the foot of Zhao Fang, two Sword Qi suddenly blasted a huge pit!

However, at this time, the Second Palace master of the corpse is a flash of light, with the take action of the slightest hesitation.


Just one word, the ten Second Palace master sacrificed a long sword with a very fast speed, and then it started!

“Broken Sword Secret Art!”

Between the crashes, the long sword, which is said to be a true fairy sorcerer, bursts between the moments. Then, the path of the fragment continues to crack until the naked eye is invisible!

However, these micro-ends, under the condensation of Immortal Force, are once again condensed into a sword shadow!

A huge sword shadow with a hundred meters long!

The sword shadow crashed down, but because of the existence of the true fairy treasure fragment, it has a more powerful Attack Power!


Zhao Fang is very stunned, if not his subconscious dodge, perhaps now he has become the soul of the sword!

But even so, Zhao Fang is not at all uncomfortable.

At this time, Zhao Fang, whole body Immortal Force was insane, and it seemed that the sword had just broken through the body of Zhao Fang.

If it is true, the most direct performance is that Zhao Fang will inevitably die!

Good overbearing a sword, so terrifying a sword!

Zhao Fang is stunned, but when he turns back, he suddenly stunned!

In Zhao Fang’s under the foot, a huge canyon with a length of a hundred meters and a few kilometers suddenly appeared silently!

If it weren’t for the lava in this canyon.

Perhaps Zhao Fang will doubt that the canyon will be existence from the beginning!

This is the Strength of the Second Palace Master of the Temple of the Dead!

A sword might, even opened a canyon!

You know, Zhao Fang knew from the beginning that this Yuantin Continent may be because the Immortal Force can be condensed, or perhaps for other reasons, the ground is harder than any Continent experienced by Zhao Fang before!

In other words, if this sword is not in Continent, I am afraid that this sword is enough to destruct a city with hundreds of thousands of people!

But even in the Continent of Yuanshi, the might of this sword is still very horrible Ah!

Zhao Fang suppresses himself with the body of the almost violent Immortal Force, while the deadloos at the ten Second Palace master.

Is it true that today, you will fall to this place?

Do not!

Must not be like this!

Who is he?

He is Zhao Fang!

Not a Palace master of the Trivial Temple of the Dead, how can it be dead in this kind of person!

Zhao Fang shouted in his heart, and Divine Sense once again furiously flocked to the Dragon Tower!

“Since I am your Master, can’t you, I can’t help you!”

“If today, I was killed by the Palace Master, you don’t want to find another person as master!”

“You are just a Magical Treasure. Since the early recognizes me as master, why not surrender completely!”

Zhao Fang’s thoughts are pouring in!

The Dragon Tower gradually got, and finally there was a reaction.


In an instant, Zhao Fang still feels that there is a golden light in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

And in the meanwhile, Zhao Fang’s ear came with a loud dragon roar. Of course, this voice is not just Zhao Fang, but a clear heard for everyone!

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