For example, this time, Zhao Fang ransacked the secret library of the Temple of the Dead, but among them, there are actually not many things that are really useful for Zhao Fang.

As a result, most of the things, in the hands of Zhao Fang, are like chicken.

However, with this recycling function, it is directly able to turn these things into a fairy point!

As for the proportion of Exchange, or how the value of the item is determined, Zhao Fang does not have to consider it. After all, System will do it automatically.

Moreover, Zhao Fang can also directly classify the System, leaving it useful for yourself, useless, and directly change to the fairy point!

Zhao Fang can even predict that he will not be in the future, just like the lack of fairy souls!

What is the fairy point?

Needless to say!

Through the fairy point, Zhao Fang can exchange all the resources he wants from the System store!

Such a good thing, how can Zhao Fang not be excited!

Just two new features, just enough to make Zhao Fang excited!

As for other small features after the System update, Zhao Fang doesn’t have to care too much.

For example, the refresh of the System store!

With the prompt of Zhao Fang Strength, there are some things in the System store that are not worthy of attention.

So, this time, the System store has been refreshed, and things that are useless to Zhao Fang have disappeared, but a lot of other items have been refreshed.

For simple, this time, the main update to System is focused on the System store.

After this update, the System Store can make a greater use of Zhao Fang!

Looking at the dazzling array of items, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but smile when he thought of the huge benefits that he could be able to be in the future.

Zhao Fang didn’t hesitate to let System classify what he has now.

Thus, all those things that are not useful to them have been recycled and replaced with fairy points!

And this Exchange, Zhao Fang is even more laughter!

Zhao Fang before’s supplies, plus the things hidden in the secret library of the corpse.

In addition to the good things that may be useful for Zhao Fang, other ordinary materials directly belong to Zhao Fang Exchange with a million soul points!

one million!

What is the concept?

It can be said that Zhao Fang has never been so rich!

Look at the long list of numbers on your own System store, in the heart of Zhao Fang, simply is happy.


This happiness has not lasted for too long!

Because Zhao Fang was discovered soon, in fact, he is still very poor!

Because, if you want to cultivate the reincarnation of the magical power, yes, this trivial one million soul points, really nothing.

The first heavy, it takes a full two million sacred points Exchange material.

Then the second, 3-Layer, how many more soul points are needed to purchase materials?

Of course, soon, Zhao Fang was too lazy to think about it.

Why do you manage so much, now, it’s time to celebrate!

… Destruction of the Temple of the Dead, Continent Many people are shocked. This invisible Influence rarely appears in front of everyone, but people who know it are knowing how terrifying their background is. However, just in a few days

Time, the corpse temple, was almost completely destruction!

However, very quickly, there are new news coming out.

Said that this is the destruction of the corpse palace, it should be said accurately, because of the infighting!

A girl named Purple Night appears in people’s field of vision.

And this purple night, some of the old powerhouse Continent Powerhouse, but recognized her identity, she turned out to be the corpse king palace on behalf of the Grand Palace master!

Moreover, in fact, the disappearance of the Palace master on the corpse of the corpse, and the infighting of the corpse palace, some of the influences still know some insider.

Nowadays, the woman named Purple Night appears and recaptures the Temple of the Dead, but it allows many of the Strengths to be known and can only be silenced. After all, this can only be regarded as the internal affairs of the Temple of the Dead.

Of course, all of this is actually the arrangement of Zhao Fang.

Purple night did not even know her identity.

However, this does not prevent her from taking over the Temple of the Dead. After all, some of the old people in the Temple of the Dead still know her.

When she appeared, it can be said that it was immediately obtained by many of the corpse kings Elder.

Even the several Palace masters of the Temple of the Dead also surrendered directly.

In their in the eyes, it is possible to make such a big movement, and naturally impossible is just a trivial Zhao Fang can do it.

In their in the eyes, all this is made out of purple night.

Purple night has been tens of thousands of years, and finally, I have regained everything that belongs to me now!

The purple night as the identity of Corpse Puppet, but under the deliberate concealment of Zhao Fang, was not noticed at all, even if some people noticed anomalies, but they did not dare to say it.

Now say this, is it your own court death!

Purple Night, according to Zhao Fang’s instructions, under the protection of a group of Dragon Blood fighters, began the integration of the Temple of the Dead.

However, at this time, Zhao Fang is what the existing is not paying attention to.

The Temple of the Dead, after all, is just a random Task no more than Zhao Fang.

For Zhao Fang, the way he has to go is still very long.

And then, his goal is that the sacred fairy!

As Zhao Fang’s old rival, this time, Zhao Fang is busy dealing with the corpse of the corpse, no matter how to take care of the sacred sect, it can be considered to let them escape a period of time.

But now, their happy, it is time to end.


On this day, in a small town that was far from the scope of the corpse of the corpse, and ready to enter the scope of the sacred Immortal, a youngster was leisurely hanging around.

And he is Zhao Fang!

Zhao Fang walked quietly in the small town. Through the Temple of the Dead, Zhao Fang already knew some of the sacred sects, such as the small town now.

Seemingly ordinary, it is actually the entrance to the prince.

Unlike the Temple of the Dead, the immortality of the immortal at least on the surface gives people a good impression.

Perhaps it is because this is the place where the ancestral sects are located, so the sacred sect is not here.

Surrounded by many people, they have even received many favors from the priests.

Of course, Zhao Fang is very clear about what the essence of the prince is.

Therefore, it will not be blinded by this surface.

According to what Zhao Fang knows, the entire ruling immortal, in fact, can now pose a threat to Zhao Fang, only the Sect Master of the mysterious wonderland nothing more.

After all, Zhao Fang is now almost similar to peak real wonderland. With many means, under the real wonderland, there is really nothing that can threaten Zhao Fang.

However, Zhao Fang can’t directly attack the patriarch.

The most important thing is because the sacred immortal Elder!

In fact, Strength is only about four in the Black Turtle. But this person, when he was young, was a big chance, almost obtaining the extreme special Inheritance

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